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Thats why they call me Dita

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Everything posted by Thats why they call me Dita

  1. Well I think we already knew this wait.. I think I read this in the wrong context
  2. Oh.. I just managed to get the same colour way for a fair price too.. so I suspect I’m getting shit quality too
  3. The data is sending me cos when I was a child some kids tried to wind me up saying I must love maths cos my names data.. I was like Tf
  4. David hasselhoff lol Edit; whoops, was meant for nowhereinparticular but tana you can take it
  5. What bootleg is supposedly the best copy.. I feel like I need this on vinyl but I can’t decide which one
  6. We do NOT need a Lana x drake collab
  7. If anything comes of this.. let it be an official release of UFB
  8. It’s weird though, to heavily insinuate Lana is his soul mate and say there’s nothing would stop you being together if he still is with his partner.. I expect she wouldn’t be happy about that lol
  9. I’m manifesting a love her madly cover by Lana after the comment earlier in this thread
  10. Omg and love her madly straight after.. Barrie what are you doing to us
  11. We’re in sync, I also booked in my filler app a couple days ago.. it’s been a while
  12. This is us trying to decipher the track titles of ocean blvd from literal pixels all over again
  13. I see it like.. the stars and sun coexist at the same time, but they are never together. So, like, knowing somebody is out there and knowing you’ll never see them and missing them forever
  14. This is hell.. do I take advantage of the UO HM prices being lower recently.. even though they’re still £200+.. or wait it out to see if any more represses are due..
  15. The tea emoji.. what does it mean..
  16. Snippets are the best retaliation we could get hmm
  17. No but fr, even if a song does transpire from this USB, it will likely be as anticlimactic as that
  18. True Tbf. If anybody randomly rang me up and requested I collected a USB and downloaded files or just even post the usb to them.. I’d instantly think it was something sinister.. even if with the knowledge of it being an insider wanting their little hour of fun
  19. Not unreleased syndrome please, we don’t need Strangeloves bad behaviour to return
  20. Zodiac here we come. Cos 100% we are getting nothing out of this
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