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Everything posted by NikoGo

  1. that’s literally what I said! And she did it months after revealing the name was Chemtrails, so she was doing it so we would know it was still there! Do you like the full song?
  2. I really wish she’d just give us the release date for White Dress also, I can’t at all of you putting BUS so low on your list. It’s going to be a more uptempo song with beautiful melodies and harmonies and you’re still going to stay it sucks
  3. I completely agree!! Title track gets very dreamy second verse and onwards and the sound she does best! Amazing melodies with amazing production! The interview definitely did it’s job! I’m more hype for the album than I’ve been in a long time (and that’s saying a lot, I’ve been super hype since title track dropped ) I wonder if whoever wrote the article heard the album? (They seem to know they lyrics for a good number of the songs)
  4. Not gonna lie, I love the fact that she isn’t sure about the album and thinks certain parts of it is stupid COTCC truly has the potential to be one of her best albums. I also think this is going to be the first time she’s ever released an album without announcing the next one. I don’t think she has writers block, but she’s still experimenting with the sounds she wants and hasn’t found where she wants to go yet
  5. That was a really fantastic interview! So nice that she mostly talked all about the music! it was fun to see all of Eclipse’s hints (grass being greener, white stripes, Kings of Leon) have meaning also all the retrospective pictures of her, while knowing White Dress is a retrospective track. I’m curious how White Dress sounds since it seems very hope but also had slightly more instruments. I’m exited for literally every song on this album
  6. I can’t with another acronym when the first one is still unsolved I feel like the D is probably down and it’s two different verses but I have .05 brainpower to care so we’ll find out in 13 days allegedly
  7. I’m on the fence about it too, I’ve also heard both insiders have it and that nobody has heard it..I just feel like at this close the the album coming out someone has had to have heard it, maybe one of the 5 people who have the album now got Yosemite when LFL was being mastered?
  8. Is it possible the insiders already had Yosemite? I’m sure Lana mastered it with the rest of LFL since it was a last minute removal, and that’s when insiders usually get the songs or was it said they didn’t have it?
  9. Wish we had an actual confirmation of when White Dress is coming I keep seeing “yay 14 days” and I want to get excited but like, she hasn’t said a word
  10. NikoGo

    Taylor Swift

    This was THE album of my early high school life so I’m so exited that she did this one first!! I can’t wait to hear Love Story tonight! I am sad we have to wait so long for the album, when I first saw the tweet I assumed it was coming tonight and that album cover 6 brand new songs I hope Red gets the same treatment and we finally hear the 10 minute, ‘Fuck’ version of All too well
  11. I’m both excited and nervous this could be another Anne Mac situation since she did both interviews around the same time, so she was in the same headspace for both of them. But it could also work really good on her part, it just depends on how she articulates what she wants to say
  12. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    She’s so cute I’m not sure why but seeing that story made me really sad..I feel like she’s such a genuine person and she’s getting so much heat/hate lately and it makes me really sad for her. Like Facebook articles, reviewers, Twitter.. everyone is coming for her and why?? And why did seeing that video trigger my sadness
  13. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    to bad she’s over!!!! /s she literally gets over a million likes on all her posts, her fan base is huge! The critics can buzz off
  14. she just talked *a little* bit about it saying how she went to Zach and wanted to cover some country songs and that’s it
  15. I’ve given a LOT of thought lately about my disappointment about NFR, and I think I have it more figured out I think the main thing for me was the fact that we had the melodies for at least the verses for almost every song, and some songs (like HIAB and Cinnamon Girl) we had almost everything in the form of snippets. Listening to HIAB for almost 2 years in the form of snippets made it feel super stale on arrival. (Not to mention the structure of the song is super weird and didn’t flow like I thought it was going to) Same thing with Cinnamon Girl, we didn’t know the kerosene line but the melody stayed the same, and she played the higher vocal part before the outro on her story, essentially giving us the full song in the matter of two Instagram posts and her story. And then the problem with the singles (MAC and VB). They were almost A YEAR old by the time the record came and as much as I love them (MAC is a top 5 track for me) I think in my head its hard to think of them when thinking of NFR, like they were their own singles not related to an album (which I know is a me thing). And I get why she put Doin Time on the album but it reallllly didn’t fit. It’s probably my favorite cover she’s ever done but it really throws off the vibe of the album. so now that I’ve been contemplating where it went wrong with me, in developing more of an appreciation for it. Not that it’s suddenly my number one album but I do think the rollout and snippet situation really made me sour to the album and now that that’s going away I’m appreciating it more. (And the instrumental to HTD is iconic, sorry not sorry)
  16. NikoGo

    Twitter Updates

    It hurts to love you, but I still love you
  17. NikoGo

    Twitter Updates

    SHES MAKING IT SO BAD OMG Bringing Rolling Stones up for absolutely no reason. What is she doing
  18. In the September interview she said she wasn’t sure if the album went were she wanted to, and that’s why she wanted to maybe add dealer, and she confirmed today the album DIDN’T end where she wanted it
  19. same, I couldn’t hear it and went to genius and it says LSD and was curious what everyone else hears
  20. Yes agreed 100%!! I’m the same way, I always overlooked the song because the first snippet didn’t do much for me and the live apple performance also didn’t do much for me, but the brilliance of the instrumental has really hit me hard!
  21. I used to not even listen to it because the lyrics never really grabbed me (from the first snippet she teased to the full apple performed) and I never paid enough attention to the instrumental because I was so focused on the not liking the lyrics aspect But now, since I realized I like the instrumental, I find myself relating to the lyrics more I agree though! The instrumental we got is ‘trippy’ and I love the key change instrumental break! I love piano so much (I’ve played for almost 15 years now!) but that instrumental break wouldn’t have been a quarter as interesting without all the interesting instrumentals mixing together!
  22. Hi all, I’m back I’ve always shared my unpopular opinion about not liking NFR, but I think I just out unpopular opinioned myself I think How To Disappear is one of the best album tracks, instrumentally I know you’re all upset that it wasn’t the piano ballad she teased and premiered but I think the final production is 1000X’s better. I’ve been re-listening to NFR in anticipation for Lana and Jack’s newest baby and HTD is the one that’s been sticking out the most to me. The strings, bells, guitar, random beats. I love it
  23. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    Well since she’s back she might as well triple post the single cover, album cover, and tracklist
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