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Everything posted by prettywhenimhigh

  1. my experience was amazing, lana's voice felt like a warm blanket around me I'm sure blue banisters is going to be even more amazing than that I'm so excited
  2. can't wait to tear around in my fucking nightgown listening to dealer
  3. a home made horror film by a 17 year old kurt cobain this is precious
  4. prettywhenimhigh


    it's my favorite I agree that the concept (new gods, climate changes etc) she talked so much about flopped hard but still love it
  5. prettywhenimhigh


    yeah I disagree with them too, the album is pretty cohesive
  6. prettywhenimhigh


    so pitchfork raised BTD's score but did the opposite to miss anthropocene https://pitchfork.com/features/lists-and-guides/pitchfork-reviews-rescored/ Grimes: Miss Anthropocene (2020) 8.2 → 6.9 It was impossible to crush the excitement Art Angels left in its wake. Grimes’ psycho-pop masterpiece was vibrant, intricate, and fucking bananas in the best way. Could it be that some residual elation seeped into the next release cycle? Art Angels was the sound of Grimes shapeshifting in a swift, colorful explosion. On the subsequent Miss Anthropocene, she sounds like a carbon copy of herself—faded and less defined. There are individual songs here that move the needle: the spectacular, detailed “My Name Is Dark,” for instance, but the album itself suffers the same problem as poorly written screenplays: things just happen, with no service to the overall story. The songs here, cloying and timid at worst, seem to lack cohesion—the connective tissue so vital to great albums. —Madison Bloom
  7. Lana Del Rey: Born to Die (2012) 5.5 → 7.8 It’s hard to describe how overheated the discussion around Lana Del Rey was in 2012, when critics eyed her femme fatale persona with cynicism and you couldn’t scroll a Tumblr dashboard without passing a flower crown. But late one night that summer, I set out for a long drive, slid a burned CD in the player, and realized the open road feels like Born to Die, all smooth glossy surface and the riskiest danger around, the kind where you’re the victim. The future looks pitch black and you glide right in. Lana is reaching for something: the fulcrum point where the fear and pain of sexualization start to work as leverage. There is a lot of room to miscalculate; some weaker tracks show up toward the end, and the singing is sometimes less than polished—the best early-era Lana material is the follow-up Paradise EP—but Born to Die turned out to be a sign of things to come, like genre-agnostic pop ballads with hip-hop beats, and the arch, depressive languor that’s more mainstream than ever. Sit back and imagine what the Lana of 2012 would get clowned for now: Singing the opening lines of Lolita? Ordering a “Pabst Blue Ribbon on ice”? –Anna Gaca
  8. omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooooooo happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! girl you two look so adorable, the pic is so cute, frame it
  9. is this an uglier version of the unpopular lana opinions
  10. I don't think so she already got an intense amount of hate back then imagine now
  11. but really if you like the horse dentist one better you should go with it it's your money sis I think you could regret if you don't get it the horse dentist is a great alternative for the fugly standard one, because there's lana with other people and it's a great photo and the neil krug one follows the pattern (except NFR) of having only lana centered in the photo
  12. then I'd choose the neil krug one because there's only lana on it
  13. well I'd choose the horse dentist ad because I already own the neil krug cover CD
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