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  1. Venice liked a post in a topic by Mer in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    Info Dump for anyone who wants to keep up: 
    Michigan has certified its votes, meaning it will send Biden electors on Dec. 14th to vote in the Electoral College. 
    PA will certify by end of day today, the process has began as I type this  Other keystone states of Nevada, Arizona, and Wisconsin will certify on Nov 24th, 30th, and Dec 1st respectively  The Electoral College will vote based off state certifications on Dec. 14th. After the large amount of faithless electors in 2016, there have been legal changes ensuring the EC votes will go to the winner of each states popular vote. Congress will then certify the votes shortly before Christmas.  Biden has announced a few nominations for top jobs in his cabinet (remember this list still requires senate confirmation and is subject to change). 
    Former Sec. of State John Kerry will lead a Climate Change Prevention Group  Former Deputy Sec. of State under Obama, Tony Blinken, will be Sec. of State Jake Sullivan will be National Security Advisor  Linda Thomas-Greene will be Ambassador to the UN (the second Black women to hold the role, I believe, after Susan Rice in 2013-2017)  Alejandro Mayorkas will be Sec. of Homeland Security (the first Latin person to hold the role) Avril Haines will be Director of National Intelligence (and the first woman to hold the job). The Director of the CIA, Trump appointed Gina Haspel, will report to her.  Janet Yellen will serve as Treasury Secretary (replacing the beloved Steve Mnuchin). She will be the first woman in history to hold the job. 
  2. Mer liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in Instagram Updates   
    i just realized the caption is a haiku xx 
    poetry queen 
  3. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Mer in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    Info Dump for anyone who wants to keep up: 
    Michigan has certified its votes, meaning it will send Biden electors on Dec. 14th to vote in the Electoral College. 
    PA will certify by end of day today, the process has began as I type this  Other keystone states of Nevada, Arizona, and Wisconsin will certify on Nov 24th, 30th, and Dec 1st respectively  The Electoral College will vote based off state certifications on Dec. 14th. After the large amount of faithless electors in 2016, there have been legal changes ensuring the EC votes will go to the winner of each states popular vote. Congress will then certify the votes shortly before Christmas.  Biden has announced a few nominations for top jobs in his cabinet (remember this list still requires senate confirmation and is subject to change). 
    Former Sec. of State John Kerry will lead a Climate Change Prevention Group  Former Deputy Sec. of State under Obama, Tony Blinken, will be Sec. of State Jake Sullivan will be National Security Advisor  Linda Thomas-Greene will be Ambassador to the UN (the second Black women to hold the role, I believe, after Susan Rice in 2013-2017)  Alejandro Mayorkas will be Sec. of Homeland Security (the first Latin person to hold the role) Avril Haines will be Director of National Intelligence (and the first woman to hold the job). The Director of the CIA, Trump appointed Gina Haspel, will report to her.  Janet Yellen will serve as Treasury Secretary (replacing the beloved Steve Mnuchin). She will be the first woman in history to hold the job. 
  4. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by Mer in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    Info Dump for anyone who wants to keep up: 
    Michigan has certified its votes, meaning it will send Biden electors on Dec. 14th to vote in the Electoral College. 
    PA will certify by end of day today, the process has began as I type this  Other keystone states of Nevada, Arizona, and Wisconsin will certify on Nov 24th, 30th, and Dec 1st respectively  The Electoral College will vote based off state certifications on Dec. 14th. After the large amount of faithless electors in 2016, there have been legal changes ensuring the EC votes will go to the winner of each states popular vote. Congress will then certify the votes shortly before Christmas.  Biden has announced a few nominations for top jobs in his cabinet (remember this list still requires senate confirmation and is subject to change). 
    Former Sec. of State John Kerry will lead a Climate Change Prevention Group  Former Deputy Sec. of State under Obama, Tony Blinken, will be Sec. of State Jake Sullivan will be National Security Advisor  Linda Thomas-Greene will be Ambassador to the UN (the second Black women to hold the role, I believe, after Susan Rice in 2013-2017)  Alejandro Mayorkas will be Sec. of Homeland Security (the first Latin person to hold the role) Avril Haines will be Director of National Intelligence (and the first woman to hold the job). The Director of the CIA, Trump appointed Gina Haspel, will report to her.  Janet Yellen will serve as Treasury Secretary (replacing the beloved Steve Mnuchin). She will be the first woman in history to hold the job. 
  5. alienprincess liked a post in a topic by Mer in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    Info Dump for anyone who wants to keep up: 
    Michigan has certified its votes, meaning it will send Biden electors on Dec. 14th to vote in the Electoral College. 
