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Everything posted by mssainttropez

  1. Aww they’re both so beautiful and I absolutely adore their outfits I wonder if Lana met up with Sofia as well
  2. American Beauty vs Edward Scissorhands
  3. This pained me to choose, so I ended up going with the one I relate more to at the moment!! And I won't cry myself to sleep like a sucker I won't cry myself to sleep If I do, I'll die I pray your life is sweet, you fucker Damn you vs Let me love you like a woman Let me hold you like a baby Let me shine like a diamond Let me be your one time beauty queen You don't know the world like I do You don't know how good our love can be Let me love you like a woman Let me take you to infinity
  4. I’m wallowing in sadness right now When was the last time you smoked weed?
  5. The Blackest Day: looking for love, in all the wrong places, oh my god ↓ Paradise: love you like I never loved anyone Earthquakes to Pink Champagne
  6. I wanna say a few months ago, I have a really hazy memory, lol When was the last time you bought a pair of shoes?
  7. American Beauty vs Closer
  8. mssainttropez

    Song vs. Song

    Lucky Ones vs Pink Champagne
  9. Jesus, walk with me I don't have anything I can offer up to you But Jesus can comfort me I don't really wanna drink, some powder will do Heaven is on Earth I have peace and that's more than you I can live in the light like a maniac In the stars attack, in the zodiac vs And I won't cry myself to sleep like a sucker I won't cry myself to sleep If I do, I'll die I pray your life is sweet, you fucker Damn you
  10. David Bowie vs Stevie Nicks
  11. IM SCREAMING AT THIS… I’m going with Katy’s just because I haven’t seen Moulin Rouge Katy Perry: Part Of Me vs American Psycho
  12. mssainttropez

    Taylor Swift

    THIS!! Every time I see someone post hate for TTPD, they almost always say “it could’ve been a 10/10 if it weren’t for the anthology.” It reminds me of BTD and Paradise- they’re two separate albums and deserve to be treated as such. I think the biggest reason why many people aren’t big fans of TTPD is because of the anthology which is separate from the standard album as you said x
  13. mssainttropez

    Song vs. Song

    Heroin vs Lucky Ones
  14. mssainttropez

    Song vs. Song

    HELP I WAS GOING TO REPLY WITH THE LAST POST WITH THIS AND THEN SAW YOU ALREADY DID IT Anyways, I’ll choose something different- The Blackest Day vs Fishtail
  15. mssainttropez

    Venice Bitch

    I was dancing around to this song in the shower yesterday, hehe. I luv you, VB, you’re a masterpiece
  16. isn’t strange that you’re not here with me </3
  17. Despite Jeremy’s beliefs, they still deserve basic privacy?? It’s creepy and invasive to photograph them at his own home. I’m not defending Jeremy’s political views, I’m just saying that he still deserves basic privacy, and Lana especially does x
  18. 13bitches AKA shadesoflovedyouthenandnow - 11 The Siren - 30 lustforlife - 33 lanaswildflowers - 15 arcadialovesong2018 - 1 sparklejumpropenoose - 11 Acid - 27 Prettiest Boy In Country Music - 13 Eugene - 11 Strangelove - 8
  19. Out With A Bang: meet me in the morning, wrap your arms around me ↓ Summer Bummer: wrap you up in my daisy chains Summer Bummer: hip hop in the summer ↓ Summertime Sadness: I got that summertime sadness Pin Up Galore to Yayo
  20. mssainttropez

    Song vs. Song

    Salvatore vs The Blackest Day
  21. mssainttropez

    Song vs. Song

    Heroin vs Video Games
  22. mssainttropez

    Song vs. Song

    Heroin vs Pawn Shop Blues
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