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Everything posted by barttttender

  1. She seems really proud of that track. Choosing is as the first single. Teasing it twice. Getting Neil to shoot the cover. Not mentioning any other songs for 2 years. It's just so weird that the song sounds so low-key. I wonder if it blows up into a full blown coutry-pop hit.
  2. OMG just when I'd given up. Love the cover! Giving Sylvia Plath and early Lizzy vibes. Like someone said, strange that that other pic leaked on the same day, could be real. And three: she's clearly wanted to drop the single one month exactly before Stagecoach. The other single she was referring to was The Abyss obviously. So, "a couple more before Stagecoach" was on point. We're a bunch of crybabies. Now when is the single dropping????
  3. Whoa, who, whoa. Is your comment about her gig postponement in the U.S.? Her U.S. visa was rejected. What do you want her to do? Clearly, you've never had to go through the awful and dehumanising processo of applying for visas, which in Trump era, can be rejected at any point in time. A colleague of mine in the exact same role had his rejected recently due to being Asian, whereas I got mine as a European. So, if he had had concerts there, he woulda been in the same boat as FKA. Can we have some compassion for artists, please? They, too, need visas and admin, and sometimes it's completely out of their hands. Also, she still put out the finest album of the year so far imo. So, her shit is very much together.
  4. I'm not even feeling that grainy visual. It's giving Blue Banisters MV, but with a veil.. Or, at best, UV MV: the Bride is Back. Can we just have a cool sexy beautifully-shot video again? Not saying it needs to be as dumb as Abracadabra (though that's got 92 million views already...), but another Blue Banisters, Arcadia or White Dress is pretty redundant. I'm manifesting a big cinematic production like Ride/Born to Die/Shades of Cool. Or sexy glam like Young and Beautiful/Blue Jeans/West Coast.
  5. what? The weeknd released 2 massive singles months before the album dropped (timeless, sao paolo). Three if you coun't dancing in the flames which he scrapped due to LA fires
  6. hey baby blue, prettiest girl in c music with niki, and covers. Plus ride
  7. Do you really believe the album is coming out in a couple of months, though? 21st May is less than two months away. We have no single, no videos, no trailer, no official announcements, no links, no pre-orders, no leaks, no insiders. Lana is trolling us again.
  8. Lucky you. My excitement is... dwindling. I just visited the page, scrolled through, and thought "god, this topic is getting tired." No fault of anyone here, of course; you guys are a hoot. But like.... dozens of people waiting around, speculating and cracking jokes about an upcoming album for a year.... when all they know is that there's a song called Henry on it, and a lame-ass title 'The Right Person will Stay' that might change since it had already changed from Lasso into that. It's a testament to y'all that you've made the speculations as fun for as long as you did. But the uneventfulness is
  9. Another theory to kill time. Lana turns 40 this year on June 21st. i reckon she would want the record to drop before then, or on that day. Just because she's concerned with her legacy, and releasing 10 records before hitting 40 is cooler than releasing 9 records. (desperate times call for desperate theorising. Queue rolling desert bush. And scene)
  10. Happy birthday, OB! Definitely in my top 5 LDR albums, and so glad it exists. I listen to AW so often. That track, and the title track are Lana's best album cuts since NFR.
  11. So, LFL came out in July 2017. NFR came out in August 2019. That means 2 years and 1 month is enough for Lana to do her absolute best work. OB came out in March 2023. We're officially past the two-year mark. So, we could be getting a legit masterpiece. (Yes, I'm back on Train Delulu again. Choo-choo!).
  12. 100%. We've had three monochrome/brown covers back to back. Time to bring back color like NFR/BTD covers. With sex appeal, if possible. Sometimes I wonder if the reason why BTD and UV did so freaking well commercially was all the hot-af visuals.
