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Rorman Nockwell

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Everything posted by Rorman Nockwell

  1. Could be a bit less, actually. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvbVfo5DrTJ/ Someone take one for the team and zoom in and count the pages pls
  2. Well, when she put up those pics of herself holding it and everyone made fun of her dirty nails, it looked about 40 pages to me.
  3. I don't doubt that, but I still think it's going to be a disaster. I mean, she's binding it herself (and I am pretty certain she meant literally, not outsourcing), and how many copies can she realistically make between spin classes, Hillsong services, and Cha Cha Matcha sips? I seriously think she's going to make like 500 copies and that's it. Most people who are fawning over it on her IG are not going to get one. She should employ all of us to bind it for her. We're all bored af and we have a vested interest in having her release it asap. DM it to me Lana; I will bind the fuck out of it. I'm bored so I'm going to have to make up stuff again: Maybe Lana Shazamed NFR and a track or two came back a match for Radiohead, so she has to redo.
  4. I don't think it's terrible but it isn't amazing, either. I think a lot of people think it's better than it is just because it's Lana's. My main issue with it is that you could swap out the verses in her poems into others and it wouldn't feel out of place. I find all the poems very uniform. I mean it is what it is, and that's fine ... but I don't think it's groundbreaking. Next she'll release a book of paintings even though she's an awful painter by her own admission.
  5. This "no plan" thing is such a bad idea. Look at it this way: she's already pissed heaps of people off by keeping everyone in the dark about the album. Even her casual fans are confused. There's no way she's not going to piss people off with the poetry book. Like the album, it seems very poorly planned. She's hyping the shit out of it on social media and in interviews, but she's indicated that she's only going to sell it in So Cal and that it's going to be $1. So on one hand she's pitching it to her fans worldwide, and then on the other she's planning to release it to a much smaller, local audience. If she only sells it in So Cal, then everyone is going to be fighting over it, most people will miss out and it will lead to mayhem. Many won't be satisfied with an audiobook or digital version. If she changes her mind and sells it everywhere else, then I do not see how she can sell it for $1 ... that isn't viable on a worldwide scale, or even just within the US. Changing the price probably won't piss people off as much as only selling it in So Cal, but the media will have a field day with it because a rich celebrity telling their fans that they'll sell something to them for $1 and then bumping the price up just isn't a good look. If she fucks up the poetry book release, which looks likely for the reasons stated, then next time she has some random idea, or even does another poetry book, everyone's just gonna be like "the fuck ever ...". We all have that one flaky friend who never does what they say they're going to do, and you just end up not giving a fuck when they say something because you know they're likely to let you down. That'll be Lana to her fans. So the way I see it, she's fucked. Maybe she knows she's fucked and the silence is some sort of avoidance mechanism. I know the "no plan" comment related to the album, but all of that ^ is exactly why you plan. I can't wait to see how this all plays out.
  6. I'm not Wynwood but I think they might've meant that it's bad, even by Taylor's standards, and that it's better to be left waiting than to have something that's sub-par.
  7. Rorman Nockwell

    Taylor Swift

    I mean ... "spelling is fun". Really? Really, Taylor? I know that she's about catchy tunes rather than lyrical depth, but Jesus Christ. And not that I've ever paid close attention to either of them, but I really feel like that aesthetic is very similar to Katy's Teenage Dream with all the unicorns and rainbows 'n' shit. That and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
  8. Rorman Nockwell

    Taylor Swift

    I might've liked it when I was 12.
  9. "I don't have a plan and it's kinda fun" is actually a perfect plan to emotionally destabilise a fan base.
  10. Honestly this trailer is better to listen to than most of the tracks. I just gave you my review in the comment above. You're welcome.
  11. It's sooo depressing that every other artist is releasing music rn and all we have is a pic of our sis with a dalmatian.
  12. We are auditory people ... she should give us an audiobook. I don't care if she releases it on a floppy disk at this point, just give me whatever the fuck it is so that we can all move on to the music.
  13. Just don't say, "anytime is fine" to her because while you will assume sometime this week, Lana will assume sometime in the next 18 months.
  14. "Lycra Literature" We can invent 10 fake bookshops and hope she takes the bait for one. We're so brilliant.
  15. Weekends are for Insta baddie activities, not updates. Maybe we should pretend to be a bookshop in Silver Lake and post on that Insta post where she asked for bookshops that wanted to sell her book ... at least we can find out if she's ready to sell the damn book. We'll tell her the shop is called "Booklyn Baby". Not suspicious at all.
  16. Isn't it like 2pm in California? And sis sometimes posts really late ... just let me be delusional pls
  17. I am gonna be the saltiest bitch this side of fucking Saturn if we don't get news today; I have my hopes up.
  18. We're talkin' and talkin' and talkin' it up And the frustration is heightening And we all wish that she would just Say something enlightening
  19. People are saying that that's a Kabbalah bracelet on her wrist in the dog pic ... I thought it was a hair tie lol
  20. Blame Fantasy if it turns out to be, well, a fantasy. Hopefully the three pics posted today are the warm-up act.
  21. If you don't like this song then just uninstall Spotify, seriously. You don't deserve music. Or ears. Especially ears. You don't deserve ears.
  22. I actually liked Chuck's photo and not the other two because I knew that'd happen and wanted to give Chuck a boost, haha. The photo with the friends has less likes but more comments than Chuck's ... so many people dragging them in the comments ... I'm actually surprised.
  23. Agreed. When I say they didn't do anything wrong, I meant that they were obviously trying to be complimentary and probably didn't consider the implications of such comments. You're right, it's more of a problem with society as a whole: there is nothing wrong with a 33-year-old woman looking 33. She, and any other woman, doesn't need to look almost half her age to be considered attractive. I don't like the message that that sends to Lana, or to the other (mostly young) people reading those comments. I think she looks about her age, and I also don't think that there is anything at all wrong with that. She's a very attractive 33-year-old woman.
  24. Okay I just want to preface by saying I'm not criticising anyone here for their comments. There is absolutely nothing wrong with complimenting her appearance. However ... I read so many comments today that said stuff like, "oh you look 17!" and "how youthful" etc ... and I'm not faulting people for making such comments because they didn't do anything wrong, but I don't know if it's beneficial for Lana to be reading those (if she does). There is such pressure on women to stay young ... and for someone in the public eye I'm sure that's amplified by a bazillion. Obviously she does feel that pressure or she wouldn't've had work done, and I wonder if, now that she's in her mid 30s, she worries about how much of her popularity is about her appearance. We, the hardcore stans, stan because of her music and because of who she is as a person, but there absolutely is an element of her fanbase that just like her because she's cute. We've talked a lot about how music doesn't seem to be her priority rn, and about how she's less glamourous, and I just wonder if any of that is coming from her buckling under the pressure of how she appears. You only have to look at the difference in "likes" when she posts a picture of herself, and when she posts something else. For example, that selfie from her poetry book got way more attention than the poems she posted right beside it. I thought that was a little sad. So yeah, I don't know that everyone going on about how young she looks in photos is a good thing for her or for the young people reading those comments, and I wish she'd turn the comments off.
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