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Get Drunk

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Everything posted by Get Drunk

  1. gorgeous verses but the chorus lets it down so bad:(
  2. tbh this would be cunt as an outro song…. “Summer’s meant for loving and for leaving..”
  3. I’m gonna be nice these dancers are talented I’m blaming the choreographer (probably Lana’s distant cousin)
  4. The cameras physically unable to get an angle of Lana so they’re stuck with peering through a curtain bye
  5. ok not to be vulgar but did i just see a dancers bare buttocks…..
  6. Obsessed with the dancers clocking off at exactly 11:40
  7. The way the crowd actually is going to think she did her hair on stage because she was late….
  8. “My hair takes so long to do” girl u did it on stage don’t pjss me off
  9. ok who’s that man on the shoulders of that other man.. I need him. And quick
  10. Glastonbury punishing her by making her actually finish her full set rather than pulling the plug🤭
  11. They’re trying to shut her down… stay strong ma’am.
  12. Obsessed with the updated instrumental for this song oh my god.. can someone get a rip of this?
  13. Blake and Lana chemistry and they’re zooming in on the dancers do not piss me off I swear to god
  14. her best song ever I know that’s so fkng right!!
  15. I missed the shoe part and thought she just didn’t wanna sing for a bit
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