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About deeth

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    I'm the hero of the story

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    Northern Europe

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  1. These two are great! I'm happy to see more Wim Wenders love in this thread.
  2. Your friends don't know what they're missing! It's such a great movie, I really like stop-motion and it's done so well here. I love everything about it, Alice falling on the pile of leaves and the leaves going into the drawer, the rabbit breaking free in the beginning and putting on white gloves, and then later eating sawdust! And the caterpillars, and the little mouse trying to make a fire on Alice's head..
  3. This is very difficult.. I came up with a list of like 28 movies before fully realizing that this topic is asking for 5. If I made a top 5 next week it might look a bit different, but oh well. Der Himmel über Berlin (1987) Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (2001) Něco z Alenky (1988) Todo sobre mi madre (1999) La strada (1954)
  4. Yess I've liked them ever since All The Things She Said came out. I prefer the Russian songs, I think my favorite album is Lyudi Invalidy and my favorite song is Vsya Moya Lubov but I also like Obez'yanka Nol and Lyudi Invalidy. I haven't listened to their solo stuff at all, I probably should get around to it at some point.
  5. deeth

    Patrick Wolf

    I really like his first two albums. I never got into The Magic Position (except for Augustine, which is lovely) and only listened to the newer albums once or twice. One of my favorite songs is actually the other Nico cover, Ari's Song. It's gorgeous.
  6. That's so great! I bet she was fantastic. I'm so excited to see (and possibly meet) her too!
  7. Upcoming: Anna von Hausswolff on Nov 2nd. Sigur Rós on Nov 30th. and maybe Ólafur Arnalds on Nov 25th.
  8. Saw The Knife on Wednesday which was extremely weird / amazing, and Cat Power, Alicia Keys and Kendrick Lamar yesterday. Will see Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds today, and Bat for Lashes tomorrow.
  9. I'm happy Teemu Brunila is back with a new band, although I wasn't expecting something quite like this. I know the identity of the singer is not confirmed in any way, but it is so obvious. He used to sing in a band called The Crash & their song Sugared (from 1999!) is still a great song.
  10. The start of Cola (and the show) was a mess sound-wise, the audience was so loud that it was hard to hear Lana sing and her voice was lost in all the obnoxious screaming (I think some of the girls thought they were in a Justin Bieber concert?). She actually said "Turn me up! Turn them down!".
  11. deeth

    The Smiths

    I went to see Morrissey a few years back at my least favorite venue here in Helsinki, however he made it work and it was pretty great. He also changed his shirt at least five times. This was important information.
  12. deeth

    Regina Spektor

    BUT IT'S ONLY BEEN A YEAR SINCE THE LAST ONE WHAT IS THIS. Oh I see Madrigal has discovered something. A theme song! How cool for Regina.
  13. Sigur Rós - Kveikur 3LP
  14. Set list: Cola Body Electric Blue Jeans Born to Die Carmen Blue Velvet Young and Beautiful Without You Knockin' on Heaven's Door Ride Summertime Sadness American Video Games National Anthem
  15. Super favorites: Veronica Mars, Twin Peaks, Game of Thrones, The O.C., Pushing Daisies, Shameless (US), Skins (UK seasons 1&2), Misfits (season 1), Dead Like Me, The Lost Room.
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