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  1. BLURRYFACE liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Sky Ferreira   
    It's funny how I go into both moods... from her electropop sound to Nighttime my time nnn
    I've wanted some of these songs from the snippets for years and actually forgot they existed but... yes they were gold

    Ugh she's good.
  2. DinahLee liked a post in a topic by Jord in Sky Ferreira   
    Um, honestly I couldn't care less about Sky's newer material. I just suffer to get her old shit from her early electropop years.
    My life would definitely be complete if we got Song 1 (the "slide onto me" song from SoundCloud, which I pretty much believe is "Cobra") and the other snippets she's posted and never released.
  3. gort9999 liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Sky Ferreira   
    The fact she didn't change the title yet makes me think she's no longer working on music because no way she's still connected with the concept she had like 2 years ago nnn
    I don't know if the new record will really be..."Masochism" as planned. But at this point she could drop "wild at heart" with electropop songs from 2012\2011 and I'll be ok
  4. DinahLee liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Electra Heart still makes me feel so many things, the lyrics are just so on point and well-written. Obviously all three albums are amazing, but this one is just something else.
  5. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I wish all her previous albuns were visuals. Including Honeymoon. Damn.
    Just imagined a vid for Diet Mountain Dew just like her complex interview. 
    Praying that White Mustang won't be the last vid this era because it deserves better
  6. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    She's probably working on post-production right now...Or just waiting. Remember the way she said Love was filmed like June last year but they edited the whole thing til the official release to make everything perfect "and real" because yes if they took a "lazy job" the whole thing would turn into a greenscreen nightmare 
  7. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
  8. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    In the worst case, the video production will be scrapped and she'll film herself singing inside a car with the vintage filter on her iPhone
  9. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Life rocked me like motley
    Grabbed me by the ribbons in my hair

  10. DinahLee liked a post in a topic by Escapism in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    FROOT as an era had a potential to be so much better. The album itself is nice not her best imo, but I feel like I can't relate to quite a few of the songs which kinda draws me away from it. But, visually it was really disappointing the videos are really forgetful (apart from blue). 
    Also, I wish she'd officially release an acoustic album/ep from each era. I wouldn't mind spending the extra coins to listen to them on vinyl. And I don't mean just 2 songs either (FROOT and TFJ) maybe like at least half of each album. I'm not counting acoustics from radio sessions either. 
  11. loleetah liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Poppy   
    production-wise the songs aren't really bad...Interweb and "My style" are pretty nice and computer boy isn't bad (well...the chorus is the problem there but anyway).
    But the lyrics are just bad and they're not even funny or worth the..."waste" instrumentals. Bubblebath lyrics were good so it makes it even worst
    Anyway, praying there will be at least 2\3 songs to save appart from the singles
    I think  My Style\Let's make a video > Interweb > Computer Boy
  12. feelingxcx liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in ALLIE X   
    I took a printscreen of the downtown acoustic vid and I'm just having a breakdown that I cannot share it here kdnjdjnejkenjknjkrnkr
    Anyway, her face on the last chorus. Epic.
    also the "bridge" effect...
  13. Jord liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Sky Ferreira   
    The fact she didn't change the title yet makes me think she's no longer working on music because no way she's still connected with the concept she had like 2 years ago nnn
    I don't know if the new record will really be..."Masochism" as planned. But at this point she could drop "wild at heart" with electropop songs from 2012\2011 and I'll be ok
  14. caolicolor liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in ALLIE X   
    I think she's the type of person that's not really..hm... "OPEN" but can be  "friendly"
    When she came to Brazil last year she did like 3 shows and she met one national act and she turned into some... type of "friend" after meeting before the show. Also a lot of people met her or something and it was like she acted really nice with the fans taking pictures and stuff
  15. fl0ridakil0s liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Sky Ferreira   
    The fact she didn't change the title yet makes me think she's no longer working on music because no way she's still connected with the concept she had like 2 years ago nnn
    I don't know if the new record will really be..."Masochism" as planned. But at this point she could drop "wild at heart" with electropop songs from 2012\2011 and I'll be ok
  16. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in ALLIE X   
    I took a printscreen of the downtown acoustic vid and I'm just having a breakdown that I cannot share it here kdnjdjnejkenjknjkrnkr
    Anyway, her face on the last chorus. Epic.
    also the "bridge" effect...
