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Everything posted by sjatib

  1. IMO NFR -with some exceptions- sounds as a child game compared to this. This is Lana outdoing herself again, UV/HM levels if u ask me. So very probably critics are gonna make it look as worse than NFR was. Hoping they dont, though.
  2. I went to have lunch at it leaked it the meanwhile... Cant believe this has happened again xd
  3. How come? You mean, its already circulating ?:/ (NOT ASKING FOR A LINK OR WHATEVER)
  4. Out of topic -dont know where to post this- , excuse me, but Im on the shuffle mode on Spotify and it suddenly came on play... "St.Tropez", by "Lizzie Grant". There's a new page for Lizzie Grant on Spotify with that song uploaded yesterday. Does anyone know anything about this?
  5. Doesn't seem like just one person may have had early access to three different vinyl versions of the album. If there's been a mistake on any shop regarding shipping or selling it early, I'd bet there's already many, many copies going around.
  6. Last time this happened (with NFR) it was a matter of hours before the whole album leaked in HQ. Poor Lana. But also something to be expected when the whole release planning has been so disastrous.
  7. LFL is definetly so overproduced in some parts and as a whole maybe too, and gets annoying sometimes, but I think that vocally the production was quite well crafted, and fits the (not always well executed) overall opulent aesthetic of the record. I happen to love the singing-through-paper technique, p.example. NFR fell flat for me in many moments. The way she sounds on HTD, MAC, FIILY, VB or HIADT, p.e, is truly lovely, but other moments as the title track (which I love, anyway), Love Song, CG or HIAB (not to talk about California) make me think about what the fuck they were thinking when recording or mixing the vocals, as the result ended up being quite poor and amateurish and failed to create whatever they were looking for, in my opinion. (Just realised this got a little out of topic, but the discussion is connected to how the vocal delivery on COTCC i expected to be!)
  8. I'd say it was NFR. One of the things that I disliked about the album was how little attention they payed to her voice and how clumsy the mixing ended up sounding, with some exceptions. On the other hand, I truly enjoyed how her voice was treated on LFL, even if the album wasnt my favourite either.
  9. (agree with you to some point, but it's fair also to say that NFR contained also some of her best lyrics)
  10. They are night zombies (...)! would be a dream on her voice, and would suit her style quite nicely.
  11. Thanks for the kindness, my pleasure to share! <3
  12. Thanks again for the kindness, man!
  13. Can't believe this is happening xd If it actually leaked one month in advance, it shapes to be her most disastrous release yet.
  14. Not trying to open any debate, just an observation regarding the pictures and the way she looks on them, that's what the thread is for. And yes, he makes Chuck look like Leibovitz.
  15. This seems like a very brave thing to be said. Acknowledging the huge vulnerability she's felt, and the image she's used to talk about it is truly powerful. Hope that the interview may be out soon!
  16. "but nobody warns you before the fall!" Dont like the photography nor the way she looks on the pics we've seen. I think that fillers and stuff are making her look so unexpressive and giving her a very weird face as a whole. I mean, regarding her personal image it's just her being comfortable with it what matters, but I can't avoid noticing that the changes have been inmense on her face and not necessarily for good, from my point of view.
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