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  1. NEAL liked a post in a topic by liam in Later... with Jools Holland (27/11/12)   
    Lana will be making her second appearance on Later... with Jools Holland next tuesday (27th November)
    The show will be aired on BBC Two at 10pm!
    - Source 
    Reminder of Lana's October 2011 performance:
    She will apparently be performing three songs. Which songs are you hoping she'll perform?
  2. My Sparrow Blue liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Design a Lana Del Rey T-Shirt!   
    [insert obligatory judgemekillyou.gif here]
    Hours and hours of profiling criminals, have finally taken its toll on me.
    Copla recreational hours later are these #BonkerKeepCalmOLyricTees.
    There's just too much and endless possibilities with Lana's lyrics. #struggle
    I swear I didn't intentionally left out the female demographic of this forum.
    The #SurfNoirMan is included to add that extra creepy-sugar-daddy-factor in the mix.
    And don't you think the #CarmenBoi could look like a young PapaGrant?
    WARNING: rather image heavy, hence the spoilers
    ps: Shall I continue with the rest of the lyrics?
  3. readyforheavensgates liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Design a Lana Del Rey T-Shirt!   
    [insert obligatory judgemekillyou.gif here]
    Hours and hours of profiling criminals, have finally taken its toll on me.
    Copla recreational hours later are these #BonkerKeepCalmOLyricTees.
    There's just too much and endless possibilities with Lana's lyrics. #struggle
    I swear I didn't intentionally left out the female demographic of this forum.
    The #SurfNoirMan is included to add that extra creepy-sugar-daddy-factor in the mix.
    And don't you think the #CarmenBoi could look like a young PapaGrant?
    WARNING: rather image heavy, hence the spoilers
    ps: Shall I continue with the rest of the lyrics?
  4. NEAL liked a post in a topic by Tropico in CharlieHidesTV   
    Something funny to watch!
  5. NEAL liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana Del Rey in 1Live (Interview)   
    1LIVE: We have raised the 1LIVE flag on the 1LIVE house, we always raise this flag when we have great company with Tobi Schäfer and ? Bursche ist. First, she blessed us with "Video Games", then with "Summertime Sadness" there was the soundtrack to the not-summer in Germany. Her album "Born to Die" was on number one in eleven countries and now she's here in the studio! Good morning, Lana Del Rey!
    Lana: Hello hello, it's good to be here.
    1LIVE: A Pop-icon, almost a diva...can you make use of the term "diva"?
    Lana: *laughs*
    1LIVE: And then she laughs like a diva, "ho!"
    Lana: I'm not laughing like a diva! I don't think I'd call myself a diva but i'll take the icon...uh...
    1LIVE: With women, you always have to ask, because they get mad if you don't notice, did you go to the hairdresser again? Because I saw you with a fringe this week and you also have a completely different hair colour on the cover of the new record.
    Lana: I know. I know, I change my hair a lot. Um yeah, my fringe that I was wearing this week, it's not a real fringe..it's just...it was my disguise, that wasn't a good disguise. And this is...yeah, I did have to go get my hair done the other day 'cause I'm singing on TV tomorrow and yeah, I got my hair done for the radio 'cause I knew you'd be here.
    1LIVE: Look, it's going pretty good with us. Then we'll continue...
    Lana: Shut up
    1LIVE: Lana Del Rey is here. Nice that you're here, we'll continue shortly.
    1LIVE: Andreas and I don't have to clean today because even without that, we can say, "What glamour in our shack"
    1LIVE: All over the world, number one. This woman, she looks fantastic, we know her from the subway, namely from the posters, she has advertised for a big clothing label. Lana Del Rey is there!
    Lana: Oh, oh my gosh. Hi.
    1LIVE: You've brought us something new, your album "Born to Die" exists as a re-release, eight completely new songs are on it and those that we already know. Why didn't you make a few more songs and release a completely new album because I mean, one would rather buy a new car than one that only has new rims.
    Lana: Are you calling my record a used car? That's so unfair!
    1LIVE: One with great rims.
    Lana: Yeah, nice rims is right. Well, I think of it as a new record. In a way, I wish I had kind of released it as a new record, just so people would, like, be excited about it. But...um...I think I released it as a...set, as a like an updated edition because I...I plan on setting a short film to it and then running that, like, the graphics from that film throughout the show on the tour. So it was kind of the idea of...