  17. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in ALLIE X   
    I think she's the type of person that's not really..hm... "OPEN" but can be  "friendly"
    When she came to Brazil last year she did like 3 shows and she met one national act and she turned into some... type of "friend" after meeting before the show. Also a lot of people met her or something and it was like she acted really nice with the fans taking pictures and stuff
  18. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    A M E N
  19. DinahLee liked a post in a topic by Stargirl in ALLIE X   
    I mean, firsthand I have a friend with gastroparesis who is extremely thin, but when you're on a diet for something like that, you don't slap a health food/fad name over it and call it philosophical. It's just what you gotta do. I don't want to analyze this too closely because while I do know some of the physical symptoms of EDs and I can see some with her, some people just have those features. So it'd be screwy to call one out that's just genetic. But she's not naturally underweight. She was perfectly healthy looking not even too long ago.
    And I personally joke about how she's goals etc because that's what my mind tells me I have to look like. And I have her telling me (well, her fans, properly) that cutting out sugar, fruits, bread, and dairy are necessary to look and feel good. 
    In an interview 
    "Weight loss, mental clarity, a feeling of control and empowerment, individualising myself from western culture, awareness of Xactly what I’m putting in my body and how it is affecting me, improved muscle tone, skin and hair!"
    Key word: Control. Also important, separation from other people. There aren't large mass cultures that restrict their diet naturally that much. She does it to feel better than other people, as one of the things she can control in her life. 
    I know this, because I may not look it, but I've been there and I am there. If it were just paleo, or veganism, it'd be one thing. But she literally has had moments where before going on stage (posted by her) she didn't even eat because nothing fit the parameters. She also posted a picture with a bunch of pills which seemed to be vitamins on her instagram story the other day. Which means she's either actually sick and treating herself with herbalistic remedies, or her diet doesn't provide sufficient nutrition. 
    I'm really getting into this, but as her fanbase grows, it hurts me to know that a part of her image is what should wholly be considered disordered eating. She shouldn't be talking about it like it'll change your life and make you holy and genius when her fanbase is probably mid-to-late teens. That's how eating disorders start. X is control. X is superiority. X is clarity.
    Also, if she is really ill, depriving her body of essential nutrients (and supplements can't always help here, you don't just absorb everything you consume) is going to make things worse.
    I'm really working on it, thanks x My mind tries to convince me that eating little to nothing is the key to life, and that I'll finally understand things and start doing well in life if I just give up eating. Also, that my weight (which is low average) is disgusting and that everyone knows it. But I'm getting help, I'm not just alone with my thoughts <3
  20. Stargirl liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in ALLIE X   
    I've kinda...spent time thinking about this not long ago but just sinked back in my mind.
    I really thought that she might had\have "eating disorder". And at same time I thought about all the "I'M SICK" posts and the way she's very... often... into hospitals & shit. And sometimes I think she's just "kidding" with serious stuff like the aesthetic thing... trying to be "edgy" maybe?
    When I saw her and like she walked really next to me I realized she was really "tall" and also thin and it was awkward because I'm a "tall person" so watching that woman looking TALLER was really like ..."lel". (But also she wore platforms on that day)
    I'm not sure if her health is "bad" because of what she eats like...If it's an allergy (like a really strong one that won't allow her eating lot of things) or then she's sick because she doesn't actually eat. It's really complicated....
    (Hope u urself is getting better and treating everything right! You're so nice and deserves the best xx)
  21. True Romance liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Poppy   
    production-wise the songs aren't really bad...Interweb and "My style" are pretty nice and computer boy isn't bad (well...the chorus is the problem there but anyway).
    But the lyrics are just bad and they're not even funny or worth the..."waste" instrumentals. Bubblebath lyrics were good so it makes it even worst
    Anyway, praying there will be at least 2\3 songs to save appart from the singles
    I think  My Style\Let's make a video > Interweb > Computer Boy
  22. Party Party liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Sky Ferreira   
    The fact she didn't change the title yet makes me think she's no longer working on music because no way she's still connected with the concept she had like 2 years ago nnn
    I don't know if the new record will really be..."Masochism" as planned. But at this point she could drop "wild at heart" with electropop songs from 2012\2011 and I'll be ok
  23. BLURRYFACE liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Poppy   
    production-wise the songs aren't really bad...Interweb and "My style" are pretty nice and computer boy isn't bad (well...the chorus is the problem there but anyway).
    But the lyrics are just bad and they're not even funny or worth the..."waste" instrumentals. Bubblebath lyrics were good so it makes it even worst
    Anyway, praying there will be at least 2\3 songs to save appart from the singles
    I think  My Style\Let's make a video > Interweb > Computer Boy
  24. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Sky Ferreira   
    The fact she didn't change the title yet makes me think she's no longer working on music because no way she's still connected with the concept she had like 2 years ago nnn
    I don't know if the new record will really be..."Masochism" as planned. But at this point she could drop "wild at heart" with electropop songs from 2012\2011 and I'll be ok
  25. DinahLee liked a post in a topic by Stargirl in ALLIE X   
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