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Everything posted by divebarsinger

  1. is this the first time she's given an actual month? if so fair fucks. if she's picked months out of the air before then i'll naturally believe it when i see it
  2. i'm so excited for questions to be hurriedly asked in 1.2 seconds as she walks away flipping back her hair
  3. i so would've dated kurt. god he was an angel, my taste in men was never the same after discovering nirvana as a teen not sure kurt would've been keen on lana tho
  4. *strums guitar* you were trollin' so grave with bare feet, worshipping the lord with a noose tied chord, drinking a matcha latte and repeat
  5. i think 'psychological mistreatment' is uh... reaching, given no one here knows her personally i don't think it's lana's responsibility how invested people get in her. if it was you could say stalking and people suggesting she owes them marriage and a face to face meeting is ok, it's not. she has autonomy and is a person in her own right who is allowed to make her own decisions is she behaving shitty to her fans though? i'd say so. as i've said previously, i'd rather she said nothing than gave us false hope. what annoys me is that we've funded her enabling her to get to this point and frankly......... i do love her music and have intense personal attachment to it, but she really isn't all that in the big scheme. does it change how i feel about her music? not at all. does everyone making music have to be a fucking genius? not at all just don't give everybody bullshit answers. don't grab for likes and interaction on social media and then delete questions from fans that aren't in any way cruel or abusive
  6. we bought her beachside house with the ocean view and she still doesn't love us anymore what do you want lana she wants to fuck god
  7. i feel like she's done something else to her nose, may be the light. totally irrelevant of course COS WHERE IS OUR NEWS BOTCH i love the expression on the guy in the photo. he's essentially like "NFR isn't happening gonna kill myself."
  8. well throw me around like a hot potato everything is just as we expected
  9. well throw me around like a hot potato there's no news from the gig yet
  10. i see we have an infiltrator in the gig and the pressure is on
  11. i've been fair to miley because i do like her voice and i did like nothing breaks like a heart, i thought it was amazing. but yeah, this is basically me. i love so much pop music and i can't bear people who trash it, cos a good catchy song is a good fucking catchy song. we don't always have to enjoy 'deep' 'profound' things all the time that's ridiculous but... i'd rather lana played to her strengths, i'm absolutely happy to be proved wrong but i just can't imagine people seeing this trio collab and thinking "omgz lana gotta listen to her!" instead of just thinking "omgz ariana and miley!" i think it's a mistake to think you're gonna leap to popularity because you collaborate with popular mainstream singers and i'm not suggesting this is definitely her flex (but... i think it could be professionally) i just want something that is lana, that's all. not 'lana dominated by someone else'. and given her style..... i think she's punching not because the others are even fantastic but because she's understated and they're very not, which is obviously their prerogative
  12. i definitely hear you. though i can also see them being fairly alienated by her back catalogue if she's gonna go in this particular direction and fans she already has may lose interest. i realise she isn't bothered about this, fair play to her tho cos it's a pretty ballsy risk. i always tend to think this kind of thing is only ever pulled off successfully by absolute geniuses and though she's certainly talented idk edit: what helps is it's a collab, ari and miley fans will probably love it an it'll sell regardless
  13. call me selfish but i'm honestly not remotely bothered about her becoming mega successful, i'm just interested in her putting out music of interest to me that forges a slightly different path from everybody else like she has been doing for quite a long time. hence why pop stations don't play her and i rarely even hear her on alternative ones, they struggle to categorise her. it really doesn't bother me. in fact in some ways i think it's been one of her few strengths now we've realised she's actually pretty vacuous lol she's hardly strapped for cash
  14. i'm worried it'll be like when madonna kissed both britney and christina but no one cared about her kissing christina
  15. this could also change her image/approach quite dramatically and people are already complaining about her change of direction. she isn't fucking around, she's clearly aiming more for the mainstream now. gonna be an interesting development
  16. sis is gonna have to massively up her game and it's not even because i regard either as fantastic, it's just their schtick is far more showy and commercial. she may pull it off, i think it's gonna either go amazingly or really badly. can't see much middle ground tbh
  17. please stop with the cheek fillers, you're beautiful. i beg
  18. it's funny cos when i heard ronson/miley's nothing breaks like a heart i did think of lana and think with different production it could've easily been a lana track?! am i alone here? i mean.. due to that i can see a collab with miley more easily. it's the trio thing i deeply hate
  19. i just don't see how she'll fit into this collab and it's making me annoyed. i can see how she'd fit into a collab with like, miley and kendrick lamar way better and it'd probably be way more interesting. why aren't i her manager oh wait yeah, i'd have probably been sacked by now ok
  20. ughhh i really don't want this. i can see how it could work amazingly with miley but with ariana too? nooooooo i just imagine her being drowned out by them both to be honest, they're 'performers'... she isn't as such and i don't want her doing a stupid dance routine in order to fit in or whatever cos she did it on LFL and despite it being cute i found it awkward af
  21. uhhh, third wave feminist discourse and beyond, along with the sex positive movement actually means celebration of women's sexual pleasure, guys. i mean i dunno how 70s your feminist knowledge is, but this shit isn't it for most modern intersectional feminists. jesus christ
  22. i was impressed by the literary nature of this part in particular tbf. it's so, so different from any of the other lyrics she's done and is well considered. there's no references to cars or money or hollywood. it's why i felt especially annoyed at 'wild on you' when this is what she's capable of
  23. i've played it twice and it was looooovely but i absolutely refuse to continue eating the crumbs. i don't listen to any of the snippets or even NFR songs anymore tbh and it's not cos i hate them
  24. just realised another snippet is basically what we've had this whole time and that it basically sabotages any fresh enjoyment of the album so.. yeah whatever lana. nice new song, stale unreleased album
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