    1LIVE: A big hit, also in the 1LIVE sector is the track....uh...stop, I've gone blank..."Summertime Sadness"! And now we have this "Autumn Sadness" outside, are you always sad?
    Lana: Uh...no! No, I'm happy.
    1LIVE: It sounds very happy, too.
    Lana: Yeah, I'm happy!
    1LIVE: I would like to cite from another song, "My pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola". Andreas and I blushed...completely disgusted when we heard that. Why the hell are you sure it's Pepsi and not Coca Cola?
    Lana: Pepsi...Pepsi Cola just had a nice ring to it, it just came off the tounge nicely.
    1LIVE: So, one doesn't have to try.
    Lana: You can try it!
    1LIVE: This conversation is taking an unexpected turn, isn't it? Lana Del Rey, we know her from the radio. We don't really know you from the stage, you haven't been to Germany, starting on April 17, it starts, next xear, you're the in Düsseldorf for the first time then. Give us a little clue, of course all of us aree going to buy tickets but how should we act with your music? Drinking a beer, jumping around and yelling isn't really appropiate.
    Lana: Uh. That's a really good question. Um, I think the kids I've talked to here, they just like the tracks of the album so it's really just a chance to kind of play it live.
    1LIVE: Lana Del Rey is our guest today, one of the newcomers of the year 2012, we want to talk about your year in a second, describe it in one word.
    Lana: Uh...different.
    1LIVE: That's whack, I thought Americans often come with "Amazing!", but "different", we have to think about that, we'll continue shortly with 1LIVE and Lana Del Rey!
    Lana: Yeah...
    1LIVE: Before that, we have the most recent single, here is Lana Del Rey with "Rides" [sic].
    1LIVE: 1LIVE plays Lana Del Rey with "Ride" and 1LIVE doesn't only play Lana Del Rey...
    1LIVE: She brought us through the bad summer in Germany very well, "Summertime Sadness" is her big hit, Lana Del Rey is our very very best guest, one has to add.
    Lana: I'll take it! I'll take it, thank you!
    1LIVE: 3:0 for me, Tobi, 3:0 for me!
    1LIVE: You have a sensational year behind you, your album "Born to Die" reached number one in eleven countries, but in your home country, the USA, it only reached number two, does that annoy you or aren't you a perfectionist?
    Lana: Not a perfectionist. Um, and I'm not really interested in the United States at all, I'm really pleased, I'm so interested in Europe. I just really...that's just an honour to me. 'Cause America, they don't play, like, the radio wouldn't play music that isn't Top 40, so I just don't need to have anything to do, like I have nothing to do with music over there.
    1LIVE: You're also in London a lot. Are you turning your back on America? That just sounded a bit like that...somehow that you're not satisfied with the life there.
    Lana: Um...no, no. I didn't say that. Uh, no, I just, you know what? I love the idea of what America used to be, I love the ? of California, and I love the energy of New York City, but do I really wanna sing there? Um...I don't know. Uh, there's a saying that says, "Go where it's warm and go where you're loved." And so, I feel, like I, I feel really good in Paris, I feel really good...um, when I'm singing for people from Russia, I feel like they get it, so...
    1LIVE: In Germany, we don't only know you through your music, we also know you from posters, you're advertising for a clothing chain and there are a lot of people that complain and say that you look very bored in the photos. Didn't you like the clothes?
    Lana: They complain about me looking bored?
    1LIVE: There's a contest on the internet in which users try to look like you.
    Lana: And they look really bored?
    1LIVE: I would say "cool"! I think, that's always a question of definition.
    Lana: Yeah, I think you meant cool and not bored.
    1LIVE: Lana Del Rey is our very best guest on this Saturday and really our very best guest, we've never had such a charming lady here, one has to say. And she brought presents, the new album "Born to Die - The Paradise Edititon" was released yesterday.
    Lana: It's really good to be here, thank you.
    1LIVE: Do you feel at ease?
    Lana: Yeah, actually I'm having fun.
    1LIVE: Lana Del Rey, thank you very much for being here
    Lana: Thank you, guys!
