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Everything posted by rightofjupiter

  1. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    Shades of Cool vs. The greatest
  2. baby if you wanna leave, come to california, be a freak, like me too screw your anonymity, loving me is all you need to feel like i do vs. There are violets in your eyes There are guns that blaze around you There are roses in between my thighs And a fire that surrounds you
  3. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    Heroin vs Terrence Loves You
  4. rightofjupiter

    Charli XCX

    this, the melancholy permeating this bop is so bittersweet and lovely
  5. !!! my fav song on the album and i can't wait to see it
  6. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    Money Power Glory vs. Cruel World
  7. it definitely has way more open space, sonically, than anything else on UV– and i love all the stillness in the song, it helps hold the tension imo. but yeah i def hear u re: not fitting in with the UV sound.
  8. i love guns and roses and dont get the hate for it– to me its so atmospheric and moody, and is just such a vibe overall.
  9. it always bored me to tears and then JUST hit for me this year– sometimes a song takes its time revealing its power to you and all you can do is wait. it may never happen and that's also fine!
  10. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    Summer Bummer vs. Bel Air
  11. two weeks til we get the book! i am still hella excited about this and since I have Tuesdays off am anticipating reading this in my hammock in the backyard
  12. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    Summer Bummer vs. Art Deco
  13. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    Terrence Loves You vs. FIILY
  14. rightofjupiter

    Charli XCX

    my Charli top 3: silver cross thoughts NLC shoutout to 2099, cross you out, gone, and official which are also perfection!
  15. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    Black Beauty vs. Is This Happiness
  16. the new snippets do sound good but they also sound like a lot of stuff marina has already done, particularly re her froot-era sound. i love classic marina so i'm not bummed about a return to form (esp bc like many ppl i find l+f generally terrible) but it would be cool to hear her really do something different.
  17. i feel like full elizabeth taylor-style glamorous chaos is the flavor of the era
  18. i'm sorry if that felt personal! it was not meant to. i feel differently but both (and other) views are obviously valid and no one's pain is for nothing. my comment re: lana and this quote is contextualized by the performance of lana del rey as a pop star.
  19. yeah i'm so curious about how all this will tie into the sound of the album– being that all the aesthetic/interview stuff is the only indicator we have so far for the sound apart from a like, 10 second snippet.
  20. this kind of rhetoric really bums me out and is so corny. i know what's she means but also this is not such a rosy idea for people who experience extreme traumas (some things do just happen by shitty, shitty chance and also state/institutional violence).
  21. we already sort of knew this but lana is in FULL lana drag for this era. highlighted here is the more theatrical archetype of lana as full poet-diva: criticizing discussions of her mental health and performing "crazy" at the same time. lol/i love.
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