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Everything posted by knives

  1. knives

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    taste!! and funny enough, the outsider is one of my favorite marina songs and i have a aqua stellium god,, im convinced all of us lived the same life. i was 15 when i first heard EH but i can still relate. why is a 15 year old singing about being a homewrecker....?
  2. knives

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    how did you guys get into marina?? please tell me im not the only one who found her by playing oh no! on just dance like a zillion times
  3. totally agree about bp. i hate listen to hylt tho, ngl. praying for something more like boombayah and whistle on the album. & ive kinda come around to tolerating left & right. its not a bad kpop song, but its a lacking svt song compared to their earlier discog. didn't like much of the ep either. they took all my least favorite things (tropical house, ballads, hard-hitting edm production) and expanded on them. so yeah its kinda disappointing, but its just a matter of taste.
  4. cape cod - allie x punisher - phoebe bridgers miss anthropocene - grimes chromatica - gaga sawayama - rina [#] - loona forgot some of these albums were released this year. feels like this year is 12 years long lmao
  5. anybody know if theres a database/website where i can search for BLM or anti-ICE protests in my area? i can search on twitter but idk how legit these are or if they're fake protests started by cops for them to just arrest whoever shows up..
  6. lowkey only keep up with about 4 groups and all of them have either released stuff i dont like or are (still) on hiatus. the last really good release of a group i stan was loona's [#].....seventeen's latest single was so disappointing i just recently got into the boyz and after every single video i watched of them i had to watch something seventeen related because theyre like my "home". my advice is that the more u get into a group, the more "desensitized" u become and the less u have that feeling. (plus u can have multiple homes )
  7. and the over-simplifying of words and dramatic hand motions interviewers do to help them understand. like they're not babies.. namjoon can translate without u treating them like babies. they're grown men lmao.
  8. i think this one has to grow on me more.. they're starting to remind me of RV with their weird wacky beats lmao why does YG do them so dirty but i really am living for a revenge song lol
  9. knives

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    honestly forgot about that lol. either way, i'm excited to see what she'll come up with
  10. knives

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    i think it could be a series of music videos or a short film. her location said "man's world" which sounds like a larger project rather than just a music video. but any marina content would be nice right about now lol
  11. not even a blink but lisa is serving with the red hair! i might check out their cb this time around...
  12. https://twitter.com/MarlowNYC/status/1271083755915149312 lmao they really think they did something..... open your purses
  13. knives

    Kim Petras

    what is it with white women disappointing the gays lately.....first lana and marina and now this lmao. what a mess
  14. knives

    Lady Gaga

    absolutely love the album!! it's perfect to listen to while playing video games. i'm still getting over trauma from an abusive friendship from last year, and this album perfectly describes how i want to deal with everything -- crying while dancing. i can't say it's her best, but it's a really fun album from beginning to end. my favorites at the moment are: alice, ROM, (chromatica II +) 911, sour candy, and enigma
  15. knives

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    it's a 30 second snippet, i think it's kind of premature to say m5 will be a throwback album. i'd also consider a "throwback" to TFJ as revisiting previous themes and improving production, but to each their own.
  16. knives

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    and what would yall think of her if she continued going down the watered-down pop music path that was L+F ?? it seems like shes damned if she does, damned if she doesnt. what would u like her to do instead? genuinely asking. cuz im confused
  17. knives

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    actually........her most recent release was her true colors cover
  18. knives

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    i've never wanted a marina song more so i hope this isn't the INHA of m5...
  19. no. do you own an incense holder?
  20. knives

    Lady Gaga

    i was thinking the same thing. the amount of times she's sung both MR and shallow i think has damaged her vocals substantially.
  21. loved the songs vampire weekend, florence + the machine, and muse brought to the table. truly think lykke li's possibility is the best scene in the entire series. the cinematography, the vocals, the lyrics even my brother who hates the movies really loves that scene! also, is anybody else watching the marathon on freeform rn? they played twilight and new moon today, and eclipse is on as of rn.
  22. yikes. yeah im definitely going to find a pdf of midnight sun. i definitely see what you mean. the werewolves are portrayed as ruthless and unhinged. the racist "savage" stereotype in regards to poc needs to go. also the anti-abortion narrative she pulled in breaking dawn...i don't think any uterus-having person i know would carry to term if it meant they'd most likely die (during birth or while pregnant)? so the whole renesmee thing to me just screams anti-choice lmao. and edward is painted as the bad guy for wanting to abort. lmao. ok
  23. so happy theres a twilight thread now lol! i was obsessed -- and i do mean obsessed -- as a preteen (was team jacob) and even went to see eclipse the night it came out at 4 am. after breaking dawn, i hated them for a while, embarrassed i had ever been a fan, but now i like the movies again. just ironically this time around. funny that this thread was posted today, bc i got up at 10 am to watch twilight today, bc i dont have it on dvd anymore and i legit have to watch it once in a while to have a good laugh otherwise i have withdrawals. its got its hold on me real well. i cant say i ship bella with anyone, shes a mary sue and both edward and jacob are pretty shitty people lol. also, stephanie meyer chose the two most gay characters to be in a relationship. i guess thats why a lot of people ship rosalie or alice with bella instead totally agree. i saw something but cant confirm with my own eyes that years ago meyer said the only way she'd cast a black person in twilight is if they were a villain? (see laurent)........
  24. lucky ones, this is what makes us girls, and in my feelings never really appealed to me. i can listen to TIWMUG and enjoy it, but like. once in a blue moon. also not really her song, but the don't let me be misunderstood cover on honeymoon i've never listened to the whole way through lmao
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