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  1. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by taco truck in Sky Ferreira   
    i'm not a big enough fan to do that honestly, and there is really no point she will just get angry or lie lol 
  2. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Sky Ferreira   
    sky ferreira stans are like lizzy grant stans getting excited over a newly surfaced potato recording 
  3. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by hisdruidess in Sky Ferreira   
    She did pretty dull and that’s a solid win for us butttttt if she also added I can’t say no to myself it would be a perfect set fr
  4. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by KimKaDAB in Sky Ferreira   
    Sky suddenly playing pretty dull after 10 years is kinda the confirmation that she lurks here on lb sometimes
  5. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Sky Ferreira   
    The sound quality in those ear pieces is Pretty Dull, I hear.
  6. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by 111 in Sky Ferreira   
    there's 3 things in this world that sky ferreira will fight till the end of her days... capitol records, halsey and those fking earpieces
  7. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by melodrama in Sky Ferreira   
    Can you guys bring some MASOCHISM signs OR ask her about the album and Capitol drama? A gay needs to do it for us please 
  8. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by 111 in Sky Ferreira   
  9. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by lanasugarysweet444 in Sky Ferreira   
    The instrumental is the best part of the song actually 
  10. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by melodrama in Sky Ferreira   
    Well we can't even hear that right in the live video
  11. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by melodrama in Sky Ferreira   
    her playing Pretty Dull means nothing. she plays it because she knows it will never release and she literally has nothing else to play. also it can't even be considered “played” because the mixing was beyond terrible and you could only hear some dirty back instrumentals and her whispers.
  12. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by Air in Sky Ferreira   
    Her playing pretty dull is so funny cuz somehow she always snatches BACK... My faith reinvigorated 
  13. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by SinclairKills23 in Sky Ferreira   
    Oh my god, I know! 111 is obsessed with Sky and has been for years. You don’t like her?Just move on! It’s simple. She’s not perfect, obviously. But all these essays slamming her for half a decade are getting OLD. Also said he has songs but won’t release them for whatever reason. If he actually didn’t like her, the songs would be out a long time ago, but here we are with nothing. Trolling at its best. 
    Also, everyone who calls him out is asked if they’re Sky or her mom, cos apparently that’s the go-to response. Been on LB almost a year and haven’t been on this thread the whole time, cos I don’t like just Sky Ferreira.
    Just thought I’d call it out the way I’ve seen it after seeing this thread over the years. 
  14. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Sky Ferreira   
  15. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by lonely lonely night in Sky Ferreira   
    i'm squirming just listening from home i can't imagine being in the room while she performs. the second hand embarrassment from hearing her stop mid song to self deprecate would send me out the door lol. like she sounds fine and nobody gives a fuck about the sound issues, if you're so worried about that stuff then dedicate more time to sound checking but once you're on stage girl just fake some confidence and put on the damn show people are paying you for
    i know she's just singing the pretty dull chorus in a lower octave bc she can't hit the notes but i actually like it lol
  16. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by melodrama in Sky Ferreira   
    Why no one tortured her with MASOCHISM questions yesterday ?
  17. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by taco truck in Sky Ferreira   
    My concert is tomorrow 
  18. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by 111 in Sky Ferreira   
    you know what let me still drag her ass
    it was acceptable for the pitchfork 2019 performance... ok she had sound issues fine.
    it was FINE again for the first show she did last year... it had been years since performed, WHATEVER.
    but after a dozen shows she still can not sing to save her life? or fix these "sound issues"? that's what SOUNDCHECKS are for, but i can tell she don't show up for those because this can not be the result of someone practising and putting in the effort to make a high quality show. even her band is struggling at points. what does she do seriously? does she just give them all the songs to learn and shows up to the stage and expects it to go great? these shows are giving soundchecks with the amount of times she restarts a song or one of the band members is playing wrong or her vocals can't be heard (i bet her chain smoking ass hasn't trained or warmed up her voice in years)... people need to stop making excuses for this, y'all are paying money to go see this woman act an unprofessional fool on stage while putting on her moody victim mask being like "oooh this is the worst show i've ever done" well whose fault is that mary? has she ever said sorry or apologised for any of these messy ass shows?

  19. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by Air in Sky Ferreira   
    She's giving warmth and health 
  20. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by details in Sky Ferreira   
    rehearsing beforehand is something people actually do! sky should try it
  21. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by rollwithme in Sky Ferreira   
    Okay people who were at the concert confirmed it was real! I think we can move now.
    Sky was pretty upset during it because of the sound issues. Hopefully she isn’t discouraged from performing it for the rest of the tour.
  22. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by rollwithme in Sky Ferreira   
    OMFG why are there no videos?????
  23. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by hisdruidess in Sky Ferreira   
  24. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by rollwithme in Sky Ferreira   
    No she didn’t
    edit: maybe she did????
  25. EmptyPromises liked a post in a topic by KimKaDAB in Sky Ferreira   
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