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Everything posted by Mer

  1. erie county will tell us which way the state is headed regardless of wether the rest of the vote is in or not, i think. It broke to Obama by huge margins in '08, '12; but went red in '16 by 2 points.
  2. he's almost exclusively based off of 538; which has its own special weighting system of which polls are more accurate. They got it super right in 2018, but they gave Clinton a 60% chance on election day.
  3. technically if (and i'm not saying theres a chance) but IF Biden somehow manages to win NC, FL, and GA all tonight; he can be declared shortly after midnight ET--even if the rust belt states have not reported a final count. A Biden sweep in the sunbelt, which i think is a possibility but not a guarantee or even likelihood, is the only chance we have of knowing the winner tonight.
  4. that was a property tax case. RBG upheld that the land belonged to the tribe, but it was not exempt from property taxes. yes thank you. Trump still has at least 3 paths to victory (including a tie). Biden has 6. No one thinks that means 100% Biden win. But may the odds be ever in our favour
  5. i don’t think he’s confident. he’s reportedly been telling aides he’s worried he’s going to jail if he loses lol.
  6. ya Trump has this in the bag. Obviously a man who yells about cheating before the race has even begun is clearly very confident of his position
  7. i think so too i’m too superstitious to make those statements rip. can’t wait to see trump try and announce pre-mature victory tonight only for all the cameras to shut off on him (even fox has pledged to shut him down).
  8. ^^i just wrote a whole list of things he’ll do. but fuck it. why give oxygen to the flame.
  9. idc what anyone’s “reasons” for voting Trump is. you need to live with the fact that you aligned your voting record with the KKK. and if you call yourself a “christian” or a “patriot”, that should haunt you forever.
  10. i have faith in the fact that he ran a good campaign. he was steady, didn’t get rattled by trumps attack, was consistently the bigger person, and spent his last week in battleground states of PA MI and FL (unlike Clinton, who’s last rally was in Arizona, which she had no shot of winning and wasn’t a battleground state). It worked for him in the primaries, let’s see if he can recreate that magic he used to shockingly beat Bernie.
  11. can’t sleep. why did we ever let it come to this.
  12. i would also like to make it clear, my comment was made in jest. I would never root for Trump to win just to fulfill personal petty-ness. Sorry if it came off as privileged xo
  13. lord help me i'm starting to root for trump so that all these idiot supporters saying "we'll be laughing at you on Wednesday morning liberal snowflake" can see how awful a 2nd term of Trump will be when he botches the vaccine rollout, bankrupts social security, and loses our place as a world superpower to China. You may be laughing come Nov. 4th, 2020--should Trump win--but you certainly won't be laughing in 4 years when the country is broke and the laughing-stock of the globe.
  14. i have two quizzes @new gods look for Georgia, Florida, and North Carolina tomorrow evening. They will report almost all their votes quickly since they've been processing ballots all week. If Biden wins even ONE of these states, theres a greater than 99% chance he'll win the election. If Trump wins all 3, its gonna be a LONG week and a VERY close election (decided by PA).
  15. Also a quick update: A federal judge denied the GOPs request to have 127,000 ballots in Harris County, TX thrown out. So a win for Biden (considering Harris County is one of the most democratic counties in TX). no one's pushing anything back. there has never been an election night where we got 99% of results counted. It's just gonna be harder to make projections this year so we may not know until Wednesday or Friday.
  16. same. i'm can barely focus on my lectures cuz i keep checking FiveThirtyEight and NY Times. I still have PTSD from when I was 16 and watched the NYTimes Prediction Needle go from "90% Hillary Win" to "10% Hillary Win" in the course of 3 hours on Nov. 8th.
  17. "Some have tried to paint my husband as Auntie Gay" -Melania Trump
  18. it’s kinda whack that everyone agrees that the US President is the “Leader of the Free World”, but the “Free World” doesn't actually get a say in who becomes president lol. glad i have my us citizenship so i can vote on behalf of canada and the UK
  19. “a political hit job executed by the Clintons and George Soros” -Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh
  20. i’ve seen so many guys from highschool complaining about the tax increase when they’re middle-management material at best. like dont worry chad ur never gonna make more than 35k a year with ur party school degree. if i didn’t worry about being braggy: i want to post on my insta story “as someone who’s trust fund generates more than 400k a year in INTEREST, i couldn’t give less of a fuck about taxes. stop using it as an excuse to be racist”. ofc i’m too classy to ever say that tho...
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