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Everything posted by Ebola

  1. The 4 minute piano instrumental outro on Layla by eric clapton...don’t get me wrong it’s nice and all but the actual song is only 3 minutes and there’s FOUR MINUTES of the instrumental??? Like we could have done with only two...it also drives me crazy that there’s no abridged version on streaming. I had to make my own because i couldn’t take it anymore.
  2. This is so devastating. No single person has changed me as a person like Lynch has. I watched Wild At Heart in high school and it changed everything for me, I was so fascinated by how Lynch’s style evoked a dream-like affect so similar to that of how my actual dreams play out. It felt like I was able to record my dreams and play them back. It unlocked such a profound love for film and inspired me to study film and media in college and now I aspire for a career in the film industry. I credit Lynch for informing my identity not only in my interests and sensibilities when it comes to art, but also in how I see the world around me and find beauty and value in what most others would disregard as mundane or offputting. I always go back to Twin Peaks when I need to regain a sense of hope. I fear what I would have been without him. </3
  3. one of the best musical performances ever
  4. How did these men have such beautiful shiny luscious healthy hair...
  5. It all seems stranger than a stranger
  6. I just don't understand this woman sometimes. She's always been so outspoken against Trump and then randomly a few years ago started hanging around the country bumpkins from the midwest, which was pretty tame as they were certainly more "metropolitan" in terms of their political sensibilities (Nikki, even Sean and Clay) but definitely concerning as that culture can be so politically conservative...but this is just bizarre IMO. How could you MARRY someone with political views that are so morally depraved and different from your own??? I get that we don't know the guy at all or what he does or does not support in terms of Trump's policies, but he still outspokenly supports him (that's not up for interpretation or argument) which speaks volumes. What changed for her to think this is okay??? Like yeah her marriage is none of our business and we should be "happy for her" but it's still incredibly disheartening to see your favorite celebrity who has no past of such vile behavior marry a guy who supports that racist misogynistic fascist. She really let her fans down with this one.
  7. such a beautiful song...America does a wonderful cover too
  8. I've needed this song since the first snippet leak
  9. I think this stuff is 10000x more exciting because at least with new album tea we know we'll hear the songs at some point... this stuff is lost to us until someone comes out and spills it
  10. At the Spin Me Round tiktok lady listening party they don’t know I’m Ebola
  11. real talk why does everyone shit on honeymoun for saying the same shit y'all say in here about speculating things it's weird fr... last time I checked honeymoun wasn't the one leaking upcoming album info which to you guys is like the most deplorable thing a human being can do but it's nothing but hugs and kisses when people do that on here... how you gonna attack a leaker relentlessly for "spreading misinformation" when they never claimed anything as fact in the first place but then praise leakers who genuinely do malicious things that can hurt lana's career and are in general just like annoying attention-seeking and cringe...but then go after the first girl for being the attention-seeking one
  12. honeymoun dgaf about you or your opinion stop screaming for attention also he never claimed anything was coming
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