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Everything posted by ShadesOfFool

  1. ew she really fucked marilyn manson, what was she going thru
  2. Thank you, I saw lana and minaj in the same sentence and my tail started wagging
  3. Her, erm, fond relationship with Harvey Weinstein we all pretend didn’t look a certain way. the Marilyn Manson video. Still no idea why she agreed to do that.
  4. this has me snort laughing
  5. Two cellphones and ignores calls from Interscope on both. Queen.
  6. also idc what anyone says she def was institutionalized at some point in the last 2-3 years and thats what she's writing about
  7. very pretty but she's on punishment!
  8. ShadesOfFool


    i wish she didn't rap in such a fake accent that city girls collab goes tho >>>>>>>
  9. he's the worst sorry
  10. i dont work jobs bitch i work bitches
  11. Still don’t understand why she does that. Like who films a music video for one song, changes their mind, and just slaps another song over the same footage? Ultraviolence would have made so much more sense at the time if she put it out with its intended video. Luckily, it becoming the freak video wasn’t too jarring at all, but still. The visuals made more sense with the story of UV, especially cause she said it was true to life.
  12. winged eyeliner makes her look 10 years older, she needs that sexy smoky eye back asap
  13. I have no idea who any of her friends are. i only know who chuck is because she ruins everything she touches. but this was cute that she did this and her cringey little dancing is adorable
  14. ShadesOfFool


    i really was a black eyed peas in second grade. fergie was a goddess.
  15. i agree i think she was trying too hard to look happy in L4L and NFR...even she admitted it was a farce in Hope. "They write that I'm happy, they know that I'm not." She has been making stronger illusions to medication (most recently on that Valley of the Dolls leak) and being instituionalized (she talked about 5150'ing herself in Violet and her second poetry is literally called Insights from an Institution).... and she's been kind of erratic lately. cancelling tours, spazzing on fans, her ig meltdown... ofc i'm not a doctor, these are just random observations i've made...but if you put them all together, its something to think about i guess.
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