  13. Lord... Never been a part of a seven-month snooze fest before (September-March). Group hypnosis fail is what this thread is 😂 All the manifesting for nothing. Honestly, we should all just leave it until something real happens.... Because we've been mass self-hypnotising ourselves based on Lana's fake-announcements and a one-year old 20-sec song snippet, As far as we know, there is NO ALBUM, until confirmed there is. #truestory #breakthespell
  14. A quarter or the year is behind us. Stage Coach is around the corner. Album release date is 2 months from now. Was meant to come out in September. Last single we go was early July. The single announced sounds like the sequel to Looking for America. Never a longer wait for something so... simple and minimalist. What is going on with this era? Lana's 'fuck you' to the world for losing that Grammy again? 🤔
  15. Or she could use that energy to address her second single / album delay? Her clapping back at fans is pretty petty and is getting tired. Beyonce would never. Like if you know it's just rubbish some online trolls/basic bitches are saying about you, why even read it, for a start?
  16. How can you tell when Lana Del Rey is lying? Her lips are moving. Girle's been trolling us for about a year now.
  17. Hahaha. 🫶🏻 It's my workout track. I probably listened to it as much as AW. So glad we have a proper bop. Love it!
  18. Tough outstreams Carmen on Spotify. Prisoner next. Still doing 222K per day. For comparison, The Abyss, which dropped only a few months ago, is already down to 560K on Spotify.
  19. So, super bored here... And just thinking, if we were ranking Lana's eras in terms of excitement, number of singles, visuals and hype... Not counting AKA singe that wasn't really an era per se because Lana wasn't famous yet, for me, it'd be something like: BTD (Lana's a Star is Born moment with a huge number of singles and high-budget videos, and alt. versions. Boy am I glad to have been there for every second of it! Especially the Born to Die video drop. Epic!) NFR (as protracted as it was, I freakin' loved this era! Remember the trailer? Fire. The Whole surf rock aesthetic of this record, the neon green, the windsurf jacket, the nails, the splash of humor in the videos, Doin' Time playing on the radio everywhere, a whole bunch of singles, a whole bunch of videos, just fire). UV (very solid roll-out, fire singles, especially WC, out of this world visuals, especially Shades of Cool. That was cinema!) Paradise (nothing beats the Ride video, and Burning Desire was solid. The fact that this came out unexpectedly and so soon after BTD. Boy, were we fed!) Honeymoon/Lust for Life (tie) (not the biggest fan of the visuals in either album, but at least we had multiple videos and a solid roll-out) OB (adored our only MV this era, one of her best, and the first two singles slayed... But the choice of 3rd and 4th singles were just weird (The Grants, CN). Another big budget MV for AW or Let the Right in Would have made this era as good as Paradise/UV). COTCC (aside from a decent though lesser-budget-due-to-covid Chemtrails MV, not much to write home about, underwhelming lead single, underwhelming White Dress MV. Still we were fed) Blue Banisters (if BB was the third or fourth single with that MV, fine, sure, great. But the first single? For such an unmemorable song? Nah Was never a fan of Arcadia either, nor its cheap MV. Textbook as a promo single? Puh-lease. Major flop era for me). The Right Person Will Stay ("Ah, geez, what can I say? What can I say now?") Anyone care to share their rating? Be my guest!
  20. Well, it's official. It's Jeremy's bday and still no single lmao. I swear, this "era" is like the musical equivalent of Waiting for Godot
  21. She's the best. <3 Hers and Taylor's fangirling over Lana 24/7 is just so right. People with good ears gotta admire Lana
  22. I still think she will drop the single on Jeremy's bday (tomorrow, 21st). It's the first single she's dropping since they got married. #TeamDeluluRise
  23. Okay, sth. just dawned on me. Hear me out. We keep speculating on the album's genre, wishing for Fenway, going back and forth on somber vs. beats vs. electric guitars, etc. But, back in the real world, we already know what the production will be like: *super stripped-back.* Because Lana herself said "even if it's super stripped-back, I want it to be just right." (Paraphrasing). This also tracks with that "Sirens on a budget" early intel, and with what Henry snippet sounds like. So, there's really no mystery. This will be an album of "When all those who wonders are lost" or "Looking for America" vibes.
  24. I hear ya. Fu*k all of 'em I actually have more faith in whoever said that Jeremy's birthday is March 21st, and she'll drop then. That would make sense actually. Given that it's also a Friday. Also, March 21st is exactly two months ahead of the alleged album release date, and just enough before Stagecoach to make a splash... Shall we take plunge in the *Delulu* poll till tomorrow?
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