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Everything posted by lanabanana11

  1. lanabanana11

    Jane Remover

    Census Designated is a fucking masterpiece
  2. is there like a mega file/folder some where of like ALL kims leaks? from all the various sessions (FTB, Clarity, problematique, etc) i would love to explore and dive ~deeper~ into miss petras sonicscape
  3. Ok so as an avid Nicki fan since 2010, I have had a few days to listen and I have compiled my thoughts: (disclaimer, Nicki was my #1 fav from 2010-2016, then in 2017 I had my Lana awakening and Nicki got pushed to #2 but regardless, die on the hill loyalty to both, no matter how big the hate trains!) I, like most, had a LOT of expectations for this album, (nicki didnt do herself any favors by proclaiming it her best work to date over the past few months). I will just say it up front, out of all her albums, I would rank this one in last place. I hope this album boosts up Queen, because I NEVER got the slander for Queen. Everyone talking about how Queen "didnt have a hit" blah blah blah... Chun Li is right there, and besides that album had KILLER lyrics, versatile tracklist, good features, and RICH production. But anyways back to PF2. I do like this album quite a bit as far as songs go. As an album as a whole, it is a bit of a hot mess but so is this whole era. The manic rollout, the campy over the top cover art, idk it just all screams big pink hot mess and I kinda live for it. the tracklist tells no story, its like a compilation of songs all thrown on the same record. I do not like the intro track at all. I think Barbie Dangerous, Beep Beep & FTCU deserve to be longer, but only bc they are so good! I was shocked that they were so short, felt a tad under cooked in that sense. The pop tracks, Pink Friday Girls, Super Freaky Girl, Cowgirl etc are all so good and I love them. Heart of Glass sample I hated that song on first listen but now I love it and its always stuck in my head (if I had a dollar for every time I said "you just mad I did it better and first" yesterday...). The sampling was a bit much but I didnt hate any of the samples except for the billie one. Not an amazing show stopping career highlight album, just more of a fun mixtape vibe. I think without the expectations the album is quite alright and very fun!
  4. She confirmed on twitter it’s 22 songs
  5. Physicals having 10 songs is like weird but I feel like this will be a Taylor Swift Midnights situation. It only had 13 songs at midnight when it stopped but by 3am it had 20 songs.
  6. She said on Twitter when asked “how many songs can we shake our ass to” and she said she counted at least 10. So therefore the tracklist has to be more than 10 songs.
  7. Is everyone on this website like…. Incapable of using common sense?? The other week in the slayyyter forum everyone thought the deluxe was scrapped for literally no good reason. And now people are believing this album has TEN SONGS?! Jesus Christ people is this your first time using the internet?? You just believe anything put in front of you? Lord help us. CLEARLY the album is not 10 songs.
  8. lanabanana11


    Ugh and the cover art could have been shame shot but her holding one of the flowers… I think she posted an outtake like that on Twitter I think? Ugggggh it’s never too late. I pray for one of its anniversaries we get this
  9. lanabanana11


    Not dolce vita or new life?
  10. lanabanana11


    question, if she did do the troubled paradise deluxe, what 3 or 4 songs would have been on it?
  11. lanabanana11


  12. lanabanana11


  13. lanabanana11


    I instantly thought this was each pic represents a deluxe track
  14. lanabanana11


    glad i never gave up hope. i notice a lot of people online (not just slayyyter fans) are so quick to think an artist scrapped something just because a willy nilly on a whim release date passes. I remember in spring 2019 people were saying Lana's NFR got scrapped and shes never releasing it because it didn't come out in the first quarter of the year.... like damn people have some patience. my policy is always anything is possible until a new era starts. so unless slayyyter starts her next era tomorrow... I aint giving up hope
  15. lanabanana11


    why are people thinking this? was there a leaked release date that passed?
  16. lanabanana11


    Did she say it’s not coming or something?
  17. lanabanana11


    do we know anything about the deluxe cover art?
  18. That’s exactly it! Thank you so much. So it is an official artwork in some capacity. Thank you!
  19. I have a question that I hope someone here can answer. the cover art for this album is black and white. However it does have a blue tone to it (physical copies, streaming, etc) however when I see the album cover in some tweets from official update accounts and various other places, I see the cover art but with a more slight brown tint to it than a blue tint. Does anyone know where the brown tint cover art came from?
  20. lanabanana11


    Ok I hope her label gives her a few more tracks for the deluxe: -James Dean -Tommy -Starfucker -Makeup ____________ (this is kind of a stretch, I’d be content with the 4 above) -Psycho Lover -Difficult
  21. lanabanana11


    Yes the rope bundle is what I meant haha, even tho it looks nothing like the mock-up, it’s still the one I think about the most. I think all of them are pretty but the only other one I am tempted to order is the orange/red swamp pressing, it looks very unique and pretty! but wow you have quite the collection! I bet they all look very masterful all arranged next to each other
  22. lanabanana11


    i got the boxset. it arrives very soon im excited for it! i originally got the urban outfiters but i didnt like it when i got it so i sent it back in the mail. then i ordered the boxset! which did you get? I'm toying with the idea of getting a second
  23. lanabanana11


    anyone here get any of the vinyls for Zig? I would love to see some of yall's pics
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