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Everything posted by Formation

  1. I wonder if her choosing that specific BTS footage relates to the “you know I never miss 🎯” snippet. Looks like we’re moving from butterfly to 🏹 imagery
  2. Hated the idea of the chorus being pitched but it's grown on me quite a lot. Reminds me how I disliked Mowgli's Road for a second before it clicked. I prefer something divisive like this than a safe choice like Handmade Heaven was Butterflyyyyyy Fly high!
  3. "You know, I have slept with a lot of guys in the industry, but none of them helped me get my record deals. Which is annoying."
  4. We could say the same about getting our hopes up that NFR could win compared to other Lana record’s that I would argue are actually a better demonstration of her ear for her forefathers and her songwriting voice. At the end of the night, as intentional and soul bearing as BRAT is—I don’t believe it holds a light to CC as a whole project. I will maintain what I have said every time Bey has lost AOTY—the Grammys are far from the single marker of artistic greatness and merit
  5. In terms of collaborations, musical history and study, and vocal performance, Cowboy Carter is Bey's best work--though both Renaissance and Lemonade are culturally most influential. I do think a lot of Academy voters had remorse, but to compare the deep historical showcase of CC to Brat..let's be honest y'all. Charli did an incredible job and deserves all the wins tonight but it is not the best album of the year.
  6. The most important record since Lemonade. A study to the legacy of black culture and its continual dismissal in music. An important win amongst a wave of erasure and hate for so many Americans. The continual misogynoir is sickening--specially to boil her achievements down to the men around her. I hope her speeches, and those of other women of color tonight, remind of us of what is at stake.
  7. Ojos Asi is her best song so another win for people with taste
  8. Formation

    Lady Gaga

    Nothing out of the mold she created but...her biggest bop since Babylon
  9. Hmm... so this is music's biggest night after all
  10. https://www.vulture.com/article/ink-kacey-musgraves-beyonce-cowboy-carter.html she's sad because she almost got credits on the album. Hope one day their songs come to light--I'm sure they're incredible
  11. So Doechii and Chappell have made me cry, Sabrina killed it, and Beyonce continues to shatter glass ceilings...this might be a Grammys for the books (also feel free to read the legal filings about Bey's husband allegations. They logically are entirely unfounded so let's not start).
  12. "Sent her fans" implies that she mailed out to random people live beings without a care. Upon knowing what was inside the bag the fans could not take the caterpillars if they did not want to. For those that did take the bags, it has everything needed to ensure the survival of the animal--an upkeep plan that is in many ways easier than taking care of a plant. Most first-grade classrooms do this kind of activity, as it helps people better understand life cycles and again, its failure is not all that different from killing a plant (which in itself should be seen as cruel but I doubt if she put out tulips y'all would be upset). I appreciate the thought of the campaign, and timeline-wise it is similar to other artists' teasing of new eras.
  13. Love that one of curls of the M makes a 6 for M6
  14. THE ex in my lore introduced me to Lynch's number of the day videos. They brought me so much consistency and warmth. May he rest in immense peace.
  15. I agree it was the right move but I will die on the hill that stylistically MARINA DIAMANDIS would’ve been better to avoid all the metadata mixups with the billions of other Marina’s and for a carry through of the Diamonds. Plus it reminds us that she’s Greek which she has never actually talked about! So excited for M6
  16. Here's a good thread for me to share my pretentious leaked music manifesto that I have always wanted to jott down in one place:
  17. with how little Lana cares--or knows--about charts and the industry she might release it on Christmas Eve for all we know
  18. Formation


    BILLBOARD: "Few artists can match her in any of the most critical basic categories of pop stardom – commercial success, performance abilities, critical acclaim, industry influence, iconic cultural moments – and absolutely no one can equal her in all of them." The Lana snub on the list is a bust but the top three are fair analysis. The long overview of Bey's career is a worth a read: https://www.billboard.com/music/pop/beyonce-greatest-pop-stars-21st-century-1235842572/
  19. For me it's who was K and whether she "dated" Gene C or not
  20. Knowing how close the race was doesn't numb the pain. Hold your friends who value your human rights and wellbeing tight. The rest are people you know--not friends.
  21. “Some asshole leaked it” honestly good for her for never backing down from the breach of privacy that leaking is. I am a big proponent that it commercially doesn’t actually impact artists (and honestly seems to help most), but ethically it’s objectively stealing. I would stay annoyed by it
  22. "Part of me wishes those years had been different— I still feel the loss." Since the promotional tour of Froot, she has been so open with fans about her struggles and progress, and it is great to see how much grace she has for what she deems to be mistakes or setbacks. I appreciate that she is not afraid to discuss how previous albums were perceived while remaining optimistic about how her current work is shaping up. Excited for the poetry book tour and M6.
  23. OGs remember Shades of Cool leaking with someone on Tumblr labeling a snippet of the outro "I bought a bomb" I still can't unhear it
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