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Posts posted by rightofjupiter

  1. 17 minutes ago, lunar said:

    Hi everyone, I'm really thrilled that I won! But as I just told @rightofjupiter that I already own one of these  much coveted coke necklaces. Sooo without meaning to sound ungrateful or rude...it would really, really make me happy if another member of LB could have the one I won - I've asked that perhaps one of the mods or @Elle could choose from one of u lovely stans. 


    Thanks again for making me feel so welcome on LB :kiss3: and I hope y'all understan :brows:

    thanks lunar- you’ve made someone’s day! I’ll use randomizer to pick a new winner shortly ?

  2. 9 minutes ago, Elle said:


    It also looks like they lowered the shipping cost.. I paid $9.26 for shipping just for the CD yesterday (which I thought seemed excessive) and today it's down to $3.99, which is much more reasonable. I emailed customer support asking if they could either refund me the difference or just cancel my order so I can re-order with the lower shipping cost, so fingers crossed lol x

    ooh plz keep us updated bc I got that $9 shipping fee yesterday too

  3. 1 minute ago, venicebitx said:

    Spam the support mail with your number order and saying you made a mistake, they can’t say that i mean? If it’s not shipped (which is not the case) you can cancel the order


    that's what i'm saying! my soul is devoid of any real will to engage in even the mildest of conflict (and the $40 won't make or break me rn) so i just gave up but yeah it seems hella shady to tell someone they can't get a refund on something that won't even ship for another 6 weeks.

  4. 31 minutes ago, Elle said:


    For some reason, the only state I've heard of where people are placing the US signed CD orders successfully is Georgia, which ironically enough, is where I live right now lol so my CD order went through just fine. So I've had two friends already ship theirs to me so I can reship to them skkkk


    lolol what w the election and now lana shipping we are really winning in GA this year!

  5. idk if i'm just an insane sugar addict but i am v happy w my chromatica oreos (tho i will not be buying another pack). find them v aesthetically pleasing re: the color scheme & fyi put those suckers in the freezer and it's like a teeny tiny ice cream sandwich.

  6. Hi all,


    As many of u know @Say Yes to Heaven is raising funds for rent this month during what is a hard time for so many. I noticed that the gofundme still has a ways to go to hit their goal by 2/4, so I thought I'd make a giveaway to encourage ppl to donate (if they can).


    Donate $5+ and be entered to win a CD or tape of COCC (your choice), or donate $10+ and be entered to win any LDR merch $40 or under currently available on her online stores plus a pair of Caitlin Nicole 14k goldfill stud earrings (Lana has a necklace from her and I received the earrings free in an order I placed but don't really wear stud earrings). Comment here and let me know you donated (plz include whether you're in the $5+ or $10+ category). Gofundme here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-isaiah-with-rent?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1


    NEW ADDITION to the giveaway: an anonymous LB user has generously donated one of the most sought after merch items, the coke necklace/rosary to add to the giveaway! Donate $5+ for one entry, $10+ for 2, and $15+ for five entries. Please comment with the donation amount category so I can keep track! The giveaway/fundraiser will run through Thurs. & I'll use randominzer to pick winners on Fri.


    To recap:


    –Donate $5+: be entered to win a cd or tape of COCC plus one entry to win coke necklace

    –Donate $10+: be entered to win an LDR merch item of your choice ($40 or less) & the Caitlin Nicole stud earrings, plus 2 entries into coke necklace giveaway

    –Donate $15+: to be entered to all the giveaways PLUS 5 entries to the coke necklace giveaway


    Entries open til Thu. 2/4 @ 12am EST; I'll post the winners Fri. 2/5!




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