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Macintosh Manhattan

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Everything posted by Macintosh Manhattan

  1. Eliminate - Burnt Norton & Don't Let Me Be MIsunderstood Immunity - The Blackest Day
  2. Velvet Crowbar Vs Shades Of Cool
  3. 10 and it should've been HM album cover aswell...
  4. She's gonna be posting the standard and deluxe tracklisting soon https://www.facebook.com/ladygaga/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED&fref=nf
  5. Honestly I can't stop playing Starboy its perfect. I love the 80's synths too Really hope the rest of the album has this kinda sound and feeling as well.
  6. Eliminate Cruel World & Ultraviolence Immunity Pretty When You Cry
  7. Anyway I really like the the new set of images we have they remind me of the pulp fiction movie poster. Also yaaaaaas were getting new music
  8. God this seems so sudden and out of the blue. They were the ultimate couple goal tbh.
  9. I'm really excited for the video tbh She stated that it's gonna be a performance video so I won't be expecting some thing grand or ground breaking. Just hope its a fun MV and full of energy
  10. Honestly I tried listening to it three or four times and yeah I can't stand it
  11. Eliminate - Sad Girl,Cruel World Immunity - Florida Kilos
  12. Judging but what I've been reading on the internet and watching on the news it looks like it a home grown terrorist but with no links to ISIS and such. Which makes it even more scary tbh There's a top notch wanker going round making bombs. We have no idea what they look like and why there doing it in the first place.
  13. Your really cute and I love the print on your shirt aswell 9
  14. There is a slight chance that it is hate crime related since Chelsea is a mostly gay neighborhood but I'm not going to jump to conclusions just yet Also there is another announcement on BBC news that a possible secondary device has been found nearby
  15. 25 people so far have been wounded in a blast in New York City, officials say. Fire trucks and ambulances converged on the scene after what witnesses described as a "deafening" explosion in the Chelsea district of Manhattan around 21:00 (01:00 GMT on Sunday).At least three people were taken away from the scene in ambulances, Reuters news agency reported.FBI and Homeland Security officials are at the scene, a local official told US media.The explosion comes just hours after a pipe bomb exploded in a New Jersey town, shortly before thousands of runners were to participate in a charity race nearby. No injuries were reported in the New Jersey blast. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-37399592 I must state that its not known if this is an act of terrorism as of yet or a hate crime.There are photos of a dumpster blown apart. Earlier today pipe bombs went off at charity 5K marathon for U.S. marines that were planted in garbage bins. No one knows if its connected. Stay safe and I hope there's not any casualties... Here's a link to a video of first few seconds after the explosion. Do not worry its not graphic in anyway https://twitter.com/itaycohai/status/777308226916327425
  16. Eliminate - Ultraviolence, Old Money Immunity - Florida Kilos
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SNiEGModNY Wish the preview was a little longer
  18. I really hope everyone on the album pulls through and not end up creating another beyoncé cover mess. Seriously I'll never forgive Bey for wrecking Back To Black
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