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Everything posted by Chemtrail

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMA2cgbbBKE
  2. Chemtrail

    Azealia Banks

    When will people realise that if you respond to trivial shit like this you're losing too
  3. Why do you care about this when Lana doesn't, and what would it do for you if it did well? This is so stupid.
  4. Oh, idk why I thought it was about Roses Bloom for You but I did
  5. It might be from those sessions but she def said something about it being an intro to Lust for Life
  6. Fingertips is draining but you're fine casually listening to Kintsugi?
  7. Me too. He isn't coming back and we know that now so we let the wind hit us in our face If you know you know I had to slightly joke about this because I honestly miss him
  8. This is short term thinking though. It doesn't matter how popular something was at the time. People will appreciate it later if they don't now because its all great music.
  9. I think she decides how the production will sound with each song she writes and they're all extremely fitting always, so if there aren't any tracks on some albums that don't differ from the sound of the rest, or she doesn't experiment as much vocally or musically then she just wasn't feeling that way. I just see the albums as chapters at this point and some people enjoy her writing about her past or fantasies rather than her reality right now because it doesn't suit what they'd like to dream about or want to live but it's crazy to project that onto her when the songwriting is this incredible. It's not for everybody but nothing is.
  10. Lana clearly likes to document her life with every album. Not everything is going to be energetic and fun.
  11. She's making music for herself and the narrative of each album is pretty much always clear to fans so who cares? The albums are masterpieces
  12. Her music sounds how ever she wants it to. It really makes no difference who she works with. If she didn't like what came from the sessions she would remake the song with somebody else. She worked with Mike Dean for Wildflower Wildfire and didn't release anything else with his involvement, didn't that prove its all up to her?
  13. I don't really know if this is an unpopular opinion but the Carmen music video is a masterpiece.
  14. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-21593264 Here's an article from February 2013 where Lana talks about her upcoming album and Black Beauty.
  15. Caring about music reviews is so boring honestly. Who cares what anyone thinks of something if you enjoy it yourself
  16. Honestly I can't afford to get anything yet and she removed the CD bundle
  17. I don't listen to enough of the newer music to truly be able to agree but she's surely the most prolific artist out there. 10 projects in 11 years. 11 really since Behind the Iron Gates had 200 pages A genius
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