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Everything posted by ShadesOfFool

  1. that wasn’t really a “performance” but whatever it was I enjoyed it love the hair and the leather jacket
  2. Tbh I have no idea wtf she’s saying there. I always thought it was “comprende mis White lies” which doesn’t really make any sense. White lines wouldn’t really make sense either ?? I just kinda go with it. but “you give me my white lines” makes it very clear what she’s describing tbh
  3. I wish she kept the part about white lines in Ultraviolence. That really makes the whole picture she’s painting even more clear. An abusive man keeping you hooked on drugs to stay with him...man, I hate she went thru that.
  4. "if you get lonely, think of me only, prison isn't going to keep me from youuuu"
  5. Yes her music has lots a lot of it’s flare and special sauce...
  6. found it! it's a 2 second shot in a BTS video so i did the best i could haha
  7. ShadesOfFool

    Lil Wayne

    They said he’s rapping like it’s 08 again. I haven’t had a chance to listen yet but I’m excited.
  8. listening to No Scrubs and thinking how hilarious it would for Lana to cover this
  9. it's been a while since i've told you this but you're so talented and i'm obsessed with you
  10. I can’t listen but she looks BEAUTIFUL
  11. What else is in that bag, fat girrrl? The streets need her to sing Escape from LA!!!
  12. I think she has to strike a little bit more of a balance because at the end of the day, we do still want people to listen to this album more than once lol. she’s gotta throw the 30 and under crowd a couple bones with some songs we would know to keep it fun and actually generate interest. I mean I’ll listen to her sing anything obviously, but if she’s gonna do a cover album I’d at least like to know some of the songs lol. Let’s have her sing criminal by Fiona Apple, something by The Weeknd, something by Amy, etc. they’re not radio pop songs but they’re songs people have heard.
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