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Rorman Nockwell

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Everything posted by Rorman Nockwell

  1. Of course, but it's interesting that at some point in the past he obviously felt differently. I wonder when and how the change of heart came about. And I do think that that post isn't just about Sri Lanka but also his daughter. He's smart enough to know people would connect the dots.
  2. Actually I ranted about this on the "minor questions" thread, because I found it interesting that they seem to refrain from referring to her by any name at all. I wonder if it's something she's asked of them (eg: "don't call me by a name in videos/posts"). In the egg-making video, the person shooting clearly says, "Sarah?" and "Jennie?" but to Lana says, "and how about you?". Her dad never uses any name for her either, except when referencing her work. I think maybe she asked not to be called "Lizzie" in public or something. It's quite odd. I was hoping for an Easter post with NFR info from Lana/Lizzie/Elizabeth today, but ... Someone should tell her that Jesus doesn't rise from the dead today unless we get info.
  3. Like, 'k Rob, but didn't you send your kids to Catholic schools?
  4. The date is 16/7/69. Type that + "Picasso" into Google, and https://www.blouinartinfo.com/news/story/3542009/a-pablo-picasso-sketch-at-sothebys-upcoming-auction We should just pretend it's the 16th of July and type it everywhere in the hope that she'll have to deny it if it isn't true to avoid disappointing everyone AGAIN. I told you I like making stuff up.
  5. I'm expecting that Joy Ride/VB won't be the only comparison we will be making when NFR is finally released ... I think it was a Picasso lithograph but I could be wrong.
  6. I mean I know we love her but is her poetry really that great? Really? Everyone on IG's all "omg this is so powerful" 'n' shit, and I'm a petty, cold-hearted bitch but am I the only one who thinks it just isn't that amazing? If it wasn't Lana's, it'd be on some WordPress blog somewhere with 17 views in the last 3 years. I'll wait for the book, but I'm not really feeling it.
  7. She capitalised the A in the pink "all" but not in the blue and green ones. Time to overanalyse in 3 ... 2 ... ETA: yeah, I got nuthin'.
  8. It really does; I just listened. Everyone always acts like Jack is such a genius but I'd personally never trust anyone who dated Lena Dunham.
  9. Lol @ Kevin replacing his "I never really liked Lana's music but Venice Bitch was good" tweet with one that just says "thank you Lana Del Rey". Cute.
  10. In better news, looks like sis is doing some work. Last time she posted poetry, you could see the binding slats and today's scans have the edge curled back as if it's now bound. Hopefully that means she will announce it. Tomorrow. Also, I dragged her about that font/beige background and told her to use handwriting/colours to change it up in an IG comment on last week's poetry. Sis read my mind. Or my comment.
  11. She reads here. She so fucking does. I'm sure very occasionally, but yeah. There's no way you never look at a website that is entirely about you with 11,000 of your fans on it. LISTEN TO COURTNEY, LANA.
  12. I also find it high key embarrassing how Alison Wonderland (Aus DJ) is fawning over each and every one of Lana's posts like a twelvie.
  13. I hope she calls Courtney all, "?" and Courtney sorts sis out.
  14. My only takeaway is that even she is bored af with that beige textured background, hence the use of coloured pencils. But it will take more than coloured pencils, sis.
  15. Courtney will fucking tell her. But we have to tell Courtney why we're so pissed. Fill the replies with your displeasure, people! She might not listen to us but she might listen to her.
  16. Courtney just put this on Lana's "Real Housewives" post and I'm soooo fucking here for it Go and agree. Rn.
  17. If NFR ends up being Christian af then sis should swap places with Britney in that mental health facility. Thank you and good night.
  18. Any lurkers out there looking for a username? Behold: "Cardigan Del Rey" This article from the Daily Fail, though: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-6934813/Lana-Del-Rey-keeps-buttoned-dons-cardigan-shopping-West-Hollywood.html "She is rumored to have an album and a book of poetry on the way." "While she has hinted that the album will be coming in 'mid-2019' " :::flares nostrils:::
  19. Then we shall ask Azealia Banks to perform a voodoo ritual and cleanse the Earth of the cover. Drastic measures and all that ... ETA: Actually, if Lana does that, then Azealia can manufacture Lana voodoo dolls for all I care. And I'd buy one.
  20. I just used it to denote her new friends - but they're not so new any more. I see your point, however.
  21. I agree; it isn't surprising at all but she does seem to have ramped it up. As I said on another thread - Lana has been friends with Courtney Love for years, and Courtney is a fame whore and always has been. Courtney would absolutely be an Instagram baddie if she was 20 years younger. Years ago, when I first saw Lana out with Courtney, I remember thinking, "oh no ...". You can tell a lot about a person by the company that they keep. Musically, I love them both, but yeah. Lana's baddie friends just seem like they're trying so fucking hard ... everything is over-filtered, they post trite quotes to try and give themselves an element of depth, etc. Yawn. Honestly, I wouldn't care if I thought it wouldn't affect her music, but I do not see how hanging around superficial people is conducive to making good music.
  22. 1. It's a good song. Just has some asterisks. 2. Yes.
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