    PA will certify by end of day today, the process has began as I type this  Other keystone states of Nevada, Arizona, and Wisconsin will certify on Nov 24th, 30th, and Dec 1st respectively  The Electoral College will vote based off state certifications on Dec. 14th. After the large amount of faithless electors in 2016, there have been legal changes ensuring the EC votes will go to the winner of each states popular vote. Congress will then certify the votes shortly before Christmas.  Biden has announced a few nominations for top jobs in his cabinet (remember this list still requires senate confirmation and is subject to change). 
    Former Sec. of State John Kerry will lead a Climate Change Prevention Group  Former Deputy Sec. of State under Obama, Tony Blinken, will be Sec. of State Jake Sullivan will be National Security Advisor  Linda Thomas-Greene will be Ambassador to the UN (the second Black women to hold the role, I believe, after Susan Rice in 2013-2017)  Alejandro Mayorkas will be Sec. of Homeland Security (the first Latin person to hold the role) Avril Haines will be Director of National Intelligence (and the first woman to hold the job). The Director of the CIA, Trump appointed Gina Haspel, will report to her.  Janet Yellen will serve as Treasury Secretary (replacing the beloved Steve Mnuchin). She will be the first woman in history to hold the job. 
  6. Hallo Heaven liked a post in a topic by Mer in Summertime (The Gershwin Version) Music Video: OUT NOW - November 19th, 2020   
    I wasn't hyped for this album at all till I heard this song. Its so velvety...I hope the rest of the songs she chose are just as lighthearted and airy. We need it after the year we've had.
  7. 111 liked a post in a topic by Mer in Summertime (The Gershwin Version) Music Video: OUT NOW - November 19th, 2020   
    I wasn't hyped for this album at all till I heard this song. Its so velvety...I hope the rest of the songs she chose are just as lighthearted and airy. We need it after the year we've had.
  8. heroindealer liked a post in a topic by Mer in Summertime (The Gershwin Version) Music Video: OUT NOW - November 19th, 2020   
    I wasn't hyped for this album at all till I heard this song. Its so velvety...I hope the rest of the songs she chose are just as lighthearted and airy. We need it after the year we've had.
  9. bel air rose liked a post in a topic by Mer in Instagram Updates   
    maybe just show the stats/evidence if you have such conviction in your claims. 
  10. American Whore liked a post in a topic by Mer in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    anwayssssss...changing off of this topic bc clearly ignorance is preferred to facing harsh truths for some people....
    If Donald Trump had won a 2nd term, it would be the first time in US History that 4 2-term Presidents served consecutively. In fact, there has only been two times in history where 3 2-termers served consecutively: Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe; Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama. So presidents 3, 4, and 5 were consecutive two-termers; and 42, 43, and 44 were consecutive two-termers. We may not have another run like that in a very long time (which is weird for me personally, because I have only ever lived under 2 term presidents so far). 
  11. Mer liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    I hope the history books include how this propaganda changed the course of US history. It’s unbelievable what’s out there and what people are believing. 
  12. shadesofloveduthenandnow liked a post in a topic by Mer in Santa's invaded your house and has given u the chance to receive a cd with 5 unleaked unreleased LDR tracks chosen by you. What would them be?   
    none. selling my soul is not worth 5 lana tracks! 
    edit: oh oops SANTA i read SATAN 
  13. Mer liked a post in a topic by Venice in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    I was a smol child back when Bush won, and am not well-versed in American politics from back then (I'm Canadian)! That being said, despite the current tension, I really do have high hopes for the future with this presidency. That doesn't mean I don't have concerns either, but I do have faith in the good in people. As in, I think most do have good intentions and I guess we'll have to see how things play out over the years. Here's hoping for humanity 
  14. Mer liked a post in a topic by TRENCH in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    I wanna say that the mass media of the United States created the far right followers and Trump as a president and it is 100% their fault. Regurgitating and talking about Trump, QAnon and the Tea Party over and over and over and over did nothing but peak interest over a demographic people who felt left in the dust. Had they not given so much free air time over this despicable man, he would've lost the republican nominee easily. Very unfortunate that over 70 million people are cult followers of a delusional ideology. And I call them that because no real conservative person with a brain would be a Trump follower or supporter. 
    In the end, 70 million people got brainwashed while they call other people brainwashed sheep's. I think we're all brainwashed and we are just arguing as to who is the least b'washed lol
  15. Mer liked a post in a topic by Venice in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    I agree with you. I think all parties generally want the same things in terms of those large-scale goals, and I truly hope for more accessibility and affordability in education. I love the way you think.
    I get you - may everything go over smoothly by that date! PA certifies in a few days which is one of the last and biggest controversial state rn, and while I'm sure there will be no shortage of people who disagree with the results, hopefully there will at least be peace. 
  16. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Mer in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    i think the division is largely illusory, due to both social and mainstream media. i don’t think anyone is actually shunning certain voters in places of business, or even socially tbh—except in cases of true radicalism. the twitter wars back and forth aren’t a good sample of the real, rational ppl that overwhelmingly make up our population (bc real rational ppl have better things to do then fight about conspiracy theories on twitter).  
    and i honestly think most of the 72 million trump voters only voted that way because of misinformation about “the economy”. 
    i do think we’re on the right track, and i’m hoping we continue this by having an administration that makes college more universal. the lack of education (not just college-level education, but the social education one gets in college) is what’s lead us to where we are right now. 
