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Everything posted by Voignamir

  1. Voignamir


    Collxtion I: Bitch/Good Unsolved: Old Habits Die Hard Collxtion II: Lifeline SS: GOTY/NSBILA Cape God: Life of the Party/Learning in Public with that being said, R.I.P Learning in Public lyric video...
  2. Voignamir


    imo her least cohesive (and my least fav) is collxtion II, i don't really go back to it that much, i mean the songs are good but there's just something off with it... with cape god she really outdone herself, it's so authentic it actually feels like she was born to make this album. and as i think collxtion I could've easily been a full long album, super sunset works as an 8 (or actually 6) track ep for me (and it's my personal fav, it just goes so well )
  3. Voignamir


    could someone list all the scrapped/unreleased/less known videos?
  4. Voignamir


    where are the vinyl tracks im starving
  5. Voignamir

    Charli XCX

    that's so us video leaking and charli bleaching her brows? what a coincidence...
  6. seriously imagine this reunion how do i post pictures here pls somebody teach me edit: now i know, thanks yall <3
  7. Voignamir

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    this whole coversation reminded me that fake mona lisa is 2:12 and nobody ever faced consequences
  8. Voignamir

    Charli XCX

    all the MNEK tracks:
  9. Voignamir

    Charli XCX

    this and cybergirl (and moonlight demo) are my two most anticipated charli leaks that most likely will never leak
  10. Voignamir

    Katy Perry

    ah yes, witness aka her best album
  11. Voignamir


    Halfaxa = Art Angels > Visions = Geidi Primes > Miss Anth = Book 1 but they all mean sooo much to me i can't even put it into words
  12. Voignamir


    the woman i am being vinyl exclusive... a choice if you ask me
  13. Voignamir


    this is my favorite post ever
  14. oh so i got this one too, but ty again for fiend club, i've been looking for this one for ages
  15. you're literally a life saver by Milk Eyes you mean the original demo or the alleged The Grates cover? (or it's the same thing?) as for IWFYITD, i have it but thanks anyway<3
  16. does anyone here has her cover 'fiend club'? after all these years it's the only song that she's posted to tumblr (according to wiki) that i don't have
  17. Voignamir

    Charli XCX

    don't twink twice
  18. Voignamir


    okay but why is it troubled paradise/inferno euphoria instead of just troubled paradise (remix)??
  19. Voignamir


    very few leaks, the most interesting imo is the most recent one, darq souls, it's a miss a scrap, the others would be death angels and some demos and i think that's all? most of her stuff that people treat as leaks are some very rare releases, remixes or features and she did a lot of them throughout 2009-2014
  20. Voignamir


    omg i've been avoiding all the snippets for months and now its finally gonna pay off
  21. Voignamir

    Charli XCX

    they both look so pretty here
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