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drowning mermaid

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About drowning mermaid

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    a bit desperate

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    B&W horror movies, crime fiction, folk rock and fairytales
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  1. i hope she doesn’t try to be political, usually i’m fine with, or even like, artists getting a little political (hozier) but she’s not good at it at all so i want her to stay far, faaar away
  2. okay!! that last statement was pretty good by her standards!! lana really is the personification of “no thoughts head empty” sometimes
  3. ah sorry do you want me to change my comment? remove your quote?
  4. lots of social change start with violent riots, the suffragettes, stonewall, boston tea party. i feel for small business owners caught in the crossfire, hopefully they can get their money from insurance and rebuild this has been a nightmare for everyone, but ultimately, at some point action must be taken. these people have been trying it the non-violent way for decades now, and it’s gotten them nowhere
  5. when you have a platform, you have the moral obligation to speak out and point out when obvious injustices like this occur (especially if your fandom is majority white and lost in their own world like lana’s is, she could be raising awareness in a group of people that a lot of other pop stars can’t reach)
  6. i think you’d like this album if you liked nfr (like me) and dislike it if you didn’t. i doubt the sound would be radically different, but the subject matter might be if she actually feels maligned and her posts weren’t just random bursts of anger
  7. wait marina? unfollowed lana?? nooo i was emotionally invested in that friendship
  8. you have to see the inequalities in order to strive to correct them no? also your profile pic is literally you looking down your nose at us which umm.. it follows a theme
  9. the only album of hers that’s on par with the masterpiece that is aka is honeymoon none of the other albums even come close
  10. idk dude i just feel stupid when typing out “gangsta”
  11. gangster nancy sinatra is redundant. nancy sinatra is gangster
  12. eh. i assume it’s about the way critics said her submissive attitude hurt feminism back in 2012. but again, a) this was 2012, only lana fans and lana herself remember how she was treated back then, b) she seemingly can’t make her point in a clear and understandable way without alluding to how she believes other women weren’t getting similarly unfair criticism (which is blatantly untrue) and c) the women she does name drop are majority woc who had to endure racist AND sexist remarks, whereas lana only has to endure the latter ahem anyway that’s my problem with it
  13. i don’t remember lana being called a whore by anyone notable or any sizable group of people after tropico, sucks if she did, but i don’t remember it. but you know who was actually called a whore by literally everyone? nicki minaj after every single music video she ever put out. i can’t take her seriously when she seems to forget every woman goes through this shit, and she’s not special in getting unfair criticism. also people are so much quicker to slut shame women of color (bc white women are seen as pure and delicate) so it makes her come across as ignorant. (also she called an alt singer, probably an underaged lorde, a whore in fmwuttt, which uhh.. doesn’t help her case here)
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