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Everything posted by daphnedinkley

  1. almost always, yes but on a serious note, i'm only ranking it *within* lana's discography as opposed to music in general, if that makes sense. i think in that regard, it's kind of a solid 6 for her - it's impact on pop culture in general is obviously way way above that
  2. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Gramma vs Girl That Got Away
  3. Born To Die - 6/10 Paradise - 8.5/10 Ultraviolence - 9.5/10 (would be a 10 if it wasn't for G&R) Honeymoon - 7/10 Lust For Life - 6.5/10 Norman Fuking Rockwell! - 8/10 not that anyone asked but
  4. for what it's worth, i think differing opinions are really important and this thread (and any kind of NFR related discussion) would be totally dead without them; i understand where you're coming from, agree with many of your points and enjoy reading what you have to say! i'm sure you're not truly bothering anyone. discussion is what we're here for after all at first i thought HTD was kind of drowning in its own production and while i still feel that way, i'm enjoying it a lot more now!
  5. I find the discussion about Lana's lyricism on this album pretty interesting. I'm kinda torn on it??? Some of her writing on NFR! is BRILLIANT - Mariner's Apartment Complex stands out a lot for me lyrically, it's this great balance of rawness/honesty ("I fucked up, I know that, but Jesus, can't a girl just do the best she can?") and metaphors/imagery (all the lost at sea type stuff) that makes it feel so candid and honest but also considered and, for lack of a better term, not lazy. You can tell a lot of care went into writing the song imo, yet it's not too complex (ha no pun intended) so it's simple enough to feel classic. Then of course you have Hope which, although a lot of the fanbase don't like it, is no doubt some of her absolute greatest lyricism yet. Possibly her best ever tbh. The song tears me apart. You can tell that song was carefully constructed and probably went thru multiple drafts, it's unbelievably perfect. How To Disappear, Norman and Bartender are all very gorgeous lyrically too!! But then you get songs like Love Song. Rhyming 'chest', 'party dress' and 'mess'? 'It's the best' and 'passed the test'??? C'mon Lana should've moved on from that by now. It's lazy and probably the first sort of rhyme scheme you'd think of if you were just freestyling a song in the studio. I know Love Song is very beloved by fans and I understand why, but a song with such a delicate and minimal instrumental should probably put a little more thought into its lyrics, right??? California has some genuinely lovely moments (the first pre-chorus stands out to me), but "faster than my fastest cars" and "brighter than the brightest stars" are..... so thoughtless and cringe. The Greatest is one of my favourite Lana songs ever and I think it's really well written mostly, but the way she randomly repeats phases thru the song does make me question why she couldn't just think of more lyrics. The Next Best American Record is another song that could've had a lot more thought put into it to really elevate it, but that wasn't the case. I think there are some unbelievably high highs on NFR!'s lyrics, but strangely the lows aren't horrendously low - they're just lazy and careless.
  6. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Pin Up Galore vs Oh Say Can You See
  7. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Pawn Shop Blues vs Yayo (AKA)
  8. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Venice Bitch vs Video Games
  9. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Venice Bitch vs The Greatest
  10. anybody else looking forward to Outer Worlds?
  11. meeee!! who are the 2....? yea, i wish untucked was more of a thing, but tbh with you i feel like it would kind of be redundant - this set of queens don't seem to be especially shady, and when they are everyone just kinda laughs about it. i don't think there'd be much drama or anything (and i don't predict much drama for the entire season tbh) so a full untucked might be pretty boring
  12. i hope so too if nothing else it'll at least gives us lots of pretty new gifs and screencaps and stuff side note i love your profile pic, so pretty!! <3
  13. be safe situations like these are horrifying and i'm always feeling like there's nothing i can ever do about them. is there anything we non-chileans can do to help out except for spread the word??
  14. i'm glad it wasn't just me thinking about it to be fair you'd probably do a better job of promoting it than lana herself
  15. Summer Bummer is deeply underrated - I understand why much of the fandom wouldn't appreciate it because of how heavily hip-hop it is, but I think it's this brilliant combination of dark yet charming, light yet heavy, hard-hitting yet laidback. It's danceable and a real summer jam but it's also a little sinister and devilish. Also I fckn LOVE the lyrics: "You can't escape my affection, wrap you up in my daisy chains"; "White lines and black beaches and miles in between us"; "We travel for weeks just to escape your demons".
  16. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    American vs Lucky Ones
  17. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Off to the Races vs Lolita
  18. i'm hoping the NFR acclaim will encourage lana to put the effort into some glam high budget videos for WHF
  19. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Shades of Cool vs Cherry
  20. thank you, this smacked some sense into my broke ass! you're absolutely right, it wouldn't be much fun at night at all and of course we all know what to expect from a lana show already
  21. looking back on the Honeymoon post-release thread a few months after release, it's shocking how much people didn't like the album the thing is, Honeymoon is obviously a mood album. NFR! very much isn't, so it has to be judged as a set of individual songs (that are compiled together in album form obv) as opposed to a big atmospheric piece, so i think any comparisons in quality between Honeymoon and NFR! are kind of redundant. it seems much fairer to judge its quality in comparison to BTD and UV.
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