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Everything posted by barttttender

  1. Well, where I live, when I put on extra pounds, my doctor raises it as a concern. Most doctors do nowadays. Especially if you're 10 Kg+ overweight. But I can totally imagine that doctors in the US think a bit differently, which would explain the number of obese Americans. It is the birthplace of fast food and McDonalds, after all. however, this is the top result on Google on the topic of "does being fat means you're unhealthy? The idea that someone can be "fat and fit" — that is, overweight but still healthy — has been around for some time. But don't be fooled. "The latest science is quite clear that excess weight can carry considerable health risks, including a higher risk for heart attack and stroke. So, again, y'all need to get real - being fat is not cool. Especially not for a pop star who little girls look up to. p.s. You can go fuck yourself too.
  2. Lmao! i love how 'fuck off' is cool with the admin. But pointing out someone looks unhealthy (which is what being being fat means, in case you didn't know) is frowned upon. i love Lana to death. But what am i supposed to say??? That she looks great! Nope. I don't live in PC America, where apparently guns in schools are cool but "body shaming" is not. I mean, cry me a f-ing river. ?
  3. Really? Warned by an admin for expressing an opinion on the aesthetic of a pop star's PUBLIC appearance? Is this a joke? Like, is this real life? WOW. So, this is how far PC America goes. Whatever happened to f-ing freedom of speech?
  4. Omg. The weight and the outfit - probably her worst look ever. mod note: user was warned for this post
  5. It's such a fully realised album. And there are no pointless filler tracks like Diet Mountain Dew, Coachella or The Next Best American Record. It flows so, so well. As a whole, it's definitely among her best albums. My only issue with is that there are no cool upbeat tracks to liven up the mood a bit. Like what Doin' Time or High by the Beach did for NFR and Honeymoon. i know she was going for folksy, but folk songs can be a hit too. Basically, it's her worst album when it comes to singles and the first one that's not charting at all single wise. Like, I appreciate she doesn't care about making a hit. But I still wish she would keep the 'one song for the general public and the radio' approach that kept her in the charts before.
  6. more then half of bieber's numbers is great for lana. And 2nd place is higher than NFR. This is good. Especially for an album with slow singles with zero commercial appeal and radio play
  7. what about the us? When are those numbers coming out?
  8. A change of sound would be good, Personally, i miss the gangsta nancy sinatra and big over the top songs like blue jeans. (Even tho i love nfr to death) something more upbeat and fun would be great. Like sweet serial killer. But i think lana has no interest in making this kinda music
  9. it's definitely not her; whoever is scating in the cast is half the size of lana. Probably the same girl who does the skating in the vid, only wearing jeans. i mean, lana simply doesn't have a shape like that anymore.
  10. same ranking as mine, except WD is no 1 one of her her best tracks ever
  11. i am dying? Am i the only one who loves this metaphor tho? but she's reached the maximum time she's used it.
  12. she will never release a new album on july 1 mark my words. she's taking the piss and will delay it countless times like she did with nfr ang chem. Basically, she just got the idea to make a rock record with dealer on it and probably hasnt even found a producer. I mean she just said to annie mac that she's exhausted all her supplies and it's the first time she doesn't know what she'll be doing next like slate clean. So what is she on about?
  13. Dont let me be misunderstood? I hate them both actually and never listen to them / hence the confusion lol
  14. Hi guys, Happy album coming out day! I was wondering which album do you prefer? I chose Honeymoon for the comparison because it's the slowest and sits alongside Chemtrails as one of Lana's most languid/meditative records, So which album is your favourite? My answer: while I always appreciate an upbeat Lana track like High by the Beach, I'm going with Chemtrails. It's a shorter, more cohesive, and a more consistently good record. Honeymoon's lows are really, really low (Freak, The Other Woman), while Chemtrails' lowest points are still listenable at least (For Free, Breaking up Slowly) as background music. More importantly, nothing on HM blew my mind like White Dress did except maybe The Blackest Day - but that song didn't have much staying power. Don't get me wrong - I still love Honeymoon. But Chemtrails - 7.5 (one big hit/upbeat song would have really made this come together more and land at 8.5, to join White Dress and Wild at Heart as the holy trinity) Honeymoon - 7 (without Freak and The Other Woman and a shorter running time, this would have been so much better) Let me know your thoughts p.s this was supposed to be a new thread but ended up here ??‍♂️
  15. I disagree. Firstly, NFR and Chemtrails have completely different production, the latter being more simplistic (although minimalist is what I would use personally). With strings on NFR, like 300 guitars on VB, surf drums on FILY, jingle bells on Disappear, etc - there's so much going on on NFR production wise. It just isn't 'simplistic'. If anything, most of Ultraviolence features a standard rock band type of production - a few guitars, bass, drums and a singer, drenched in reverb.
  16. Glad you love it. I rank it second right now i think. i do love ultraviolence, but the bonus tracks are some of her worst songs ever, and i detest the other woman. the rare lana song i can't listen to past the 10 second mark
  17. there's nothing simplistic about tracks like The Greatest or Venice Bitch, and especially not a 1 hour long record that touches upon so many themes and production styles. You're using the word incorrectly, and devaluating the artists' contribution - simply because it doesn't work for you. Let me know which part of this statement is untrue? Hey! Go easy on Bart-t-tender:)
  18. you should really google the word 'simplistic' before sticking it everywhere. peace NEWS. Where?
  19. so strange how people have completely different opinions. for me, it's her sweetest and most cohesive record. like if dorothy gale made an album at 35 travelling the mid west. and yes, it's very languid and summertime sadness fans will be like wtf. But the whole point of the record is lana making the kind of music she wants to make and thinks is good and escaping the constrains of the music industry and the public, I play it in the car and just enjoy the ride. Go to a diner, chill out. It's just a meditative Americana record about finding oneself. It's simple (one-note some would say), but that's its charm you can always go to other records, not every one will be for you it's fine
  20. yeh the video is meh. It will get like 3 million views. Gone are the days of BTD and UV videography. But it dont matter cuz the song is GOLD. no let me love you was way worse. Shot in her car and edited on imovie in an hour
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