  17. alienprincess liked a post in a topic by Mer in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    I, a 4th year psychology major specializing in sexology, am not about to debate someone on the importance of gender identity/dysmorphia awareness on a thread dedicated to the 2020 US Election and Presidential Transition. So here's a picture of the man Donald Trump thinks is gonna get him the presidency back: 

    also if you are interested in attending January's Inauguration in the Capitol, you can write to your Senator or House Member and you will receive free tickets if they have any left. 
  18. alienprincess liked a post in a topic by Mer in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    anwayssssss...changing off of this topic bc clearly ignorance is preferred to facing harsh truths for some people....
    If Donald Trump had won a 2nd term, it would be the first time in US History that 4 2-term Presidents served consecutively. In fact, there has only been two times in history where 3 2-termers served consecutively: Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe; Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama. So presidents 3, 4, and 5 were consecutive two-termers; and 42, 43, and 44 were consecutive two-termers. We may not have another run like that in a very long time (which is weird for me personally, because I have only ever lived under 2 term presidents so far). 
  19. Venice liked a post in a topic by Mer in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    i think the division is largely illusory, due to both social and mainstream media. i don’t think anyone is actually shunning certain voters in places of business, or even socially tbh—except in cases of true radicalism. the twitter wars back and forth aren’t a good sample of the real, rational ppl that overwhelmingly make up our population (bc real rational ppl have better things to do then fight about conspiracy theories on twitter).  
    and i honestly think most of the 72 million trump voters only voted that way because of misinformation about “the economy”. 
    i do think we’re on the right track, and i’m hoping we continue this by having an administration that makes college more universal. the lack of education (not just college-level education, but the social education one gets in college) is what’s lead us to where we are right now. 
  20. Mer liked a post in a topic by Venice in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    This is how millions people felt like back in 2016. Generally speaking, I’m feeling much better about the US this time around. I think we’re on the right track with a leader who is very interested in unity. Of course, these are heavily polarizing times, but what made everything 100x worse is all about to officially get kicked the fck out  
  21. Venice liked a post in a topic by Mer in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    fam i know ur not contrasting a real genuine problem in our world (nazism) with the bibles equivalent of the boogeyman...
    personally, i’m not anti-republican...i think sometimes less government intervention does results in better prices and freedom of choice. but the modern day GOP doesn’t represent traditional republican values. Trump and the GOP are actually doing a very anti-conservative thing by dictating who gets access to healthcare, abortion, a working justice system, tax cuts, and who’s 401k thrives. If the GOP was lead by Romney, I would disagree with him, but i wouldn’t necessarily think he’s a threat to Western Democracy. If the 2024 Election comes down to Nikki Hayley vs. Kamala Harris, I won’t be having a panic attack if Hayley takes a lead on election night. You see what I mean? No ones saying being conservative is bad, but Trump is no conservative.  
  22. Venice liked a post in a topic by Mer in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    Honestly here for either Harris/Yang 2024 or Harris/Buttigieg 2024
  23. Venice liked a post in a topic by Mer in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    Much to unpack here. 
    I would point you back to what dear @knives said, that human rights aren't "opinions". As for the "legal" argument, actually many "laws" were broken and/or re-written under the Trump Administration. Acting-AG Sally Yates was fired because she would not bend the law to make the Muslim Ban legal. Furthermore, it was also once legal to jail a man for being homosexual, and it was legal to disallow black people from entering your business. Legality =/= morality, or even ethical. 
    I have not heard a single Democrat in the House, Senate, or White House state this. What is your source? 
    Threatened by who? And for what? I think it speaks to great volumes if Trump supporters believe that accountability, equality, and justice are "threatening". 
    https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2020/06/19/what-does-defund-the-police-mean-and-does-it-have-merit/ I urge you to read up on what "defund the police" means. It does not mean "abolish the police". Saying the "other side" does not want to be "rational" sounds an awful lot like condoning police brutality tbh...not a good choice of words. 
    I don't think anyone is calling every Trump voter racist. But, in the act of voting for him, you decided to put the economy and your own financial well-being over the rights of those who do not have the resources you have. You cast an identical ballot to the KKK. You turned your head the other way because it doesn't effect you. Ice Cube, Lil' Wayne, and Kanye West do not live comparable lives to the majority of black Americans (and on that note, neither do I, so I don't feel right projecting my beliefs on others, this is simply my observation). 
    sums it up perfectly. 
  24. Venice liked a post in a topic by Mer in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    this. i always tell my family members: “we can disagree on the path to get there, but we cannot disagree on the end goal”
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