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Everything posted by mssainttropez

  1. She has something up her sleeve for sureee. Right after Lasso drops she’s going to announce a cunty trap album
  2. Chuck and Lana are SO gorgeous I can’t Alsooo I just realized Chuck is wearing the necklace Lana has worn (in my pfp) “It’s giving Vegas” is something I would say, lol <3
  3. mssainttropez

    Song vs. Song

    Chemtrails Over The Country Club vs Velvet Crowbar
  4. I agree with this, but I wouldn’t mind a few covers. I don’t want the covers to replace original tracks though. If she had 14 original tracks and 3 covers, I would want it to go to 17 tracks rather than cutting out some of her songs if that makes sense. I also would LOVE a Dolly feature.
  5. I feel like the mermaids would be bopping to it
  6. mssainttropez

    Song vs. Song

    COCC vs For K Pt 2
  7. *21 as it’s my birthday <3 Also these are stunning, I need Lana to do big hair again with little curls
  8. I was blasting this yesterday, soooo iconic <3
  9. mssainttropez

    Song vs. Song

    Black Bathing Suit vs Honeymoon
  10. Currently craving a bittersweet Dolly Parton I Will Always Love You type of beat with an acoustic guitar
  11. mssainttropez


    Bring Me To Life finally hit 1b streams on Spotify x
  12. Bel Air always transports me to this heavenly atmosphere in the sky- quite literally heaven. I also envision rose gardens with angel decor, almost like the garden of Eden, with rays of light shining down.
  13. The way that was my fav song when BB dropped, so I overplayed it. Now I rarely listen to it
  14. I think she didn’t want to go at first because she didn’t want to take the attention away from Taylor, but then it seemed like she wanted to.
  15. Idk if lavender is considered a flower, but lavender or burning hearts
  16. As far as I’m aware of, we only know it’s a one minute song (sorry if I’m wrong). I really hope there’s a longer version out there somewhere…
  17. It’s only 6:50 AM my time, meaning it’s 5:50 AM in California. It’ll probably be out in the afternoon or evening
  18. I agree that she’s cute but compared to Pink Champagne?! Also, I’m curious what your top 5 would be on COCC just to see if LMLYLAW is justifiable (in my opinion).
  19. we better be getting leaks from scrapped tracks
  20. Sucking up to Lana possibly Even if that’s not the case, I personally don’t critique someone’s content on their post. Charlie obviously cares about it, so I feel like it would be rude to discourage what he just put out. It’s obviously not the best, but there’s other places to discuss that, yk
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