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Posts posted by rightofjupiter

  1. On 12/22/2020 at 4:12 PM, pinupgirls said:

    I have been a LONG stan of Marina and I must say, the newer tracks sound much more SJW and like a college student project. No hate there, obviously, but I miss the emotional and heavier stuff we saw frequently in TFJ, Electra Heart, and FROOT. While I obviously stand by the lyrics in Mans World, I can't sit here and act like its anything new that we haven't yet heard before. I know she was miserable writing most of her other records due to heavy commercial push and collaboration, but I can't lie when I say I think its some of her best work. I adore Marina, but I think sometimes she needs to be pushed a bit, otherwise we get more bland things like L+F which I played once and never could again. It just didn't "Stick" with me like Electra Heart or FROOT did and I REALLY tried. 


    EDIT: Afterthought, I just am getting sick of heavy "the world sucks theres why" songs and that may be a personal thing. It just feels kinda cliche, and overdone. I agree with all of it and am very progressive, but I just kinda, idk. It just feels contrived sometimes or something. 

    totally agree- I love the sound of mans world (though it’s not breaking any new ground for Marina sonically) but the lyrics don’t offer anything that many many artists haven’t already covered. I don’t think it’s happiness that’s getting in the way tho (who knows what it is) but I agree that she needs to be push/push herself more to explore new and interesting ideas and sounds.

  2. 3 hours ago, lanasbottom said:

    okay so i slowed down the trailer and Lala is clearly in a tornado during the car scene... @IanadeIrey your theory is coming together love i can feel it blowing in. maybe the tornadhoe girlfriend painting WAS a hint/inspiration after all omg we’re really getting our post apocalyptic slutty monster halloween video  :wowcry:

    yeah another thing that’ll be fun about the album release will be connecting the dots to all the COCC references she’s secretly been feeding us...that Yosemite shirt seems to have been a hint after all!

  3. 12 minutes ago, mintconfetti said:

    She’s on Instagram talking about how Capitol Records is not letting her properly release her album and how randomly dropping the album is her worst nightmare. 

    I truly wonder what she means by ‘proper’ though. Like the traditional release, with 1-2 singles to promote the album? If that’s the case, she might want to reconsider because it’s not like she’s going to sell 500k copies in the first week. Just dropping in its entirety and letting people appreciate it is a way to build hype and respect. 

    Well she did say she’s going to explain it all to her fans directly very soon so I guess we should wait (like we’ve been doing for so long). 

    shes alluded to “explaining it all” so many times- at this point who knows. I don’t want to rag on her since who knows, she may have been going through it for the past few years, but any sense of real interest or urgency has been lost at this point IMO. 

  4. 12 hours ago, IanadeIrey said:

    Thank you so much @takeitdoen for that lovely shoutout! <3 I really appreciate your contributions to this site, I think you’re an amazing voice of reason with a lot of intelligent ideas and you’re super articulate :flutter: legend behaviour :oprah:

    and thank you @May Fucking Jailer for the lovely shoutout as well! You’re too kind :kiss:


    I would also like to campaign for a few users! 



    @LemonadeHeavens the way I voted for you for so many categories omg... :wowcry: queen :wub:. This user can always be found throughout the threads, always offering tidbits of information and sharing really insightful ideas. Not to mention - her music taste is IMPECCABLE! LB’s resident Lizzy Grant fanatic :wub: love her <3 LIPSTER OF THE YEAR <333


    @past the bushes @conceptart47 @Nikogo @Fart Deco @wild caged animal you guys just joined the boards this year but it feels like ages with how easy and enriching it is to discuss things with you guys! I think you guys bring the best energy all around and you guys are some of my favs around here. Absolute legends <3


    @Elle @electra - not only are you ladies so beautiful (Lipster *Mommies of the Year :brows:) but your dedication to Lana is inspiring - I really love seeing your collections and it warms my heart to see kind and knowledgeable fans like you two who are able to offer so much insight on Lana and spread joy with your presence. <3 


    @xxmissdaytonaxx love this girl - she is the best and is down for anything and everything; from being delusional in the COTCC thread to bringing us such much-needed realism, to even including us in her AMAZING journalism - this girl brings the best energy and knows how to have fun and contribute meaningfully to the conversation. <3 


     @drugsdesire @bel air roseyou guys are the coolest and really make the boards so much fun! I love the way you guys participate in the conversation around here and your whole vibe! It radiates through my screen lol - your usernames are also so euphonic and sound so good to the ear. Literary legends <3



    @cherri @CHANEL #1 love your guys’ art! @cherri your paintings are GORGEOUS and your style is so incredibly and uniquely you, I love it so much <3 talent unmatched :oprah: @CHANEL #1 I love your edits so much - your cassette collection is to die for. Your style is so refined and has such a professional, sleek quality to it while also having so much character. You know how to serve a visual!

    @DCooper @Pico Boulevard @recklessdaughter @rightofjupiter I love how you guys are so passionate about Lana’s work and how I can always discuss ideas so intellectually with you. I feel that your hearts are always in the right place and you guys are the kindest and most down to earth members here. You guys are some of my favourite members! <3 love you :kiss:

    @new gods @cinnamongirI @Lustformoney @MAX DEL REY @gsnlp @VioletBunny @RormanNockwell @takeitdoen @May Fucking Jailer @Dominikx4 @Yosemite @Doll Harlow @UltraHeroin @HydroponicWeeds @Paris Hilton @sweetcinnamoncherry and anyone else who I’m such a fan of on here that I may have forgotten - love your contributions to this site and really love the insight you bring to the conversation regarding our favourite artist! <33



    Omg big same @lanadelrey ❤️❤️❤️??? thank you for these sweet words

  5. i really hope lana brings more of her sound/sonic world into the rest of the covers– summertime is such a traditional cover in that it doesn't really add anything new to the story of the song. i can appreciate lana staying true to the source material but i so much love the other woman and the good life and was hoping for more of that sound on this record. which i am choosing to believe will come out before the end of the year bc :smokes:

  6. 9 minutes ago, electra said:

    this was exhausting to do and took hours, i think this is probably the biggest collection on photo :crai:


    anyway so this is extreme crackheadery and i've been collecting this stuff for almost like ten years now so i will be taking no smack


    photos and close-ups


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    omg this must be the biggest lana collection in the world?! extremely iconic

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