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Everything posted by dxniell

  1. Literally this twink had a go at me and my friend for ‘pushing’ when we were being pushed from each side. also should mention he only sang summertime sadness and video games and made sure he blocked my view the whole time ☺️
  2. I know right like… I’m still here near the front of the general thing but low-key I’m dying in all the smoke and vape 💗
  3. This is the TRENCHES I’m done someone HELP ME
  4. that one bass boosted snippet of lana singing ‘dont…. stop’ https://krakenfiles.com/view/i9r3aEl33L/file.html 🙏🏻
  5. does the miss daytona website have the download of the iTunes purchase ?? curious as I have always used that one
  6. Will they start shipping at the end of september? I see it says its being released on the 29th of september???
  7. Since people are bringing discord into this, I saw someone on the lana discord server say there are making a ‘Lana Del Rey mental hospital game’ on roblox can someone pls explain what this means
  8. I got the tier 2 general access tickets today I’m screaming and so eternally greatful. Just out of curiosity does anyone know if prices will continue to increase/ will increase by the official release?
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