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Everything posted by barttttender

  1. Also, imagine having a 9-5 job, which she's never had to do. She has the luxury to chill in restaurants, drive around, hit the studio when she wants, and make a few public performances per year, none of which are even high profile like Jimmy Fallon, the Oscars or the Grammy's. It's mostly her own audience who's paid super big bucks to see her. Let's not open the waterworks for her just yet. Her life is one of a luxury LA diva, and the millions roll on as long as she makes those 13 songs every 2 years.
  2. the OB lead single dropped like 4 months before the record tho didn't it. Then there was AW. In hindsight, that as a decent rollout. Aw was even announced weeks in advance. and now we got two separate single announcements and got stood up both times. Along with the album delay. But i'll stfu. We've all been through this countless times lol
  3. Honestly... what is this track? the chorus stands out like a sore thumb and doesn't fit the rest of it at all. Thought it's kinda a good hook. Like sth lana woulda done during her red riding hood era. The lyrics are clunky af and needed a polish. But they still don't make much sense. I never cared for marina (only liked the robot song), but this is... not converting me.
  4. honestly, she just needs to drop a single and all would be well. God knows she dropped Marine's about a whole year before nfr. The problem is she seems super insecure about the record. One-20sec-snippet-in-2-years kinda insecure
  5. Thanks for sharing. I mean, at this point I would take a fully AI album. Sick and tired of waiting.
  6. https://youtu.be/7lw-RVT4MIY?si=C0WeHrvQwJsq0i5w Just discovered this - super nice.
  7. Has this been posted? https://youtu.be/bC9f57iKvvo?si=d-oZOI_saI4Ekmz4 It's bizarre how close A.I.'s getting to reality. I can't say I like the song, but it's also not that far off from Lana's Blue Banisters levels.
  8. Lana, you've got Fenway, Henry, Tough, Prettiest Girl, Country Roads... Recycle a few old songs (Fine China, Roses Bloom for You), and call it a day... It's been 2 years...
  9. asking an astrologer for the right date to drop is so lana.... She's a bit insecure/nervous that way. but then if i has tens of millions of fans, i'd probably be doing the same thing lmao has anyone calculated if this is now the longest weight between the last lana album and the first single off another. Certainly feels like it
  10. Right?? Tracks like Summer Bummer, Tough, Groupie Love, Ridin', Prisoner, etc. are such a fun listen. Great workout tracks too. It's the rare times that she's in a real good mood. It offsets the moodiness of most of her records. If she puts Tough on 'Person', it'll do the same for the record what Doin' Time did for NFR: add some sunshine to the record. Folks here would loathe that tho. Even though the track accumulated 201,000 streams on Spotify already. 45th most streamed LDR song of all time and about to surpass Shades of Cool. It's her 8th most streamed song this decade after SYTH, SOTB, Chemtrails, LTLI, Margaret, Dealer and SOTB - more ldr.
  11. She said two songs before Stage Coach. We got The Abyss in Feb, the other single probably coming in April to promote her performance there. Maybe March for earlier promo. Let's be realistic, nothing is happening in Feb and March.
  12. I was just thinking about that... Abel's had her on, like, 4 official album tracks. She's only asked him once. A missed opportunity. For sure he wouldn't fit the vibe of The Right Person will Stay (unless the album ends up being more 'the mirror' than 'henry'. But I do hope she invites him soon - even if it's for a solo single ala Tough. As for Taylor or Miley, I'd personally love that. Aside from Stevie Nicks and Nikki Lane, Lana rarely invites girl vocalists to join her. It's been boys mostly (Father John Misty, ASAP Rocky, Quavo, Abel).Both those girls would fit in the country/southern goth style perfectly, as well as boost sales and streaming. They both have such admiration for Lana, too. Speaking of Lane, I need the Prettiest Girl in Country Music on this record! If they perform it at Stagecoach, I'll take it as a surefire sign that it is. The Mirror Henry Prettiest Girl Tough Come on, Lana, that's a quarter of the record already. Just drop it...
  13. The Companion. Super fun, clever, witty, insightful, well-acted. Not so sure about the last 10 mins or so, but overall a gem. 8/10.
  14. She's definitely been over fame for a while now. It became obvious during NFR. Firstly, with songs like The greatest ("I miss doing nothing the most of all"). Then there was White Dress and wondering if she was 'better off' working as a waitress. And then there's contemplating family and what really matters in life on OB. ("I'm gonna take that too with me.") Her MV output has diminished and so has her posting on social. Her music overall is a lot less commerical-minded since LFL, BTD. And then there's the swamp lord from Louisiana and falling off the radar completely. The good news is: to make a living, she needs to put out music and perform at concerts like a circus monkey. So, April she will be alive again at least for a fleeting moment. She's giving Bob Dylan vibes more and more.
  15. She'll prolly do Country Roads, the Elvis cover, a few tracks with Niki Lane and another country guest, and then still perform summertime sadness and other biggest hits. Maximum one new song like henry. Maximum i could tots see her doing bartender, aw and half her usual set. She doesn't give a f.
  16. Edit: Murmurs from the Marsh or Stories from the Swamp With titles, you kinda want to have alliteration (Chemtrails over the Country Club).
  17. Let me love you like a woman. That was... painful. Especially for a first single off a new record at the back of NFR. she said she thought the song will be "big for her." To this day, I have no idea why. It's so Lana by the books, and should have never been a single at all. Wild at Heart was better.
  18. I used to think nothing can save the "live love lough" of the new record title. Not even interpunction or an expletive. But then, by the end of last year, some folks really disappointed me by not being the friends I thought they were, and I realised lana is once again making an album that will match my current era to a tee. She hasn't missed once. Like, i'm getting married this year, and she's just gotten married. We've been in sync since 2012 and I'm sure I'll relate to 99% of things she sings about, including the title.
  19. Shall we do a ranking of these tracks (to pass the time)? Great or good: 1. Say Yes to Heaven 2. Tough 3. Snow on the Beach feat. More Lana 4. Hollywood Bowl 5. The Abyss Meh: 6. Country roads Pretty bad: 7. Blue Skies 8. Lost at sea Don't Even Remember These: 9. Alma mater 10. Suburban House 11. Life Lesson
  20. That's crazy. There's an album's worth of tracks there. No wonder she's late with the actual album lmao.
  21. The way Jack Antonoff doged bullets being asked about it in that interview.. He knew she was starting from scratch (like 5 years into it).
  22. I'm fine with the Youtube version of that song. Any version. Fine China > Cherry Blossom, Living Legend, Text Book, and like half the songs on BB. Never understood why she keeps skipping FC
  23. told y'all. She was only compensating for the september blip. I expect nothing till July.
  24. i can understand that perspective. For me, gaga's abracadabra already sounds dated and it came out last week. I still like tough tho. tough like the stuff in grandpa's glass works well for me. Not a cliche and very country, which what they were going for. Kinda warm too, which is rare to hear in a bop (again, just look at abracadabra and the mumbo jumbo chorus there).
  25. The funny thing is, it doesn't even sound like a big song for her. It sounds like a Chemtrails B side... Never a longer wait for something so minimal and subdued.
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