  6. NEAL liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Lana Del Rey interview with Nikos Aliagas on Europe1   
    You can listen to the interview here:
    The questions are in french so I'll translate them (and I'll go ahead and write what she says too)
    There's something that I can't understand. How is it that a girl as beautiful and as young as you - you are 26, can sing such melancholic and sad things that she has not necessarily gone through? Where does that come from?
    Humm, I have been through them. That's the thing. I had a very very very wild life and an innately old soul.
    Yeah. The combination of those two things just kind of formed my entire style, all at once.
    Did you have suicidal tendencies when you were young?
    When I was young? I don't know, somedays I still wanna.. You know.. Have everything end but that's just human.
    But really Lana Del Rey, where does your sensitivity come from? You don't have the typical profile of an American your age. Where does it come from?
    That's a good question. I am sensitive. I care deeply about everyone I've ever met and that is something that just comes naturally to me. I have a young brother and sister who live with me. Yeah I've been really touched by artists like Whitman and Gainsbourg and I feel a deep sense of wonder for literature like that, that's changed me. But above that I feel like a great need to take care of people who need to be taken care of and I really- I care!
    Lana Del Rey what are the words you have tattooed on the side of yours hands?
    Paradise and trust no one.
    But that's paradoxical, trusting no one and at the same time seeking paradise.
    I know. This one's just in case people try and mess with me
    To protect you..
    It's a tough environment that you chose. It's also an industry. How do we survive this when we are that sensitive?
    I don't know. It's too hard. Yeah, it's just too tough.
    Since last year, all we talk about is you Lana Del Rey, what have you learned about yourself with this success?
    Nothing nothing?!
    Not from this. I never learn things, really.. If I'm talking to someone like you I just enjoy it. If I'm talking to someone who doesn't like the music, there's nothing to learn from that. I never found that there was anything to be learned through suffering going through difficult things, contrary to all the sayings.
    I don't find any growth through suffering. I really just think it'd be better if things were always easy.
    But I learned more from the work I did before and from the books I've read and the people I love and then being able to sing to people on stage is more.. just a luxury.
    Are you interested in politics? Is the election of Obama a good thing?
    Oh yeah incredibly. Obama provides an important image that we need to present to the world as Americans. He is a symbol of hope.
    There's not enough one man can do as a president that will help our nation. It's up to the individuals to come up with new ideas to sustain economy and more importantly our planet cause every year they say we're running out of time. This year is more than ever, population doubling, everyone's in debt Europe as well.
    Last question, in the re-realease of Born to Die, in one of your new songs, you say "my pussy tastes like pepsi cola". Is it a provocation or just a joke?
    It's a joke *laughs*
    Is it a light or a normal pepsi?
    Always, I'm always on a diet. I'm not gonna drink real coke I have a figure to maintain
  7. NEAL liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Heroic Sitars: Crap Fan-Art (UPDATE: My Best Days & MORE!)   
    I am not an artist.
    I am not a graphic artist.
    I am not a moving visual artist.
    But sometimes I channel my Lana obsession into this because otherwise I'll end up writing fan-fic or carving her name into my arm--each a fate worse than death.
    Take into account that my resources are limited to the Photobucket editor. With that, here are some of the ones I like (although for every good one, there are 5 hideous ones).
    Those sizes are all over the place, sorry.
    Perhaps you're one of 231 lucky folks who have seen my attempt at a video for Burning Desire
    Thanks for clicking, y'all
  8. Mileena liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Smiley Requests   
    You know after all this time, I still get so mesmerized by this gif o.O. This is a remembrance for the dear memory of mermaidmotel.co.cc
    While PBaby's code is very clear for the emotions being conveyed, I think it's importante to keep the letter strings minimum, don't you think so, babe? Hence, I propose:

