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About AntiToxicPill

  • Rank
    The Pill

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Horror Motel
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    None of your business
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  1. I am so upset with these news …
  2. AntiToxicPill


    For me fantasia is the highlight. I just love everything about it’s 80s production
  3. How much do we have to beg ?
  4. We need a celebration for this. UltraLeak with music videos and new demos <3
  5. I’m sure it has been answered before , but where can I watch this ?
  6. This is brilliant !!! 👏👏👏
  7. AntiToxicPill


    It doesn’t make sense to shoot all these music vidoes , have beautiful visuals and then lock them away. 🥹 But what am I talking about . This is a Lana del Rey forum , queen of unreleased stuff .
  8. AntiToxicPill


    I love that movie ! And I love the music video . Do we know why she kept those videos unreleased ? It’s super bizarre to me since the visuals are amazing !
  9. I’ve been replaying this snippet so much today . It’s been years since I felt so stuck at a snippet . I truly believe that more drums and instruments come in on a later part of the song . And even if that doesn’t happen we get an a brilliant track . I love the production so much and I wish watercolour eyes was produced like that .
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