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Posts posted by rightofjupiter

  1. 2 hours ago, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

    I didn’t even know she dated Shia Labeouf.. like, Rob?? Shia??? her taste in men is questionable. I hope her next relationship is a good one. 


    she's dating the lead dude of the 1975 now..anyways, v excited for new music!

  2. honestly i feel for barrie's gf, it's gotta fucking suck to know that your partner's ex-gf's fans are all over your page. it's enough to make anyone paranoid/insecure/generally upset (it would drive me CRAZY). not saying that user that posted did anything wrong, just that i too would absolutely be shaken up by a) lana being my partner's ex and b) have her fans potentially comparing u to her.

  3. On 12/29/2020 at 6:37 PM, Ramie said:

    Hi everyone!

    Does anyone know what brand and/or model of electric typewriter Lana is using in this video? 

    I hope I've got the right thread. :eek2:  Sorry if this has been asked before lol.

    i can’t make out the logo but it def looks like an ‘80s one- maybe IBM? My mom had one when I was a kid that looked v similar, and I have an 80s one that also resembles this one. sorry not more helpful!

  4. 3 minutes ago, LemonadeHeavens said:

    trump is continuing to say that the election was "stolen from him" and "fraudulent" :eyeroll2: just accept that you lost, and also, if he's going to continue calling it "stolen" and "fraudulent" then the people who support him are not going to stop putting up a fight and it's frightening


    he's a fucking psychopath, i have never hated someone more

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