    And who said that I'm not gonna post here myself Sitar? Oh, right u said that. Well, here I am.
    I extensively abused the following gifs in the past, idk if I will or ever need too, but it's absolutely not imperative to have them in the Emoticon, as I could easily resort to dem imgur.
    --like in "D'aww man, you're makin me blush here.."

    Since Maru hasn't response to my request to that emo James Deen gif, let's have a room for this iconic crey guy at Amoeba. The performance was so powerful that rendered this guy speechless and crey *snif*.. I feel you, man.

    :wiggle: or maybe :brow2: seeing Hellion already got the :brow: This is the gif that made Sitar figured me out x]
    Actually that last one I used quite often here recently, how can I not? It conveys me feels perfectly. Any excuse to whip out any pic of that long, glorious, swan-like throat that she knows so well how to flaunt. How come we haven't got the Lana's Neck Appreciation thread yet? ♫ She got a great ass neck and she knows how to show it.♬
    And Sitar, where's that pic of pondering (security?) mustachio man on the corner, that looks like Bashar Assad? Me feels I'm gonna need that emoticon very soon.
    And finally, not nearly as flawless or sassy as OffToTheRaces' (that version gonna be remembered dearly in our hearts). I present you

    Lol, see that's so ridic. I don't even know what shade the blush-on should be, Maru gonna kill me for my make-up skillz, if you advise I would revise. Srsly tho, I still don't know what/when/why/how/to whom this emoticon will be useful for. Give me example now. Or is it like one of those funny tumblr kids where they post regular conversation lines and end it all with an 'ew', and they will all automatically be funny? Like:
    I luv my mum, ew
    I ate an ice cream, ew
    I visited Coney Island, ew
    I listened to LDR today, ew
    It's you.., it's you..., it's always.., ew
    I look in the mirror for the first time, ew
    Or is it for leaks purpose, bribing members with sexual favors? x]
    Honey, I know you have demo 3 of Brite Lite, check PM, I'm ur Carmen tonite xoxo
    DISCLAIMER: I hereby, am not responsible if Lana gets too pissed off by the content above and see to it that :ben: takes action.
    Adios for now... *flees from the crime scene*

  9. NEAL liked a post in a topic by Arzi in Lana Del Rey on "C à Vous" | France 5 (November 16)   
    Full performance
  10. NEAL liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Lana Del Rey on "C à Vous" | France 5 (November 16)   
    This is an extract of the live performance of Ride

    The whole thing (performance and interview) is airing tonight on France 5 at 20h25 CET.
    You can watch the livestream here:
  11. NEAL liked a post in a topic by Beemo in Lift Your Eyes [Closed]   
    About Me:

    Hello, my name's Beemo. I'm 20 and I'm from the Philippines.

    I've been making graphics for more than a year now.

    I'm still learning, so there's still a lot of room for improvement.

    Here is a gallery of my work and feel free to request whatever














    1. Type of Graphic: __________ (Avatar/Signature/Set[Avatar + Sig]/Gif/Wallpaper)

    2. Image(s) to be used + pixel dimensions: __________

    3. Text: __________(Optional)

    4. Mood: __________ (Dark, Bright, Vibrant, Vintage, Washed Out, Warm, etc.)

    5. Border: __________ (Rounded, Mirror, Inverted Rounded Mirror, Ripped, None)

    6. Other Details: __________ (Place image x on the left, place image y in the middle, etc.)

  12. Madrigal liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Lana Del Rey interviewed by Just Jared   
  13. Guy liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Smiley Requests   
    You know after all this time, I still get so mesmerized by this gif o.O. This is a remembrance for the dear memory of mermaidmotel.co.cc
    While PBaby's code is very clear for the emotions being conveyed, I think it's importante to keep the letter strings minimum, don't you think so, babe? Hence, I propose:

    And who said that I'm not gonna post here myself Sitar? Oh, right u said that. Well, here I am.
    I extensively abused the following gifs in the past, idk if I will or ever need too, but it's absolutely not imperative to have them in the Emoticon, as I could easily resort to dem imgur.
    --like in "D'aww man, you're makin me blush here.."

    Since Maru hasn't response to my request to that emo James Deen gif, let's have a room for this iconic crey guy at Amoeba. The performance was so powerful that rendered this guy speechless and crey *snif*.. I feel you, man.

    :wiggle: or maybe :brow2: seeing Hellion already got the :brow: This is the gif that made Sitar figured me out x]
    Actually that last one I used quite often here recently, how can I not? It conveys me feels perfectly. Any excuse to whip out any pic of that long, glorious, swan-like throat that she knows so well how to flaunt. How come we haven't got the Lana's Neck Appreciation thread yet? ♫ She got a great ass neck and she knows how to show it.♬
    And Sitar, where's that pic of pondering (security?) mustachio man on the corner, that looks like Bashar Assad? Me feels I'm gonna need that emoticon very soon.
    And finally, not nearly as flawless or sassy as OffToTheRaces' (that version gonna be remembered dearly in our hearts). I present you

