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drowning mermaid

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  1. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in Instagram Updates   
    i feel bad for her right now...she can't see it
  2. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    thought about it a bit and came to the conclusion that this whole thing is even dumber than previously thought.
    lana handles criticism from an army of snobby male critics without speaking out and never protests when men say disgusting things about her (eminem, anybody??) but god forbid a 17 year old girl express her thoughts about her work or ann powers to criticize her even a little bit in an article. jesus christ. i’ve never seen a clearer case of internalized misogyny in my entire life
  3. slang liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    thought about it a bit and came to the conclusion that this whole thing is even dumber than previously thought.
    lana handles criticism from an army of snobby male critics without speaking out and never protests when men say disgusting things about her (eminem, anybody??) but god forbid a 17 year old girl express her thoughts about her work or ann powers to criticize her even a little bit in an article. jesus christ. i’ve never seen a clearer case of internalized misogyny in my entire life
  4. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    thought about it a bit and came to the conclusion that this whole thing is even dumber than previously thought.
    lana handles criticism from an army of snobby male critics without speaking out and never protests when men say disgusting things about her (eminem, anybody??) but god forbid a 17 year old girl express her thoughts about her work or ann powers to criticize her even a little bit in an article. jesus christ. i’ve never seen a clearer case of internalized misogyny in my entire life
  5. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    thought about it a bit and came to the conclusion that this whole thing is even dumber than previously thought.
    lana handles criticism from an army of snobby male critics without speaking out and never protests when men say disgusting things about her (eminem, anybody??) but god forbid a 17 year old girl express her thoughts about her work or ann powers to criticize her even a little bit in an article. jesus christ. i’ve never seen a clearer case of internalized misogyny in my entire life
  6. suicideblonde liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    i thought i had a pretty good idea of what she’s gonna do with this album before but that’s all thrown out the window now... her next album could sound like LMFAO’s music for all i fucking know
  7. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Elina in Instagram Updates   
    I still don't get the "Lana paved the way" issues. Lana & Billie are 2 different artist with 2 different sounds.. also Billie's biggest "influence" was Aurora .Lana was one of many artist she was inspired by.. I think people are biased lol
  8. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Instagram Updates   
    Yes, I think you're absolutely right.
    It has become increasingly clear through the years that Lana is hyper-sensitive to any criticism from the media and tastemakers in general. And yes, she did get a lot of unwarranted and unfair criticism at first. I can understand being mad about it and speaking on it. However it seems like she's completely unable to weigh it up against the rivers of critical acclaim and accolades she has recieved since the years after her debut. She's it very bitter still and it clouds her judgement sometimes. 
    She's so keen on framing herself as the percecuted artist that she doesn't see the bigger picture and how other female artists - of colour or not - are also treated unfairly by the media a lot. Maybe not in the completely same way but unfairly none the less. It's a bad look to frame them as somehow different from herself in that regards.
    Love her to death, but I'm only half joking when I say she needs a spin doctor who can help formulate her thought on politics and society. Almost everytime she tries to get political she kinda puts her foot in her mouth. Often because her persecution complex gets in the way of her valid points. It's a real shame cause I genuinely think she has some interesting takes.
  9. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Instagram Updates   
    I really do agree that people trying to make it directly a racist comment are reaching.
    And I agree with your interpretation of what she was trying to say. But...
    1. It was poorly worded. It takes a very kind reading to not get the impression that she's painting herself in a very poetic light compared to her descriptions of the other artists. Not my biggest grievance with her letter, but it is quite poorly worded. 
    2. It skips over the part where litterally all female artist are criticized for their sexuality or held to double standards at some point. That doesn't mean that they should stay quiet about it, but it's really is tonedeaf of Lana to single herself out as different from those female artists. Especially because....
    3. Lana has been quite succesful and reached critical acclaim in spite of her critics. She keeps peddling the "woe is me, media hates me" narrative when NFR was one of the most acclaimed albums of 2019. I'm not saying she can't still be justifiably mad about her earlier critics, but she needs to acknowledge her succes at least a little in order to not come off as spoiled. SO many other artists never reach her level of fame or are able to have the kind of artistic freedom she has, and it's not unreasonable to say that less privileged female artists' careers wouldn't have survived the backlash she recieved at first. She doesn't have to apologize for being white or coming from an affluent background but to paint herself as more silenced and distraught than her peers is just... tonedeaf.
    So yes her point stands, but I see plenty of things wrong with the execution. It takes a very kind reading not to.  And we all know Twitter don't do kind readings
  10. Blossom liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    lana calling herself delicate and glamorous is really funny though ngl
    i aspire to have this level of self-confidence you go girl
  11. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    guys look on the bright side,, at least no one can accuse her of being inauthentic anymore,, no way a pr team would let this shit slide. a true authentic dumbass we stan
  12. Nobody liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    long ago all the fandoms lived together in harmony, then everything changed when the lana nation attacked
  13. Elsemarie159 liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    lana calling herself delicate and glamorous is really funny though ngl
    i aspire to have this level of self-confidence you go girl
  14. evilentity liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    you do actually think redheads are the most oppressed minority.. and here i thought we were having a little jokesy joke together
  15. evilentity liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    you cannot tell me you think that was a well thought out refutation of the criticism leveled at her,, i refuse to believe it
  16. evilentity liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    why are people on twitter pretending she shut the haters down or some shit, maybe she could’ve if she had any social awareness whatsoever but this??
  17. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    being offended at being called a karen is obviously the least karen thing she could’ve done.. round of applause for that genius move
  18. evilentity liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    further proof that the letter was written in five minutes and is just a thoughtless way for her to get all her feelings out
    quarantine has been rough for me too buddy don’t feel bad
  19. ivy liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    her letter is truly a comedy of errors.. the way she worded it,, the time she posted it,, the people she mentioned,, the way she complimented herself,, “not not a feminist”,, the random release date at the end,, it’s all just.. solid gold
    i couldn’t be this funny if i tried
  20. evilentity liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    i don’t think it was a good idea though,, literally four people are talking about her actual upcoming album now
  21. evilentity liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    i don’t believe she meant it to sound racist at all,, but her choices were odd and inexplainable, since she posted this just as black women are dominating the charts and the artists she named are mainly black women who had a lot of hate leveled at them for talking about their sexuality, which she’s just.. ignoring for some reason
  22. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    this will either ruin her career forever or be forgotten in 24 hours there is no in-between
  23. Nobody liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    guys look on the bright side,, at least no one can accuse her of being inauthentic anymore,, no way a pr team would let this shit slide. a true authentic dumbass we stan
  24. SweetHenny liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    yeah no this is definitely a hunger thing,, don’t try to tell me you don’t do this shit too when your stomach is growling. sis needs a burger. that’ll calm her right down
  25. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    Regardless of one's personal feelings about all of this, I think we can all agree it has been messy as fuck
    I hope she doesn't say anything else about it because she'll make it messier
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