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Everything posted by NikoGo

  1. yes! and after Summertime dropped, she posted a pic with the band and singers and wrote “Standards crew” I definitely think something will happen!
  2. I know we shit talk her for ‘ruining’ BAR by reworking it and putting it on NFR, but I think the demo we got was a super super early version, and she ‘ruined’ it way before NFR. In this video during the LFL era, when she talks about ‘Architecture’ she mentions both Topanga and Malibu. In the demo version we got (which was what we assumed she was talking about, it’s the only version we had) she doesn’t mention Malibu or Topanga, but in the version we got on NFR we do! (Topangas hot tonight. We play the eagles down in Malibu) I also LOL at the fact that she says “Architecute I talked about that one so much!” But she literally didn’t say a word about it. It got leaked as BAR and Shazam started recognizing it and called it Architecture..She didn’t say anything about it herself
  3. NikoGo

    The Sims

    Yes!! I can always go back to 2 and 3! They both have so much more lore and character interactions..and Sims 3 borrowed a lot of animations from the sims 2, but with 4 they didn’t reuse any animation so they had to make a whole new set from the ground up and it really shows! It’s so sad because a moder can create a whole open world, and the team can’t even do simple animations! im looking at newer lifestyle games like paralives and my little sims world, but like you I’m also kinda just holding out for Sims 5. I was super disappointed when they basically announced it won’t be until at least 2022 (they have the full 2021 figured out).
  4. no she posted ‘standards crew’ after the Summertime video came out an one of the producers posted a picture the other day hinting at it
  5. not negativity, realism its different i promise. I still want the album I have no negative thoughts towards it, but I am definitely feeling on the ‘realistic’ side of things the album will come when it comes! I’m just not gonna hold onto hope over one Instagram post, it’s just not enough
  6. omg we said this last week when she posted the picture posed as an airplane with the pepper emoji nothing is happening and she’s not going to post again, she got her weekly post in
  7. because even something positive for the album, for example “can’t wait for you to hear the new music” Or confirming or denying the engagement rumors she gives a generic “hope everybody’s having a good day”
  8. I still have hope for it, but this isn’t a now thing, sis was real messy with Tropico, was okay with UV and HM but LFL onwards has been bumpy
  9. Byron’s story on Instagram is also from the day of shooting! (He’s wearing the same cowboy hat and jacket)
  10. here we go again “there’s no way she’s not performing title track” 2.0 I am kidding I promise! I do agree this would be the time she plays something new, usually when her and Jack perform together like this, something actually happens
  11. I’m hoping with the links acting funny today she’s going to make some kind of announcement after her song, but it does seem highly unlikely
  12. I might be a #FakeFan and not stay up and tune in, and just watch it tomorrow after a nice night’s rest
  13. We lost BUT in the meantime She’s singing a COTCC song (so that’s kind of wining, it could have been a cover) the Chemtrails link DOES lead to something (as of very recently) The cover album is (hopefully) coming soon I’m excited for LMLYLAW to have a little moment
  14. We were very hopeful we won and she was going to sing title track but we lost I can’t believe she posed as an airplane to sing LMLYLAW
  15. I wasn’t sure if he was or not, I’ve also said he doesn’t lie usually and that he was possibly trolling but yes, LMLYLAW!
  16. eclipse later confirmed he was trolling (which he could have been trolling about) Others have also pointed out she doesn’t have black hair, and not wearing a leather jacket in the promo pics
  17. I don’t even know what to guess she’s performing. probably summertime
  18. a user pointed out she’s not wearing a leather Jacket and doesn’t have black hair in either of the promo pics, and he’s been trolling since then. He actually said it was coming out at this point but we have no idea
  19. This is 100% what I actually believe. big it’s fun to be delusional for one last day, because after this we have no idea when to expect anything
  20. They didn’t prove it, the last sentence just says that the latest single out is LMLYLAW
  21. The fact I have to watch Jimmy Fallon tonight better get some COCC out of it
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