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Super Movie

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Everything posted by Super Movie

  1. Super Movie

    Song vs. Song

    Dealer vs Off To The Races
  2. Lana posted some pictures of her grandmother, Cynthia, and something she wrote when she was 12 on Honeymoon. She's always been such a good writer If the image is too hard to read, here's what it says: An Autumn Day A view from my bedroom window By Elizabeth Woolridge Grant, age 12 The gently rustling leaves sound like an ocean bay calmly splashing against the cool wet sand. The sky of ominous clouds is darker than gray, with sunshine holes beaming out of the corners of the sky. The not-too-distant sounds of cars are mixed with the shaking of the pine needles and the soft chirping of birds. As the afternoon grows dimmer, the crickets sing their cheerful songs of fall. Across the lake the frosted tips of blue mountains are slowly becoming shadowed by the overlapping clouds. The colors of fall are swirling in the wind, while the seagulls are crouched low upon the long waving blades of grass. The cool rushing wind is racing itself through the sky, sending shivers to the people in its way. Fall is happening everywhere on the beautiful autumn day
  3. Super Movie

    Song vs. Song

    You should be right though because why did she call it Pretty When You Cry when she only ever says pretty when I cry Pretty When You Cry vs Living Legend
  4. Super Movie

    Song vs. Song

    Pretty When You Cry vs Your Girl
  5. We might have been wrong about what the song was about, but we were right about it being an absolute icon and an album highlight
  6. Imagine if out of everything on this site, "Does Lana Del Ray pick up after her animals" is what makes her snap and reveal herself on here If I was her, I would've snapped after "Should Lana do porn?" tbh
  7. I heard Lexa pays her brother Chad $40 to feed her animals and her horse plant
  8. I don't think this album is about Clay just for the simple fact that most of the album was made before or right around when she started dating him. Like I said, I think he was mentioned in Blue Banisters, but that's it. Most of the album to me isn't about her romantic life in particular, but rather how that translates into the other aspects of her life. Songs like Text Book and Black Bathing Suit are so interesting to me because they do that. They take something like a break up or relationship struggles and make it into something bigger. They're able to convey such a complex story. Listening to Lana talk about how the breakup with Sean impacted her and how it inspired her to write Arcadia put the rest of the album into a different perspective for me. Even when Lana's not talking about him specifically on a certain song, she's talking about her life after they split and how that impacted her. I almost wonder if she added Thunder and Nectar onto the album because she felt like she was back in that sort of point/situation in her life again. Cherry Blossom I think was added because of baby Phoenix and Lana generally thinking more about motherhood, and then Living Legend might have just been because she saw it leaked and remembered how much she loves that song. The whole album is just so interesting to me in that way. Note: I don't want to speculate on Lana's relationship with Sean or Clay or anything like that because I don't feel it's my place to do so, I'm more so just going off of things she's said and the lyrical content. I could talk about how smart her writing is forever
  9. Black Bathing Suit to me is more so about the public's perception of her and her feelings towards them, and even her feelings towards herself. It's not a song that talks to a romantic partner specifically, in my opinion, but rather expresses that she would like one. But I can see how it could be taken as being about Clay. The only songs I think on this album are about him in some form are BB (him being the "man that's still right here") and maybe VFR depending on when she wrote it, although at first I did get more of a Sean vibe from that song.
  10. When he posted about Blue Banisters he didn't even put the name of the album I don't see him as being a particularly bitter person and obviously him and Lana are still friends, but it's still kind of funny nonetheless
  11. 1. Text Book 13 2. Blue Banisters 15 5. Black Bathing Suit 29 6. If You Lie Down With Me 22 8. Violets for Roses 16 9. Dealer 25 10. Thunder 19 11. Wildflower Wildfire 25 12. Nectar of the Gods 12 13. Living Legend 21 14. Cherry Blossom 16 15. Sweet Carolina 14
  12. The editor-in-cheif of Interview Magazine posted a picture of Lana on his story with the caption "LA what's good"...do we think we're getting another cover?
  13. Super Movie

    Song vs. Song

    Black Bathing Suit vs Body Electric
  14. 1.Text Book 14 2. Blue Banisters 18 5. Black Bathing Suit 29 6. If You Lie Down With Me 23 8. Violets for Roses 16 9. Dealer 25 10. Thunder 19 11. Wildflower Wildfire 22 12. Nectar of the Gods 11 13. Living Legend 21 14. Cherry Blossom 16 15. Sweet Carolina 12
  15. RIP Arcadia 1. Text Book 16 2. Blue Banisters 18 5. Black Bathing Suit 26 6. If You Lie Down With Me 22 8. Violets for Roses 14 9. Dealer 24 10. Thunder 19 11. Wildflower Wildfire 21 12. Nectar of the Gods 13 13. Living Legend 21 14. Cherry Blossom 17 15. Sweet Carolina 14
  16. 1. Text Book 16 2. Blue Banisters 17 3. Arcadia 3 5. Black Bathing Suit 26 6. If You Lie Down With Me 22 8. Violets for Roses 14 9. Dealer 22 10. Thunder 19 11. Wildflower Wildfire 21 12. Nectar of the Gods 13 13. Living Legend 21 14. Cherry Blossom 16 15. Sweet Carolina 15
  17. 1. Text Book 17 2. Blue Banisters 16 3. Arcadia 8 5. Black Bathing Suit 26 6. If You Lie Down With Me 22 8. Violets for Roses 15 9. Dealer 22 10. Thunder 18 11. Wildflower Wildfire 22 12. Nectar of the Gods 15 13. Living Legend 20 14. Cherry Blossom 10 15. Sweet Carolina 14
  18. I was upset about it at first, but now that we've heard it, I'm so happy that Dealer wasn't on Chemtrails. It needed to wait for Blue Banisters.
  19. Most of Lana's streams are coming from NFR and BTD (and BB right now) from the GP, so the reason why Honeymoon's streams are lower is because it really is mostly or even only fans streaming it Honeymoon deserves so much better
  20. Super Movie

    Song vs. Song

    If You Lie Down With Me vs Art Deco
  21. My issue with Fantano is that he likes to pretend that he doesn't have an obvious bias against Lana. When she first got big, he full on said that he thinks she's only famous because of the way she looks. I could give less of a shit about what he thinks of the music but that just really bugs me that he said that. But anyways, it rained where I'm at all day, so I went for a drive through the autumn leaves and the rain while listening to the album. It was stunning. Lana picked the perfect release date for BB. I can't imagine it being released during any other season.
  22. 1. Text Book 18 2. Blue Banisters 15 3. Arcadia 12 5. Black Bathing Suit 25 6. If You Lie Down With Me 20 7. Beautiful 5 8. Violets for Roses 13 9. Dealer 21 10. Thunder 17 11. Wildflower Wildfire 19 12. Nectar of the Gods 15 13. Living Legend 20 14. Cherry Blossom 10 15. Sweet Carolina 14
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