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Everything posted by NikoGo

  1. How desperate do you have to be to do all of this I think having to go to last.fm and clear out fake scrobbles is a new low for us who would have thought last.fm would be this era’s new website
  2. I did! he hasn’t had any new songs other than Bird World and Garden of Eden
  3. why would they red out half the song titles
  4. I would think that’s a good sign, but they also deleted all posts about it so it seems like it was more of an accident to post it? Maybe there was confusion over the cover, or maybe whoever is running the account thought it was a legit release and then was told it indeed wasn’t I think there’s a better chance of going to Ed, he’s the one who told us last August that COTCC wasn’t ready yet after magazines started acting like they heard it
  5. It’s also fair to point out she seems A LOT more into RCS/BB than she did COTCC. She already has the lead single video shot and she told a fan on livestream she was excited for us to hear it. When she announced COTCC she was 3 months away from even shooting the lead single and every interview she did, she talked about Chemtrails being work, not being up to her standards, etc. I really don’t think this album is going to have a super long delay, unless something happens BTS and they don’t want her to release the album yet for whatever reason
  6. She said during NFR it takes 90 days/12 weeks and she had a good number of varieties then COTCC took 16 weeks after she submitted the album due to covid but I would think that shouldn’t be an issue now. If she changed the album name and submitted the finalized album between the RCS announcement and the first BB post, it could still be released July 4th. If she hasn’t submitted the album yet we’re looking at early August at the absolute earliest. But the songs are assumingly mastered since insiders (allegedly) have the full thing (but safe to note they had COTCC last July)
  7. I feel like all this insider bs and Lana’s typical radio silence would bug me more if she hadn’t just released Chemtrails, but since we literally just got a whole new album I’m just going with whatever happens. I’ll start getting frustrated in July when we both don’t have a lead single and still haven’t heard anything solid
  8. I don’t see this being the country album, because she mentioned it after announcing rock candy sweet
  9. @GeminiLanaFan this morning: I’m leaving until things clear up *two hours later * things get more confusing
  10. @Terrence Loves Me keeps manifesting and feeling a Lana post, but instead manifests ice cold tea and more confusion fix your energies sis you’re so close
  11. Featuring her classic lullaby, Cherry Blossom!! this is what I would assume also! I don’t see her teasing a video and then waiting a month or more to release it (at least I’m hoping)
  12. I know she threw us off by posting two days in a row (the cover and then the snippet) but I think we should hold onto our 18-20 day between music news theory because it’s been the most constant thing we’ve had since December so, that said, I think she won’t post music news again until the 15th to the 18th So we can make as many crazy theories as we want for the next two weeks
  13. you said that yesterday jk I’ll manifest with you
  14. I will always be fully convinced she was talking about when her and Jack finished the COTCC songs we got, and wasn’t talking in the present. she tweeted in November she was working on two albums, and in January (around the same time as the BBC interview) Ben and Ed said she was working on two albums and had two titles in mind (which if she has two possible titles picked out, she had to be close to being done) But when she did the BBC interview there was NO way she could announce her NEXT album when the album she was currently promoting was still 2 months away.
  15. Omg she looks so good! I’m so jealous that she already has a nice little tan going on and it’s the beginning of May
  16. While i absolutely do not think we’re getting a double album, I’ll gladly manifest and get hype with y’all
  17. that hardly means it’s a greatest hits she’s called it an album, and on her livestream the other day someone said “congratulations on your album” and she said “thanks I’m excited for you to hear it” why would she be exited for us to hear a greatest hits plus 3 new songs
  18. Why would she release a greatest hits in the age of streaming?
  19. between COTCC pre-release and this pre-release the very next day, Mental illness never really left
  20. No, no news Today we didn’t learn who produced the lead, who produced the album, what the genre is, or what the release date of the single is today could have not happened at all and we would be in the exact same spot, info wise
  21. I mean it’s clearly gonna be pushed back, she’s not gonna release on Sunday, July 4th our luck they haven’t even sent the vinyls in to be done yet so we’re still looking at at least 3 months minimum (so August/September)
  22. This is my favorite/most hated part of prerelease
  23. no it’s been dead since March 15th, 2018
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