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  1. Elina liked a post in a topic by honeymo0n in Lana at Tin Nails Spa in Metairie, LA - February 22nd, 2025   
    did not expect to see a fight starting in a thread about lana's nails..
    either way, the design is beautiful, altho i do agree they look a bit chunky
  2. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by honeymo0n in Lana at Tin Nails Spa in Metairie, LA - February 22nd, 2025   
    did not expect to see a fight starting in a thread about lana's nails..
    either way, the design is beautiful, altho i do agree they look a bit chunky
  3. Cow liked a post in a topic by honeymo0n in Lana at Tin Nails Spa in Metairie, LA - February 22nd, 2025   
    did not expect to see a fight starting in a thread about lana's nails..
    either way, the design is beautiful, altho i do agree they look a bit chunky
  4. Embach liked a post in a topic by honeymo0n in Lana at Tin Nails Spa in Metairie, LA - February 22nd, 2025   
    did not expect to see a fight starting in a thread about lana's nails..
    either way, the design is beautiful, altho i do agree they look a bit chunky
  5. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    Is there something you’d like to share with the rest of the group (that won’t get you into legal troubles of course)? 
  6. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    Let’s hope it’s more July than September. I’d love a new Lana album for the summer. 
  7. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by blueskiesforever in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    this is from lanabrazil on Twitter

  8. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by reyybtddd12 in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    (I forgot about bad bunny sorry lol)
    I'm glad it's for July! This means we're close to the singles release times, the tour would be great for her to promote TRPWS tbh.
    I really hope it's not May, because at that point we wouldn't have time to start the new era and it would be very rushed.
    and there are already several rumors about Lana delaying the album again, which isnt upsetting to me, stagecoach IS getting near, and this means new singles, hoprfully. My idea is that she will release a country/country adjacent single to play at the festival, and honestly I just want to know the taste of her country 
  9. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by reyybtddd12 in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    🚨🚨 news?
    A leaker with some reliable information on Twitter (he already confirmed Gaga's appearance on SNL, TW x Lana's collab, several tour dates and other announcements from other artists), said that Lana is expected to release new songs from january to march. 
    on the list he made in January, so far only Gaga has released something, so Can we finally expect something?
    (ALSO they have been saying Lana has been postpone some tour dates announcement since last month)
    and it also makes sense to have a March release, but maybe Lana will postpone the album to June/July, a little before the tour or even after.
    love was released on february, while lfl was released on july, and she also said 'a few songs before stagecoach' so are we finally getting something?

  10. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by ever in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    she will drop 2 singles in a row just like mac x vb 
  11. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by Embach in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    I want Lana to reference "Boom Like That" but not as that way like that banger song but like, she says that line in a totally different context and melody
  12. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by X8vinylScratchX in The Weeknd and Lana Del Rey - "THE ABYSS" - OUT NOW!   
    I’m sorry but every Weeknd song sounds the same
  13. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by honeymoon is alive in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    IT’S A MESS. 
  14. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by 320kbps in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    i was excited but honestly this song is kinda giving katy perry or something it's not for me...... 
  15. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by Escapism in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    well….as of right now if i enter a state of denial in which i do not to remember this is the same woman who wrote TFJ, EH, and FROOT i can say i am able to enjoy this song the same way i enjoy 90s/2000s europop like toy box and cascada 
    but the song kinda reminds me of one that would be a hit among the youtube nightcore videos with a low quality anime drawing stolen from someone’s deviantart for the thumbnail in the early 2010s…. 
  16. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by jimmyjimmycocoapuff in Songs that disappointed you when they first leaked/released   
    thankfully they redid the song and the More Lana version is now a winter classic!
    Storytime: Last week it was snowing like crazy, and I have a "beach" near my place (it's on a river) so I wanted to take a walk to experience "snow on the beach"- well this was in a blizzard, and I almost collapsed and passed out walking thru 3 feet of snow. I didn't even make it TO the beach   the sacrifices I make for Miss Del Rey-
  17. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by Embach in Songs that disappointed you when they first leaked/released   
    when Ocean Blvd title track dropped and after listening to it for the first time i was like "okay", like it was beautiful but somehow everyone's reactions here made me think that it was a huge epic song like idk Video Games or Born To Die, i had way bigger expectations but it only clicked with me like in 2023 or something when i heard an orchestral mashup of it on instagram or somewhere i don't remember but at that time i was like fuck, it's really THAT song, it really is huge.
  18. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by brandon in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    2015: I’ve been dancing with the devil, I love that he pretends to care
    If I’ll ever get to heaven when a million dollars gets you there
    Oh all the time that I have wasted chasing rabbits down a hole
    When I was born to be the tortoise, I was born to walk alone 
    2025: Red, Gold, Orange, Blue
    White, Green, Violet too! 
    a decade can really make you stop caring about bridges i guess! 
  19. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    okay, so... i decided to listen to the song, and i'm only 1 minute in, and... it's bad! i agree with everything @111 is saying i fear...
    her vocals sound really robotic, instrumental is too polished, yet very bland and uninspired, also... don't even get me started on the high-pitched vocals which i'm pretty sure are just sung by a kid, horrible artistic choice and genuinely painful to listen to
    i think fans have every reason to be upset about the fact that an artist they loved, who once made genuinely insightful, interesting songs, like are you satisfied?, obsessions, mowgli's road, state of dreaming, and valley of the dolls, is now making cringy, derivate songs which are meant to be "empowering" but say absolutely nothing new, inspiring, or beneficial to anyone, which is exactly what the entertainment industry tries to sell to people, especially women, while providing nothing of substance   how unfortunate! i can't see them playing this monotonously and mindlessly over the speakers of forever21 while people buy their cheap ugly polyester dresses due to the high-pitched kid vocals... maybe they could try justice instead! 
    her singing voice is too beautiful for shit like this
  20. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    I can’t believe we finished her best era in terms of not talking about anything about the album, songs, dates, etc. - Ocean Blvd - except for maybe a little teaser on her W magazine, which was perfect, to her worst when it comes to teasing and talking about the title and announcing two false dates wayyyyy in advance… 
  21. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    new album title Messages From The Swamp
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