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Everything posted by Honeyyoung

  1. Del Norte County doesn't sound like a baddie title lord help us
  2. Desire No California (cali anti era)
  3. i don't want ldr9 to sound like anything she's ever put out, i would love if she just did something completely new and unexpected
  4. i mean seeing them together at the variety event, mike awarding lana, her calling kali uchis up and wanting to collab with migos, there's a chance this new album is mike dean produced and more hip-hop influenced i assume, or atleast more up tempo. but for all that we know she might scrap it and make NFR 4.0 COCC 3.0 and BB 2.0
  5. i mean she's a human machine, any time between her albums were because she was touring or because of the vinyl delay, so i don't think the speed she makes these songs influences on them sounding similar, it's just her vibe right now, or it WAS her vibe (better be)
  6. can someonee quote what BOZ said? and if it's just a "cute" collab it better not be a piano song
  7. literally like there are so many creative merch ideas she could have. like if they literally sold a yellow dress like the one she wore in the album cover or idk tex and mex earrings or like an arcadia sign necklace. the possibilities are endless and we get this?
  8. imagine thinking that the queen of rap doesn't have talent
  9. HBTB plays after two ballads in a row as well so what's ur point
  10. her blonde hair is beautiful but only if she takes care of it right. it's didn't suit her at all when it was all messy during parts of the cocc era
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