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About Luc

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  1. I'm so obsessed with White Dress.. In a better world, the song would be #1 in at least the UK & USA right now!
  2. I hate ordering LPs online, cuz there is a higher chance of them arriving in a bad state.. But I knew that no stores around my area would have something on release day. Fingers crossed that all formats arrive in prestine condition!
  3. Unpopular opinion, but.. I don't like when artists do lipsync in their music videos like in those singing/playback shots.. It looks super awkward and fake most of the times!
  4. Thank you so much!! You made my day! I was so afraid of a cancellation email.. The Neil PD is so beautiful!
  5. How many copies left? How to check! Many thanks!
  6. LDR Village canceled my order for the Signed CD and the Neil PD stating they were out of stock.. but they are still showing up on the store! The email was in my Spam! Anyone having the same issue?
  7. I wonder if the ''Buy Now: More stock coming soon'' mention under the Neil Picture Disc on her UK Store means that they will cancel a bunch of orders in the following days... Like too many orders placed for the actual stock that they will get!
  8. The LDR Village is so cute!
  9. I don't know if we were supposed to believe that it was her who was skate-rolling.. but her body double's blurred/hidden face is kinda funny throughout the whole video!
  10. Any news or pictures of the UO Green LP? Was it released today?
  11. Is it the same image on both sides of the PDs?
  12. OMG! My Spotify PD order just shipped! I was so afraid of a cancellation. Lana truly saved 2021!
  13. Is it true that the Neil cover was the original concept.. Like approved a while ago! And plans were scrapped recently?
  14. The 'Rose' logo should have been used on all formats!
  15. Same! Unpopular opinion, but I miss the days when she actually worked with real renowned photographers/directors! BTD-UV eras were visually picture perfect! But I get that she wants maybe a simpler image.. Less Diva-esque!
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