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Everything posted by PatentLeatherDoOver

  1. I’m really intrigued to see which direction she heads after Blue Banisters. According to her, this record is essentially a chronology and clarification of her life. While her music has always been rooted in nostalgia and her past, I almost wonder if there will be a heavier emphasis on the present tense after this album. I feel like this attention to the fine details in her writing shaped the soundscape of this record as well, and I think that could be why she elected for a more minimalist production approach to highlight her narrative. Even if LDR9 ends up being the covers record (possibly being a mix of jazz standards & country classics depending on the source), I’m curious what genre she’ll segue into for her 10th record! Personally, I’m hoping she’ll stick with Mike Dean, but we’ll see!
  2. When the song gets released, I may try to filter the acapella and throw some piano over it! The piano by itself gets a little monotonous/repetitive, so I may add some strings to it too! I’ll keep you updated lol
  3. I don’t want to get dragged for certain song placements, but I’ll list my Top 5 predictions as well lol 1.) WFWF 2.) Violets for Roses 3.) Black Bathing Suit 4.) Sweet Carolina 5.) BB (yes I listed 3 unheard songs in my Top 5 lmao)
  4. I…just remembered the Blue Banisters double release era? I think I mentally peaked there. It felt like a fever dream a simpler time
  5. it really oscillates between pure chaos & feral ecstasy….the two extremes balanced as a libra record should be
  6. I’m sure someone’s made this comparison before, but I feel like WFWF will be the Heroin equivalent to this record—a very dark but almost conversational track that reveals something vulnerable about Lana’s life. I adore Heroin, so I really hope there ends up being an unheard song on BB that tops it for me! Fingers crossed for tracks 5 and 15 lol
  7. she always seemed really at ease in interviews with him; I’d love for her to do something similar for BB! Hearing her do a break-down of Arcadia (or any of the singles, really) would be really interesting
  8. the uneasy, feral energy of this forum has me fearing a sc*t attack (and subsequent leak) is imminent.. the last time it happened I was high on edibles…I had a random urge to eat them again tonight, but I’m not sure I want to be mentally scarred like last time
  9. I agree that it doesn’t sound (at least to me) very Dean-esque, and I think it’s possible that he adjusted the production of the song to better fit Blue Banisters. My guess is that they began working together at the latter end of BB’s development (after Simon and Erickson), and maybe she had one last “statement” she wanted to make for the record..or maybe WFWF is just an outlier that she felt would better fit LDR7. We’ll see!
  10. this made me realize I’ve been switching between the two spellings for weeks also did we ever figure out why Lana reversed the words for WW when she posted the tracklist? Like..what is the official title lol
  11. that would be a dream! imagining Roses Bloom For You’s sister song
  12. Omg I love this, and I 100% agree about the Bartender comparison; I got that vibe as well! The title (VFR) itself feels kinda abstract, so I’m hoping we’re in for an interesting song!
  13. Does anyone else have any expectations on the tracks we haven’t heard yet based on their placement/the title? I know it’s not much to go off of, but the thread is moving slowly, so.. 5.) Black Bathing Suit: The Tulsa Jesus Freak of the record—a little less emotionally heavy and maybe the most “sultry” track on the record. 6.) If You Lie Down With Me: I picture it as a track with the lyrical sentiments of Love song and the soundscape of Text book’s verses…except more bluesy. 7.) Beautiful: I have no idea, honestly! Is it about her life? Her lover? Is the title deceptive & we’ll actually get a lyric like with Change’s, “I don’t feel beautiful or stable”? 8.) Violets for Roses: It’s an interesting title, and I feel like the respective meanings of the flowers will be important. Maybe she’ll say something like, “I traded my violets for roses.” 15.) Sweet Caroline: I’m 99% sure it’ll be Lana paying homage to her relationship with Chuck. It’ll be the best piano accompaniment she’s released, but fans will be divided by the track: some will call it one of her best closers (I like to think that it will be), but others will deem it boring because of its production. What does everyone else think??
  14. I know this is unlikely & there’s little to suggest this, but I like the idea of Black Bathing Suit and White Dress potentially being sister songs. White Dress is a somber, almost regretful longing for her past; I think it would be interesting if BBS (considering the upbeat interlude leading into it) were the more positive, sentimental reflection on her youth, for example. Branching off of what another user mentioned a while back, I like toying with the concept of a more mature version of TIWMUG. I think it would have the potential to change the pace of the album a bit, but we’ll see!
  15. White Dress Ride, hope, and Get Free have been my “holy trinity” for a while, and I think it’s time I made room for a fourth
  16. I honestly have really high hopes for SC! If I remember correctly, Rob and Chuck both have some amount of piano training (there’s a video floating around of them playing together), and I know Rob already plays really well. With the song speculated to be about Chuck because of her birth name being Caroline, I’m really anticipating it to be an even more intimate version of something like Cherry Blossom…it’ll be one of her best closers methinks
  17. omg imagine the meltdowns if she did a live performance of Dealer with Miles Kane on Live Lounge or something. I would honestly be really interested to see how it would turn out lol
  18. I was shocked when I saw it! I remember there was some speculation about that line cropping up in her next record because of her Instagram caption & the book she was reading that likely inspired the COCC video. If that ends up being a song/album title/lyric, we’ll mark today down as the prediction
  19. For anyone interested in this kind of thing, I used this AI to generate song titles based off of the Blue Banisters tracklist (as well as the titles from her last two records), and here are some of my favorites: •Run With The Wolves (!!!) •Letter to No One •Wedding Bell Blues •I Don’t Believe in Heaven •Baptism by Fire •Call Your Girlfriend •Pins and Needles •The Ceiling Fan
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