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Posts posted by rightofjupiter

  1. 13 minutes ago, Dragon said:

    nothing personal but Sylvia's thee most rambunctious specter this fandom'd known. like even more than Casper C88nDzW.gif


    hope miss plath is enjoying the drama from her perch in the ether 

  2. Just now, PatentLeatherDoOver said:

    I forgot she was partnering with Simon & Schuster! That probably means we’ll have the poetry book without any insane delays (since she’s likely working with a deadline). That may also suggest that her hiatus likely won’t be very long. I’m excited now lol 


    same! publishing deadlines (at least w big books) tend to be more strict than w music (which often seems to get delayed, and not just with lana) so i'm hoping that means BTIG is coming sooner than later.

  3. 5 minutes ago, sexyslutboy said:

    my most unpopular opinion is that i really enjoyed violet.  It won't happen, but, theoretically, even if she dropped cocc and decided to do another poetry album instead i would love that :headache:


    i looove violet and have listened to/re-read it over and over...can't wait for more poetry from her too :kiss2:

  4. 4 minutes ago, PatentLeatherDoOver said:

    Sincerely don’t want to get dragged for this, but I’m lowkey excited for the next book! 

    From her description, Violet seemed to be a collection of both old and new poems, and I think Behind the Iron Gates reflects more recent, matured writing. Patent Leather Do-Over honestly blew me away (especially the middle chunk of it), and I’m truthfully way more excited about this project than I was Violet!


    totally agree, "patent leather do over" is magnificent and i can't wait to see how her writing as developed since the poems in violet (some of which are def a few years old). i am HIGH KEY excited and here for any of lana's poetry stans to get hype with!

  5. 3 minutes ago, Nikogo said:

    I’m having major NFR flashbacks to when she was supposed to be releasing an album but she went all Violets mode and ended up delaying both projects :rip:


    I love Violets but....why


    why is she doing this 6 days before her single drops :wtfney:


    she should have posted that three pictures from yesterday one day at a time and then this at least after the single drops 


    she gives her art no time to breath :delicious:


    tbh i think her contract w simon & schuster might be dictating when she has to turn in the new book...but also i think she gives her focus to whatever she's most interested in at any given moment and now that COCC is finished recording she's probs deep into writing poems again.

  6. 2 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said:

    “Compiling” it suggests she’s just structuring the order of the book and getting all her pages formatted for widespread book printing and distribution I guess? 


    i hope she means she's doing final edits/putting the poems in order bc tbh i want this book ASAP...since i already know we're getting COCC soon i have no prob with her peacing out to work on this (though looooool, who else would do that but lana)

  7. ahhh so glad to get news that the next book is happening/being worked on now! doubt it'll come out in march (but who knows? maybe S&S have her locked into a deadline?) but hopefully before the end of the year. adore violets and can't wait for this next one :wub:

  8. On 1/4/2021 at 4:58 AM, Terrence Loves Me said:

    not lyrically, i guess just melody? its never really stood out to me and always felt a little cheesy


    it's def cheesy but that's part of what i love about it...the MELODRAMA. but it prob still wouldn't make it to my top 50 LDR songs.

  9. 1 minute ago, Dragon said:

    I'd love some kind of tea cup n saucer. 
    I know everyone's going this route w the makeup, but honestly, a Lana lip gloss. 
    engraved pens/ letter openers; floral decorated 
    Angel designed earphones/ earrings 



    would love a pen and huge missed opportunity w HIAB to make some cute butterfly jewelry items.

  10. 1 hour ago, Bunny Mozart said:

    The Honeymoon cover is great.


    Yes there are better alternatives but overall the only bad thing is that there is too much text on the front but it's still a gorgeous vibrant picture which captures the essence of the Honeymoon theme very well.

    totally agree, don’t know why it gets so much hate. I think the UO cover is also great.

  11. 8 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said:

    Just voted! :party: 

    And I just want to say that I believe @DCooper @JehovahThikness @recklessdaughter and @rightofjupiter were snubbed for several categories and I hope next year we can all do collectively better and give them the recognition they deserve :oprah3:  but I love all the nominees this year so I’m super excited to be casting my vote for them! <3

    See you on the 17th - I may or may not show up in a dress I got from *the mall* :typewriter:



    aw you're so sweet! i was so excited to vote for many of my fav commenters and just love that this exists– it's my first lipster awards and i just find it so charming and pure and a cute way to start the year.

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