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Everything posted by longtimeman

  1. Even better, it's not close to being full of just piano ballads.
  2. To shout it out loud (as Kiss would say), there is not one second (alright, maybe one or two seconds) or actual un-produced 'Behind the Scenes' footage in Candy Necklace. We are just being lulled into a sense of thinking we are watching first a regular music video, then a meta video, then a behind the scenes film. All of it, and all of the photos posted by the filmmakers, as well as the 'teaser' from a few weeks ago, are all a part of the product.
  3. This is not really a spoiler for Mulholland Drive, but if you're super senstive about that sort of thing, don't watch this.
  4. Considering how many videos have appeared on Youtube trying to create a 'real' MV out of the 'real' footage, the explanation clearly wasn't enough to overcome lack of comprehension.
  5. The Silver Jews are legit amazing.
  6. I feel like this is not accidental. These are also a part of the project.
  7. Yeah. I hate to shit on people's creative vision, but he took out every bit of personality, nuance and interset in her voice and performance, and created a couple of hits. Based on that, it's no wonder she doesn't care about chart success.
  8. I love everything about this video. There are so many tiny details to dive into, but one thing I really appreciate is how Jon's 'character' (for want of a better word) is recontextualised, from being this creepy presence in the original song, to being a fully positive force in the video (as the opposite of the nameless old creepy-guy). Also, that magical moment when they are at the top of the stairs sharing a joke/moment, and it's impossible to tell whether they're the 'actual' Jon and Lana, or the MV Jon and Lana, or if those categories exist at all. Speaking of recontextualising - I think we all imagined the line about sitting on the sofa was about being wrecked at home, somewhat like a part 2 of 'Is This Happiness' or something, but seeing it as a therapists couch/seat changes the meaning again. Add to that it being Lana as Marilyn ...
  9. Is this your work, Elle? I'd love to share and credit it properly
  10. 100%. I feel like it's a very Lynchian video, along the lines of Mulholland Drive, where personas are not as simple as 'real vs fake', and dream and reality are not at all clearly different. For example, the difference in meaning between if we just saw the Hollywood Walk of Fame scene as a MV scene, against what it means for us to be watching it being filmed as a movie, is massive.
  11. There are about ten seconds in 'Margaret' which sound almost exactly like a part of Bonnie Tyler's infamous 'Total Eclipse Of The Heart'. The album version of 'Lucky Ones' has always felt very mid 80s to me. (The demo has an early 90s vibe).
  12. Anyone who enjoys old goth/punks making wonderful music might enjoy the new Damned record, which is way better than i expected:
  13. Huh. I've always disliked him, but now I have a solid reason.
  14. I'm not a lawyer, but I don't believe that a will can change a contract made during someone's life. So if their record contract allows for posthumous releases, the best they can do is let fans know they shouldn't support any such releases. Or even better, make sure that your contracts are explicit and don't allow it, before you sign them.
  15. Sometimes bad things happen to good people And sometimes angels touch pure evil.
  16. it was a public holiday here today, and I spent most of it doing not much at all around the house, listening to the radio. There were three songs from the album played over the day - Fingertips, Peppers and the title track, and it got to the point my wife asked me if I'd turned off the radio and was programming what was playing
  17. "Sounding off" is the worst misheard lyric since 'Like the Ford 05 I drive through ...'
  18. I don't know if it's been pointed out before, but she changed her bio to include the Variety review of Ocean Blvd.
  19. I know for a few other bands I follow, there are a lot of very nice looking bootleg 7" singles that come from Greece - apparently there are some enterprising people there who do better than the real labels as far as covers and nice song selection. I wonder if this single comes from the same people?
  20. No. Unfortunately, the way most education systems work these days, if you want to get a solid B+ on an essay, it's enough to recognise where something comes from, and you don't have to work out why a reference is actually being used. None of the references/callbacks, to her own work or to the work of others, are done just for the hell of it.
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