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  1. Love her so much, guys. Best songs for me were White Mustang, Change, Cherry and Ultraviolence. Get Free was also special. Worst was Serial Killer. Her vocals were perfection, visuals were out of this world good, she looked happy up there and was really engaged with her fans. She mentioned Cat Power. All hail the queen.
  2. Lol, I can't. Ronson said himself there wasn't enough time...
  3. The Ideal Husband is the only song I love - and yeah he's a very good performer! The ironising of everything and his ideas are pretty boring though. Agree he's overrated. Like this mild roast of yours though, lol.
  4. you and naachoboy are the shit! and yep agree...for fucks sake, give us something NEW and conceptually like she is making an effort like from BTD (omg some of you have me convinced).
  5. Yeah I totally get why fans want the whole package - good tunes and writing, videos and visuals, vocals and live performances, social media etc. but she is great at the things out of those that are important to me, so not fussed about videos etc.
  6. My impression of what she said was that Nowels is willing to experiment and try out her ideas. Not that anything she suggests sounds good and is given the go ahead. This is absurd otherwise an album would never be finished and as if the record company gives her absolute freedom. She was also frank about how Nowels offered up his ideas and what his roles are. That's what collaboration and creativity are, not simply shutting things down because you think you know better from the get go. There are always limitations when making music that is supposed to turn over a profit. If BTD is so excellent because she worked with people who she had tension with...well yes tension or like conflict can be an important part of collaboration but she worked with Nowels on BTD too. Also we have no idea what the tension was about, Dan said it could stem from being a woman in the industry-it doesn't necessarily follow it's because Dan said no to her ideas in such a way which accounts for the brilliance of UV. He said himself he could see what she was trying to do but she was not there yet; Lana said it was great that Auerbach believed in her. Dan also spoke about how the record company brought in the other record producer who said everything was fine. You are speculating from simplistic ideas like collaboration has no conflict at all or has to have a set amount of conflict to claim that Lana surrounds herself with yes people to create an inferior product. There is just no evidence for that. She also said in another interview that her tastes are changing and she will work with other producers. Re your response to strong man, seeing people saying she needs someone dominant like Dan to push her, that's what I reacted to.
  7. I think it's really strange that people assume Lana's co-producers in Nowels, of course men, don't challenge her and that she needs a really strong producer, of course a man, to do good work with. I can think of very few artists who don't work with at least one collaborator in terms of lyrics or production and create excellent music (even Pet Sounds, which people erroneously think Brian Wilson created on his own) so I do think Lana would need collaborators. But a woman artist being in control (whatever this means - she coproduced the whole album for the first time. But she has always had a strong vision and on HM talked about how the sound changed) seems to send the Lana concern pearl clutchers to speculate that if an album doesn't meet their expectations then she needs a strong male producer to save her from mediocrity. The comparison with Tori Amos is really off too.
  8. the blonde woman looks like Taylor Swift
  9. Kim said she did it because she felt weirdly protective of Frances Bean and even questioned whether Frances knew Lana was a persona (her words). So condescending to Frances and Lana! I think Frances handled the issue well and Kim should just shut the fuck up about Lana for some of the reasons you said. It is not ok to make comments like that when the person could be seriously mentally ill and contemplating suicide. Kim's still hugely talented and not into crap like putting her to pasture.
  10. Inspiration for HBTB the vid is from BBHMM I reckon
  11. I think it's the opposite - he loves her but she couldn't give a damn...but yeah she does seem better. and gross about the picture - really?
  12. ONLY ON THIS BOARD...love this board. Also OP your fan made art for UV is gorgeous.
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