    Lol, see that's so ridic. I don't even know what shade the blush-on should be, Maru gonna kill me for my make-up skillz, if you advise I would revise. Srsly tho, I still don't know what/when/why/how/to whom this emoticon will be useful for. Give me example now. Or is it like one of those funny tumblr kids where they post regular conversation lines and end it all with an 'ew', and they will all automatically be funny? Like:
    I luv my mum, ew
    I ate an ice cream, ew
    I visited Coney Island, ew
    I listened to LDR today, ew
    It's you.., it's you..., it's always.., ew
    I look in the mirror for the first time, ew
    Or is it for leaks purpose, bribing members with sexual favors? x]
    Honey, I know you have demo 3 of Brite Lite, check PM, I'm ur Carmen tonite xoxo
    DISCLAIMER: I hereby, am not responsible if Lana gets too pissed off by the content above and see to it that :ben: takes action.
    Adios for now... *flees from the crime scene*

  14. Myriam liked a post in a topic by NEAL in The Inspiration for the National Anthem music video   
    After watching your video, you got me ponder do you have the answer, frankee?
    What is the inspiration?
    What is 'fabulous'?
    What is 'jealous'?
    What is 'rude'?
    What is 'life'?

    And frankee, I have to be honest, I'm in awe of your iconic, inspirational, fabulous, flawless and vigilant perseverance, I just have to ask you this, can I make your Display Picture as an emoticon? Anytime, I feel like I can't go on, I will see you in the emoticon and will be inspired to carry on? Can I, can I? Pretty please?
  15. Monicker liked a post in a topic by NEAL in The Inspiration for the National Anthem music video   
    Is this mod doing TEH FABZ grindz 2, mo?
    Cos man, I'd PM-harass 'em 4 dat.
    Cute alien, btw. Made me wanna rewatch Mars Attack!
    Post more of these on that 'anything goes' thread of yours.
    Spider Thread in..

  16. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by NEAL in The Inspiration for the National Anthem music video   
    After watching your video, you got me ponder do you have the answer, frankee?
    What is the inspiration?
    What is 'fabulous'?
    What is 'jealous'?
    What is 'rude'?
    What is 'life'?

    And frankee, I have to be honest, I'm in awe of your iconic, inspirational, fabulous, flawless and vigilant perseverance, I just have to ask you this, can I make your Display Picture as an emoticon? Anytime, I feel like I can't go on, I will see you in the emoticon and will be inspired to carry on? Can I, can I? Pretty please?
  17. DUKE liked a post in a topic by NEAL in The Inspiration for the National Anthem music video   
    Is this mod doing TEH FABZ grindz 2, mo?
    Cos man, I'd PM-harass 'em 4 dat.
    Cute alien, btw. Made me wanna rewatch Mars Attack!
    Post more of these on that 'anything goes' thread of yours.
    Spider Thread in..

  18. DUKE liked a post in a topic by NEAL in The Inspiration for the National Anthem music video   
    After watching your video, you got me ponder do you have the answer, frankee?
    What is the inspiration?
    What is 'fabulous'?
    What is 'jealous'?
    What is 'rude'?
    What is 'life'?

    And frankee, I have to be honest, I'm in awe of your iconic, inspirational, fabulous, flawless and vigilant perseverance, I just have to ask you this, can I make your Display Picture as an emoticon? Anytime, I feel like I can't go on, I will see you in the emoticon and will be inspired to carry on? Can I, can I? Pretty please?
  19. NEAL liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Lana covers Les Inrocks   
    So yeah, I did a translation of the interview too, it's not as good as Myriiiam's, but I took me 2 hours so here you go anyway
  20. NEAL liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Lana covers Les Inrocks   

    Please ignore any cringe worthy sentences (and I'm sure there's many) but oh shit at least I tried...
  21. bdelrey liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Cola   
    I refuse to believe what the Paradise Edition Digital Booklet tells:
    Ah, he's in the sky with diamonds..
    My vote goes to Harvey.
  22. Plastic liked a post in a topic by NEAL in BREAKING: Lana Del Rey Gets Bangs   
    Okay, now srsly, for movies, new videoclip? I'll say it'd be a full on Lana-style-remake of Mulholland Dr.,
    Blond!Lizzy vs Brunette!Lana.
    What say you?
  23. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by NEAL in BREAKING: Lana Del Rey Gets Bangs   
    Okay, now srsly, for movies, new videoclip? I'll say it'd be a full on Lana-style-remake of Mulholland Dr.,
    Blond!Lizzy vs Brunette!Lana.
    What say you?
  24. Sitar liked a post in a topic by NEAL in BREAKING: Lana Del Rey Gets Bangs   
    Okay, now srsly, for movies, new videoclip? I'll say it'd be a full on Lana-style-remake of Mulholland Dr.,
    Blond!Lizzy vs Brunette!Lana.
    What say you?
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