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Daytona Beach Sparkler

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Everything posted by Daytona Beach Sparkler

  1. OH I just KNOW that this is gonna be groundbreaking
  2. Omg I just realized the livestream literally starts at 2 am for me and I can't stay up that late I literally have the sleep schedule of an old person
  3. For some reason I thought Coachella would start on the 14th but then I realized that Coachella is literally tomorrow
  4. Ok I'm just gonna say it at this point bc it's bugging me: I know the difference between being inspired and straight off copying someone, and I know that Billie has said that she's inspired by Lana a lot and has praised her. I also know that Lana seems to be fine about being a huge inspiration to Billie. However, I feel like the Lana's influence on this new album is a little bit too heavy and is seemingly crossing into rip-off territory, unintentional or not. I definitely know what it feels like to be heavily inspired by someone or something, but this feels a little bit too much. The album title, song titles, and visuals are a bit too Lana-esque and it seems like Billie is almost copying her at this point IMO. If Billie says that the album is heavily Lana inspired and is even a Lana tribute, then that's fine. But if she doesn't, I feel like that would be extremely wrong of her and that it would cause a lot of problems. So yeah, that's all I wanna say. P.S, I'm an ex-stan who was obsessed with her music in like 2018-2019, so I know what her music sounds like and I could recognize Lana's influence. TL;DR : I know the difference between inspiration vs copying, and Billie's new album seems so heavily inspired by Lana to the point where it enters rip-off territory and it seems like she's copying her, unintentional or not.
  5. I was gonna say some stuff but then I realized I might get jumped
  6. Orange Juice is really poor in taste... Like the whole song just translates to "bulimia isn't good" and the metaphors used in this song and this song specifically are not it Mrs. Potato Head and Tag, You're It clear so hard
  7. I used to be insanely obsessed with Portals back then and I used to think it was the perfect album. Looking back I was definitely on drugs . Portals was definitely disappointing and she nearly totally butchered it. The only thing saving the album was the only good 1-2 songs. What was also disappointing was that she wasted interesting visuals on such a sucky album Other than that I still like Crybaby, K-12, and some songs from After School. It also annoys me how she puts 13 songs on the standard edition, like at that point just put 15
  8. Also before I get comfortable on this thread, I would like to say I'm an ex-fan who hyperfixated on her and used to listen to her music religiously last year. One day I randomly stopped listening to her and that's that . She has some pretty good songs in her discography, but looking back I was definitely blinded by my hyperfixation and now I'm realizing how questionable some of the songs are
  9. I said it once and I'll say it again, the outtakes are 100% better than almost all the songs on Portals
  10. I just wanna say that I hope we get another spaghetti western sounding song like the Trio interlude
  11. I'm trying to make my pfp a gif but it's not letting me It keeps saying that the file isn't allowed despite it having ".gif" in the URL
  12. Some of these collab suggestions... Lord have mercy
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