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Everything posted by Sportscruiser

  1. Lana and Zach Bryan need to work together, if she’s gunning for a country duet. He even shared Ride on his insta story the other day. I feel like I have a harder time predicting the overall themes of this record - with her previous four albums it was easier, given everything that happened when those albums were being made. Also, every album kind of showed us what she was heading next, specially the LFL-NFR and BB-Ocean transitions. With this one… I actually have no idea. I can’t see her going to a direction where she’s being anything less than deep and introspective but I also don’t think she’s going to be tackling her family stuff forever? Ocean kind of felt like her definite statement on those themes.
  2. I have a hard time being enamored by the music he’s making or the forced “please I’m a top, not a bottom!!!” aesthetic and overall stances on several interviews and across social media. I know, I know… it’s supposed to be mindless fun and easily digestible pop music but it’s seriously boring, generic and disappointing because it lacks the nuance of his previous work. It’s just very very vapid work that doesn’t even succeed at the very low goalposts of consumable sexiness - he doesn’t look sexy and lacks the star power to pull it off. And again, every time he goes out of his way to tell everyone he isn’t a bottom was understandable at first (twinks shouldn’t be automatically categorized as bottoms) but now feels a bit backhanded - are you ashamed of being called a bottom, actually? Do you feel the need to reinforce you’re a top because you want to defy stereotypes or because you think being perceived as a bottom is not something you want for your appeal as a pop star? I have conflicting feelings about this but I’m mainly just bored out of my mind with him this era because I can see the wheels spinning behind every thing he’s been doing and that’s a turn off in general.
  3. I’m actually excited. Her foray into gospel with The Grants paid off. She’s incredibly talented, I’m not afraid of any direction she chooses to take.
  4. She will get major Grammy nominations again. You can feel it in the air.
  5. We’re about to get the full Chemtrails experience again. Shes honestly so stunning. I think this is my favorite photoshoot of this era after the Interview Mag one.
  6. Her vision of country has always been different than most. She considers Ride, Video Games and a few other of her popular songs as country-leaning or with country sensibilities. I’m not a huge country fan myself but even her most country songs (namely the ones in Chemtrails) are amazing and done in a very uniquely Lana fashion. I’m not scared of her going Americana/Country at all. It’ll be special.
  7. God, I love reading her thoughts. She always says things in a way that feel slightly cryptic, like she’s either keeping much of her thoughts to herself or simply because she’s still processing reality as she goes. Or both. I adore her. Great interview and photoshoot. She’s definitely getting those Grammy noms.
  8. I absolutely loathe that she’s still singing Summertime Sadness. Enough is e-fucking-nough. At least Y&B still makes thematic sense. Also, I’ll never forgive her for not integrating Thunder and Let The Light In in the setlists. Those two back to back make more sense as a live performance than… Arcadia. And nothing from Honeymoon is ridiculous. Other than that, I love her on stage.
  9. Sportscruiser

    Doja Cat

    Balut is amazing. Incredibly consistent era so far, this album will be even better than her early stuff. Wow.
  10. sorry, it’s just very confounding that someone blatantly said they’re not a feminist like what
  11. how are you not a feminist? you don’t believe in equality?
  12. It’s me and trust me - I would be a terrible terrible model. I prefer to stay behind the cameras
  13. Iconic picture with username combo. Very Y2K!
  14. I can’t tell you enough how many times the second time she sings that brings me to tears. There’s just something about it
  15. Funnily enough my favorites are very different from the previous user LOL. I think she strengths as an artist are more evident in non-ballad mode.
  16. There’s a dour ballad here and there but overall I think it’s balanced. Not a bad album overall, just heard it fully.
  17. All American Bitch is actually an amazing opener? And the Pretty When You Cry reference really suits the song. Then the song transitions perfectly to Bad Idea Right lol omg. I can’t believe Olivia is making me eat crow. Will listen to the rest now.
  18. Idk which one I’m supposed to give an era too so I’m gonna do both: - Coloringbooks is May Jailer - KingsMotel gives me 2010 Lana
  19. Honestly, I wouldn’t hate this if it had a Lizzy Grant twist. Make it creepy, complex, mysterious too.
  20. No features on her last album unless it’s Weyes Blood or Alex Turner. Or SZA. I used to love The Weeknd but he’s creatively bankrupt and I don’t see a feature between them that wouldn’t parrot previous themes they already explored. I’d be down with Rocky but I don’t see it happening.
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