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Deadly Nightshade

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Everything posted by Deadly Nightshade

  1. The use of the Rick James vocal sample is just genius I love the camera sound in Is this happiness
  2. I'm so happy she released it officially tbh , such a beautiful song
  3. i’d really like to know if she re-recorded it i really like her vocal take in the new version
  4. I thought that it was a new vocal take Still excited to listen to this version in 4 hours
  5. It's so intriguing to me that it was put under the name Lizzie Grant
  6. For some reason I feel that Without You , French Restaurant , Black Beauty and Life is Beautiful are connected Whenever i listen to them i feel like lyrically and sound-wise they radiate the same energy They give off that bittersweet feeling to me that it's so quintessentially Lana
  7. A thing that confuses me a lot is when people insist that Lana had a persona in the start of her career. I think that she never had a persona to begin with. She was always herself and she chose clothing , certain aesthetics and hairstyles to just perfect her vision. All of these aspects are part of being a visionary and an artist. Her ability to combine her craft with visuals so masterfully is what made her stand out among other artists of her generation. Admitting she had a persona is like doubting a part of her artistic vision imo. CN'S mv made me think of that even more. She was always true to herself even when people believed the opposite, even when people called her superficial for just choosing a specific way to portray her art.
  8. She is so cryptic as well so she has returned the necklace
  9. the video feels bittersweet it made me sad for some reason thinking that she feels that way about her position in hollywood and her fame and how much the scrutiny by themedia has impacted her. I feel like the harsh treatment she has been facing all these years has definitely changed her view on what her career should look like in the future and has shifted her artistic vision in a way.
  10. Listening to this song is a transformative experience
  11. I have a feeling that the looks will be a bit boring this year as well
  12. For some weird reason these photos look recent to me idk how to explain it
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